About the Authors
Giancarlo Zaccone has more than ten years of experience in managing research projects
both in scientific and industrial areas. He worked as researcher at the C.N.R, the National
Research Council, where he was involved in projects relating to parallel computing and
scientific visualization.
Currently, he is a system and software engineer at a consulting company developing and
maintaining software systems for space and defense applications.
He is author of the following Packt volumes: Python Parallel Programming Cookbook and
Getting Started with TensorFlow.
You can follow him at h t t p s ://i t . l i n k e d i n . c o m /i n /g i a n c a r l o z a c c o n e .
Md. Rezaul Karim has more than 8 years of experience in the area of research and
development with a solid knowledge of algorithms and data structures, focusing C/C++,
Java, Scala, R, and Python and big data technologies such as Spark, Kafka, DC/OS, Docker,
Mesos, Hadoop, and MapReduce. His research interests include machine learning, deep
learning, Semantic Web, big data, and bioinformatics. He is the author of the book titled
Large-Scale Machine Learning with Spark, Packt Publishing.
He is a Software Engineer and Researcher currently working at the Insight Center for Data
Analytics, Ireland. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the National University of Ireland,
Galway. He also holds a BS and an MS degree in Computer Engineering. Before joining the
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, he had been working as a Lead Software Engineer with
Samsung Electronics, where he worked with the distributed Samsung R&D centers across
the world, including Korea, India, Vietnam, Turkey, and Bangladesh. Before that, he
worked as a Research Assistant in the Database Lab at Kyung Hee University, Korea. He
also worked as an R&D Engineer with BMTech21 Worldwide, Korea. Even before that, he
worked as a Software Engineer with i2SoftTechnology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
I would like to thank my parents (Mr. Razzaque and Mrs. Monoara) for their continuous
encouragement and motivation throughout my life. I would also like to thank my wife (Saroar) and
my kid (Shadman) for their never-ending support, which keeps me going. I would like to give special
thanks to Ahmed Menshawy and Giancarlo Zaccone for authoring this book. Without their
contributions, the writing would have been impossible. Overall, I would like to dedicate this book to
my elder brother Md. Mamtaz Uddin (Manager, International Business, Biopharma Ltd.,
Bangladesh) for his endless contributions to my life.