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SAS software provides many different techniques to monitor in real time and investigate your data, and several groundbreaking papers have been written to demonstrate how to use these techniques. Topics covered illustrate the power of SAS solutions that are available as tools for fraud analytics, highlighting a variety of domains, including money laundering, financial crime, and terrorism. 欺诈分析与SAS pdf SAS软件提供了许多不同的技术来实时监控和调查您的数据,并且已经编写了几篇开创性的论文来演示如何使用这些技术。涵盖的主题说明了SAS解决方案的强大功能,这些解决方案可用作欺诈分析的工具,突出了各种领域,包括洗钱,金融犯罪和恐怖主义。
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: Baesens, Bart. 2017. Fraud Analytics with SAS
Special Collection. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
Fraud Analytics with SAS
: Special Collection
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Table of Contents
Money Launderers Beware! Catching You is Just a Point and Click Away
By Renee Elizabeth Palmer, SAS Institute, Inc.
Minimizing Fraud Risk through Dynamic Entity Resolution and Network Analysis
By Danielle Davis, Stephen Boyd, and Ray Ong, SAS Institute, Inc.
Alerts Don't Launder Money (or Finance Terrorism) - People Do!
By Kathy Hart and Malcolm Alexander, SAS Institute, Inc.
Adding a Workflow to Your Analytics with SAS
Visual Investigator
By Gordon Robinson and Ryan Schmiedl, SAS Institute, Inc.
Counter Radicalization through Investigative Insights and Data Exploitation Using SAS
By Lawrie Elder, SAS Institute, Inc.
You Imported What? Supporting International Trade with Advanced Analytics
By Susan Trueman, SAS Institute, Inc.
Investigating Connections between Disparate Data Sources with SAS
Visual Investigator
By Brooke Fortson and Gordon Robinson, SAS Institute, Inc.
Fighting Crime in Real Time with SAS
Visual Scenario Designer
By John Shipway, SAS Institute, Inc.
Addressing AML Regulatory Pressures by Creating Customer Risk Rating Models with Ordinal Logistic
By Edwin Rivera, Jim West, and Carl Suplee, SAS Institute, Inc.
About This Book
What Does This Collection Cover?
Current thinking in fraud detection is moving away from the silo approach and recognizing the need for a more
proactive and holistic approach to data and analytics. An isolated event may be flagged as suspicious, but
without a complete view of the interplaying relationships, the investigator might ignore it.
SAS software provides many different techniques to monitor in real time and investigate your data, and several
groundbreaking papers have been written to demonstrate how to use these techniques. In this free e-collection,
we carefully selected a handful of these from recent SAS Global Forum papers to introduce you to the topics
and to let you sample what each has to offer.
The following papers are excerpts from the SAS Global Users Group Proceedings. For more SUGI and SAS
Global Forum Proceedings, visit the online versions of the Proceedings.
For many more helpful resources, please visit support.sas.com and sas.com/books.
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