Learn how to create interactive and visually aesthetic plots using the Bokeh package in Python Key Features A step by step approach to creating interactive plots with Bokeh Go from nstallation all the way to deploying your very own Bokeh application Work with a real time datasets to practice and create your very own plots and applications Book Description Adding a layer of interactivity to your plots and converting these plots into applications hold immense value in the field of data science. The standard approach to adding interactivity would be to use paid software such as Tableau, but the Bokeh package in Python offers users a way to create both interactive and visually aesthetic plots for free. This book gets you up to speed with Bokeh - a popular Python library for interactive data visualization. The book starts out by helping you understand how Bokeh works internally and how you can set up and install the package in your local machine. You then use a real world data set which uses stock data from Kaggle to create interactive and visually stunning plots. You will also learn how to leverage Bokeh using some advanced concepts such as plotting with spatial and geo data. Finally you will use all the concepts that you have learned in the previous chapters to create your very own Bokeh application from scratch. By the end of the book you will be able to create your very own Bokeh application. You will have gone through a step by step process that starts with understanding what Bokeh actually is and ends with building your very own Bokeh application filled with interactive and visually aesthetic plots. What you will learn Installing Bokeh and understanding its key concepts Creating plots using glyphs, the fundamental building blocks of Bokeh Creating plots using different data structures like NumPy and Pandas Using layouts and widgets to visually enhance your plots and add a layer of interactivity Building and hosting applications on the Bokeh server Creating advanced plots using spatial data Who this book is for This book is well suited for data scientists and data analysts who want to perform interactive data visualization on their web browsers using Bokeh. Some exposure to Python programming will be helpful, but prior experience with Bokeh is not required. Table of Contents Bokeh installation and key concepts Plotting using glyphs Plotting with different data structures Using layouts for effective presentation Using annotations, widgets and visual attributes for visual enhancement Building and hosting applications using the Bokeh Server Advanced Plotting with Networks, Geo data, WebGL and Exporting plots The Bokeh Workflow: A case study
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