1. **资产(Assets)**
- **流动资产(Current Assets)**
- **现金及约当现金(Cash and Cash Equivalents)**
- **库存现金(Cash on Hand)**
- **零用金/周转金(Petty Cash/Revolving Funds)**
- **银行存款(Cash in Banks)**
- **在途现金(Cash in Transit)**
- **约当现金(Cash Equivalents)**
- **其它现金及约当现金(Other Cash and Cash Equivalents)**
- **短期投资(Short-Term Investments)**
- **短期投资-股票(Short-Term Investments - Stock)**
- **短期投资-短期票券(Short-Term Investments - Short-Term Notes and Bills)**
- **短期投资-政府债券(Short-Term Investments - Government Bonds)**
- **短期投资-受益凭证(Short-Term Investments - Beneficiary Certificates)**
- **短期投资-公司债(Short-Term Investments - Corporate Bonds)**
- **短期投资-其它(Short-Term Investments - Other)**
- **备抵短期投资跌价损失(Allowance for Reduction of Short-Term Investment to Market)**
- **应收票据(Notes Receivable)**
- **应收票据(Notes Receivable)**
- **应收票据贴现(Discounted Notes Receivable)**
- **应收票据-关系人(Notes Receivable - Related Parties)**
- **其它应收票据(Other Notes Receivable)**
- **备抵呆帐-应收票据(Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts- Notes Receivable)**
- **应收账款(Accounts Receivable)**
- **应收账款(Accounts Receivable)**
- **应收分期帐款(Installment Accounts Receivable)**
- **应收账款-关系人(Accounts Receivable - Related Parties)**
- **备抵呆帐-应收账款(Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts - Accounts Receivable)**
- **其它应收款(Other Receivables)**
- **应收出售远汇款(Forward Exchange Contract Receivable)**
- **应收远汇款-外币(Forward Exchange Contract Receivable - Foreign Currencies)**
- **买卖远汇折价(Discount on Forward Exchange Contract)**
- **应收收益(Earned Revenue Receivable)**
- **应收退税款(Income Tax Refund Receivable)**
- **其它应收款- 关系人(Other Receivables - Related Parties)**
- **其它应收款- 其它(Other Receivables - Other)**
- **备抵呆帐- 其它应收款(Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts - Other Receivables)**
2. **存货(Inventories)**
- **商品存货(Merchandise Inventory)**
- **寄销商品(Consigned Goods)**
- **在途商品(Goods in Transit)**
- **备抵存货跌价损失(Allowance for Reduction of Inventory to Market)**
- **制成品(Finished Goods)**
- **寄销制成品(Consigned Finished Goods)**
- **副产品(By-Products)**
- **在制品(Work in Process)**
- **委外加工(Work in Process - Outsourced)**
- **原料(Raw Materials)**
- **物料(Supplies)**
- **在途原物料(Materials and Supplies)**