// readBmp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bmp.h"
BYTE * G_cpPicRGB_Data; // 全局变量,加载和保存时存放的图像数据
int G_nPicWidth = 0; // 全局变量,picture width
int G_nPicHeight = 0; // 全局变量,picture height
void LoadBmp ( char *cName );
void SaveBmp ( char *cName );
void Get_Pic_RGBStruct_Data(PicData * pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out);
void Set_Pic_Data(PicData * pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in);
void RGB2YUV(double* imageY, double* imageU, double* imageV, PicData* pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in);
void YUV2RGB(PicData* pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out, double* imageY, double* imageU, double* imageV);
double Clamp(double dbData,int min,int max);
int main()
double *image_Y;
double *image_U;
double *image_V;
char* cFullName_in = "image_in/pic0001.bmp";
char* cFullName_out = "image_out/pic0001_out.bmp";
PicData * pPic_RGBStruct_Data;
LoadBmp (cFullName_in);
pPic_RGBStruct_Data = (PicData*)(malloc(G_nPicHeight * G_nPicWidth * sizeof(PicData)));
image_Y = (double*)(malloc(G_nPicHeight * G_nPicWidth * sizeof(double)));
image_U = (double*)(malloc(G_nPicHeight * G_nPicWidth * sizeof(double)));
image_V = (double*)(malloc(G_nPicHeight * G_nPicWidth * sizeof(double)));
SaveBmp ( cFullName_out );
return 0;
void LoadBmp( char *cName )
FILE *fp = 0;
int ni = 0 ;
int nj = 0 ; // no user
int LineBytes ;
unsigned char PadZeros[4] ;
if ( cName == NULL )
printf( "[LoadBmp]:please enter right file name\n" );
return ;
if ( ( fp = fopen( cName, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
printf( "load bitmap false \n" );
return ;
fread( &fileheader, sizeof( fileheader), 1, fp ); // read bmp file header information
fread( &infoheader, sizeof( infoheader), 1, fp ); // read bmp info header informaiton
G_nPicWidth = infoheader.bWidth; // picture width
G_nPicHeight = infoheader.bHeight; // picture height
LineBytes = ( G_nPicWidth * 24 + 31) / 32 * 4;
if ( fileheader.bType != 0x4D42 ) // check picture is or not bmp
printf( "this pic is not bmp\n" );
fp = NULL ;
return ;
if ( infoheader.bCompression == 1 ) // check picture is or not compression
printf( "this pic is Compression\n" );
fp = NULL ;
return ;
fseek( fp, fileheader.bOffset, 0 );
G_cpPicRGB_Data = (unsigned char *)(malloc(G_nPicHeight * G_nPicWidth * 3 ));
for ( ni = 0 ; ni < G_nPicHeight ; ni ++ )
for ( nj = 0 ; nj < G_nPicWidth ; nj ++ )
fread( G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) *3 , 1, 1, fp ) ;
fread( G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) *3 + 1, 1, 1, fp ) ;
fread( G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) *3 + 2, 1, 1, fp ) ;
if ( (LineBytes - G_nPicWidth * 3) > 0 )
fread(PadZeros, sizeof(unsigned char), (LineBytes - G_nPicWidth * 3), fp);
fp = NULL ;
void SaveBmp ( char *cName )
FILE *fp1 = 0;
int ni = 0;
int nj = 0;
int size = 0;
int LineBytes ;
if ( cName == NULL )
printf( "[SaveBmp]:please enter right file name \n" );
return ;
fp1 = fopen( cName, "wb" );
if ( fp1 == NULL )
printf( "[SaveBmp]:open file false\n" );
return ;
LineBytes = ( G_nPicWidth * 24 + 31) / 32 * 4;
size = fwrite( &fileheader, sizeof(fileheader), 1, fp1 );
size = fwrite( &infoheader, sizeof(infoheader), 1, fp1 );
for ( ni = 0 ; ni < G_nPicHeight; ni ++ )
for ( nj = 0 ; nj < G_nPicWidth ; nj ++ )
fwrite( G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) * 3 , 1, 1, fp1 ) ;
fwrite( G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) * 3 + 1, 1, 1, fp1 ) ;
fwrite( G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) * 3 + 2, 1, 1, fp1 ) ;
if ( (LineBytes - G_nPicWidth * 3) > 0 )
fwrite(G_cpPicRGB_Data + ((ni * G_nPicWidth) + nj) * 3 + 3, sizeof(unsigned char),
(LineBytes - G_nPicWidth * 3), fp1);
fclose( fp1 );
fp1 = NULL;
void Get_Pic_RGBStruct_Data(PicData * pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out)
int i,j;
BYTE * pPicRGBData = G_cpPicRGB_Data;
for (i=0; i < G_nPicHeight; i++)
for (j=0; j < G_nPicWidth; j++)
pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out->R = *(pPicRGBData++);
pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out->G = *(pPicRGBData++);
pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out->B = *(pPicRGBData++);
void Set_Pic_Data(PicData * pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in)
int i,j;
BYTE * pPicRGBData = G_cpPicRGB_Data;
for (i=0; i < G_nPicHeight; i++)
for (j=0; j < G_nPicWidth; j++)
*(pPicRGBData++) = pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->R;
*(pPicRGBData++) = pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->G;
*(pPicRGBData++) = pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->B;
void RGB2YUV(double* imageY, double* imageU, double* imageV, PicData* pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in)
int i=0;
for (i=0; i< G_nPicWidth*G_nPicHeight;i++)
*(imageY) = 0.257*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->R + 0.504*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->G +
0.098*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->B + 16;
*(imageU) = -0.148*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->R - 0.291*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->G +
0.439*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->B + 128;
*(imageV) = 0.439*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->R - 0.368*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->G -
0.071*pPic_RGBStruct_Data_in->B + 128;
*(imageY) += 0.5;
*(imageU) += 0.5;
*(imageV) += 0.5;
*(imageY) = Clamp(*imageY,0,255);
*(imageU) = Clamp(*imageU,0,255);
*(imageV) = Clamp(*imageV,0,255);
void YUV2RGB(PicData* pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out, double* imageY, double* imageU, double* imageV)
int i=0;
for (i=0; i< G_nPicWidth*G_nPicHeight;i++)
double r,g,b;
r = (1.164*(*imageY-16) + 1.596 * ((*imageV) - 128));
g = (1.164*(*imageY-16) - 0.813 * ((*imageV) - 128) - 0.391 * ((*imageU) - 128));
b = (1.164*(*imageY-16) + 2.018 * ((*imageU) - 128));
r +=0.5;
g +=0.5;
b +=0.5;
pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out->R = (BYTE)Clamp(r,0,255);
pPic_RGBStruct_Data_out->G = (BYTE
- 1
- 2
- 3