### X-Modem 文件传输协议详解 #### 一、引言 X-Modem 文件传输协议是由 Larry Jordan 提出的一种用于通过电话系统在计算机之间进行文件传输的技术方案。该协议旨在解决数据传输过程中可能遇到的问题,如电气噪声导致的数据错误等。通过确保能够检测到数据传输错误并重新发送包含错误的数据,X-Modem 协议为实现“无错误”数据传输提供了一种方法。 #### 二、背景与问题 在早期的计算机通信中,异步奇偶校验错误检测被认为是确保数据正确传输的关键手段。然而,这种校验方式仅能告知数据传输过程中是否发生了错误,并不能自动触发错误数据的重传。此外,大多数 IBM PC 的通信软件包并未真正执行奇偶校验错误检测,即使执行了,也可能不会及时通知用户发生错误的情况,从而无法立即重新发送数据。 例如,ASCOM 软件会在检测到奇偶校验错误的位置放置一个星号,但用户可能直到文件传输完成后才发现这些错误。因此,为了实现真正的无错误数据传输,需要一种更为可靠的文件传输技术——这就是 Andrew Fluegelman 在 PC-TALK III 中引入的 X-Modem 协议。 #### 三、X-Modem 协议概述 X-Modem 协议是一种用于文件传输的协议,它定义了一套规则和约定,使得不同硬件品牌或软件包之间的参与者能够正确通信。X-Modem 协议规定了一组 ASCII 握手字符及其序列,这些字符和序列被用于执行特定的文件传输功能。通过握手信号,通信软件可以传输文本、数据和机器代码文件,并进行复杂的错误检查。 然而,使用 X-Modem 协议的一个限制是,通信链路两端的计算机必须使用兼容的软件;没有标准来控制这些协议,几乎所有具有协议文件传输选项的通信软件包都使用了独特的协议。这意味着企业或人群需要标准化其微计算机通信软件才能利用协议传输的优势。 #### 四、X-Modem 协议特点 1. **错误检测与纠正**:X-Modem 使用 CRC(循环冗余校验)算法进行错误检测,这是一种更可靠的方法,比简单的奇偶校验更能发现错误。 2. **分块传输**:将文件分成固定大小的块进行传输,每个块都有自己的错误检测机制,这允许只重新传输受损的部分而不是整个文件。 3. **握手过程**:通过一系列的握手信号(如 ACK 和 NAK),接收方可以告诉发送方哪些数据块已被成功接收,哪些需要重新发送。 4. **兼容性**:尽管没有成为官方标准,X-Modem 因其简单性和效率而得到了广泛应用,并且有许多实现版本,包括 X-Modem-1K 和 X-Modem-128 等。 #### 五、X-Modem 协议的应用场景 - **远程文件传输**:X-Modem 可用于在远程计算机之间传输文件,特别是在网络连接不稳定的情况下。 - **嵌入式系统开发**:在嵌入式系统开发中,X-Modem 作为一种可靠的文件传输协议被广泛采用,尤其是在没有高速网络连接的情况下。 - **备份与恢复**:在备份和恢复系统中,X-Modem 协议可以用来安全地传输重要的数据文件。 #### 六、总结 X-Modem 文件传输协议作为一种成熟的解决方案,在早期计算机通信中起到了重要作用。虽然随着网络技术的发展,更高效和复杂的协议已经出现,但在某些特定领域和应用场景下,X-Modem 仍然因其简单性和可靠性而备受青睐。对于需要在不稳定网络环境下进行文件传输的任务,X-Modem 仍然是一个值得考虑的选择。
By Larry Jordan
When transferring files between computers using the telephone
system, there is always the chance that electrical noise will
result in data transmission errors. To ensure proper transfer of
files it is necessary to detect data transmission errors and to
retransmit data that contains errors. Most people think that
asynchronous parity error detection provides that capability. It
does not. Parity error detection does tell you when a data
transfer error has occurred, but it is up to you to retransmit
the data to correct errors. The problem is that parity error
detection is not actually performed by most IBM PC communication
packages. If a package does perform the error detection, it may
not inform you of errors in such a way that you know to
immediately retransmit the data. ASCOM, for example, places an
asterisk in a file where parity errors are detected, but you
may not realize the errors occurred until long after the file is
transferred. To ensure "error-free" data transfer you need a
protocol file transfer technique. Andrew Fluegelman has added
such a technique to PC-TALK.III called the XMODEM protocol.
A protocol is a set of rules and conventions that apply to a
specific area of communications that allow participants to
properly communicate regardless of the hardware brand or software
package being used. The protocol file transfer is a set of rules
for transferring files which specifies a set of ASCII handshaking
characters and the sequence of handshaking required to perform
certain file transfer functions. Protocol handshaking signals
code files, and to perform sophisticated error-checking. The
handicap in using protocol file transfer techniques is that the
computers on both ends of the communications link must be using
compatible software; there is no standard that controls these
protocols and almost all communication packages that have a
protocol file transfer option use a protocol unique to that
package. This means that a business or group of people must
standardize its microcomputer communications software to take
advantage of protocol transfers.
The Ward Christensen XMODEM protocol is one specific file
transfer protocol that may become a default standard in personal
communications because of its widespread use on bulletin
boards and because of its inclusion in low cost personal computer
communication packages such as PC-TALK. It has not gained
widespread acceptance in business communication packages partly
because the protocol is public domain; most business
communication package designers use unique protocols to force
businesses to use their software on both ends of communication
links. By providing you with this insight into protocol transfer
and explaining in detail the operation of the XMODEM protocol, I
hope to add momentum to the development of a "standard protocol"
whether it be the XMODEM model or some other model. Users of
communication software deserve a standard protocol that will
allow them to use the technique with any microcomputer regardles
of the software packages employed.
The XMODEM protocol is illustrated in Figure 1. As you can see
from that figure, XMODEM does not begin the transfer of data
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