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[CxImageMNG - A class to read MNG, JNG and PNG images]
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This article was contributed by <A HREF="mailto:[ing.davide.pizzolato@libero.it]">Davide
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<p><img src="cximagemng.gif" width="322" height="231"></p>
<p><u>Environment:</u> VC6
<p><code>CxImageMNG</code> is the module of <code><a href="http://www.aoi.it/code.htm">CxImage</a></code>
used to play MNG animations. It uses the CxImage members, but to play the animation
are necessary additional variables and functions. I decided to keep separated
the MNG stuff from the "static" formats, to limit the growth of the
base class due to the new features.
<p>As with the other modules, CxImageMNG is mainly an interface for the LibMNG
functions, it takes care of the I/O operations and of the specific requirements
of the library. CxImageMNG can read also PNG and JNG images.
<p>This class requires some extra libraries to work: <b>LibMNG</b>, you can find
<a href="http://www.libpng.org">here</a> the latest version; <b>JPEG and ZLIB
libraries</b>, used by LibMNG to endode/decode files. All these libraries are
included in the source code.
<h3>Structures & callbacks</h3>
<p>"Libmng makes extensive use of callback functions. This is meant to keep
the library as platform-independant and flexible as possible.", in CxImageMNG
these are declared as:</p>
<pre>mng_setcb_errorproc (mng_handle, mymngerror);
mng_setcb_openstream (mng_handle, mymngopenstream);
mng_setcb_closestream (mng_handle, mymngclosestream);
mng_setcb_readdata (mng_handle, mymngreadstream);
mng_setcb_processheader(mng_handle, mymngprocessheader);
mng_setcb_getcanvasline(mng_handle, mymnggetcanvasline);
mng_setcb_refresh (mng_handle, mymngrefresh);
mng_setcb_gettickcount (mng_handle, mymnggetticks);
mng_setcb_settimer (mng_handle, mymngsettimer);
mng_setcb_refresh (mng_handle, mymngrefresh);</pre>
Some of these are empty (<code>mymngopenstream</code>), or obvious (<code>mymngreadstream</code>),
the most useful for the final applications are <code>mymngprocessheader</code>,
where we get the first informations about the image, and <code>mymngsettimer</code>,
where get the essential value for the timer.
<p>Another important parameter is <code>pUserdata</code>, where the application
can store its parameters, in CxImageMNG this is a pointer to the <code>mnginfo</code>
<pre>typedef struct
FILE *file; // file handle
BYTE *image; // image pixels
HANDLE thread; // timer
mng_uint32 delay; // timer duration
mng_uint32 width; // image attributes
mng_uint32 height;
mng_uint32 effwdt;
mng_int16 bpp;
mng_bool animation; // true if it's an animation
mng_bool animation_enabled; // enable the timer
float speed; // speed factor
} mngstuff;</pre>
<p>In the callbacks, these informations are available at all times through the
<code>mng_get_userdata</code> function. </p>
<h3>How to play animations</h3>
<p>First we must load the file:</p>
<pre>image = new CxImageMNG();
<p>then, if it's an animation, we must create a thread to play it:</p>
<pre>if (image->mnginfo.animation) {
image->mnginfo.thread = CreateThread(NULL,0,RunMNGThread,this,0,&dwID);
<p>In the end we must handle the execution of the thread :</p>
<pre>unsigned long _stdcall RunMNGThread(void *lpParam){
Sleep((DWORD)(image->mnginfo.delay / image->mnginfo.speed));
while (image->mnginfo.animation_enabled && image->Resume()){
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_USER_NEWFRAME,0,0);
Sleep((DWORD)(image->mnginfo.delay / image->mnginfo.speed));
return 0;
<p>The <code>WM_USER_NEWFRAME</code> message tells to the main application that
a new frame is ready to be shown. The <code>Resume()</code> function is used
to obtain the next frame.<br>
To stop the animation simply set <code>image->mnginfo.animation_enabled =
</code>The thread is automatically closed in the CxImageMNG destructor.</p>
<p>Finally you can display the image: <code>image->Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc());</code></p>
<li>LIBMNG Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Gerard Juyn (gerard@libmng.com).<br>
<li>Original mng.cpp code created by Nikolaus Brennig, November 14th, 2000.
<li>Special thanks to Frank Haug (f.haug@jdm.de) for suggestions and code.</li>
<p>More specific credits and disclaimers are in every header file of each library.<br>
<!-- demo and source files -->
<A HREF="cximagemng_demo.zip"> Download demo - 165 Kb</A><BR>
<A HREF="cximagemng_src.zip"> Download full source code - 752 Kb</A>
Date Posted: 11/18/2001<BR>
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