Universal Data Access Components
Copyright 2008-2015, Devart. All Rights Reserved
Demo for FastReport included in UniDAC was built and tested using
Fast Report 4
Fast Query Builder of FastReport is disabled by default. To enable them you
should find frx.inc file in the FastReport installation directory and uncomment
following line:
Demo is provided as is, and there is no warranty that it is fully
compatible with other versions of Fast Report.
Before using Demo you should install FastReport 4 UniDAC Components.
The following instruction will help you to compile and install
FastReport 4 UniDAC Components manually using IDE.
C++Builder 2007
If you have only C++Builder 2007, you should perform the following steps
1. Make sure that you have UniDAC and FastReport installed
2. Open the Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi11\MakeCBuilder.bat file in edit mode
3. Make sure that the following paths are assigned correctly:
DCCPATH - path to the compiler DCC32.exe
PROJECTPATH - path to packages from Fast_Report_Demo\Delphi11
FRLIBDLLPATH - path to FastReport4_Inst_Dir\LibD11
4. Save MakeCBuilder.bat
5. Run MakeCBuilder.bat. After that all generated files will appear in the project path (PROJECTPATH)
6. Copy PROJECTPATH\*.bpl files to a folder that is included in the PATH environment variable
7. Run IDE and add dclfrxUniDAC11.bpl and dclfsUniDAC11.bpl via Component->Install Packages... menu
8. To compile applications with UniDAC for FastReport components, add PROJECTPATH to the "Library Path" and "Include Path" lists
Delphi and C++Builder for Win32
Run your IDE and walk through the following steps:
1) Compile DAC run-time package (frxDACXX.dpk)
2) Compile UniDAC run-time package (frxUniDACXX.dpk)
3) Compile and install UniDAC design-time package (dclfrxUniDACXX.dpk)
You can find these packages in
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi6\*.dpk - for Delphi 6
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi7\*.dpk - for Delphi 7
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi9\*.dpk - for Delphi 2005
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi10\*.dpk - for Delphi 2006
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi11\*.dpk - for Delphi 2007
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi12\*.dpk - for Delphi 2009
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi14\*.dpk - for Delphi 2010
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi15\*.dpk - for Delphi XE
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi16\*.dpk - for Delphi XE2
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi17\*.dpk - for Delphi XE3
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi18\*.dpk - for Delphi XE4
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi19\*.dpk - for Delphi XE5
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\CBuilder6\*.bpk - for C++Builder 6
To compile applications based on FastReport 4 UniDAC Components, add the following
path to the "Library Path":
where %UniDAC% is the UniDAC installation path on your computer.
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Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC)是一款通用数据库访问组件,提供了多个数据库的直接访问,如针对Windows的Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (以及 Free Pascal) , Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux和64和32位的FreeBSD等等。我们将长期的经验集于这个小组件,提供统一的数据库连接访问(如oracle、微软SQL等等)。这意味着您可以在您的项目之间轻松地切换不同的数据库,以及创建跨数据库应用程序接口。
Devart_UniDAC_Professional_6.2.8_for_D6-XE10.1_Source (3553个子文件)
Global.asax 72B
WebForm.aspx 6KB
Make.bat 27KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
MakeCBuilder.bat 1KB
Make.bat 747B
Make.bat 746B
Make.bat 746B
Make.bat 709B
Make.bat 705B
Make.bat 705B
Make.bat 673B
Make.bat 594B
Make.bat 593B
Make.bat 559B
Make.bat 545B
Make.bat 451B
Make.bat 449B
Make.bat 448B
Make.bat 415B
Make.bat 409B
Make.bat 409B
BDS2006.bdsproj 22KB
VTable.bdsproj 18KB
Devart.UniDac.SQLServer.bdsproj 17KB
Devart.UniDac.MySQL.bdsproj 13KB
Devart.UniDac.Oracle.bdsproj 12KB
DataSet.bdsproj 12KB
Web.bdsproj 12KB
Devart.UniDac.InterBase.bdsproj 12KB
Devart.UniDac.PostgreSQL.bdsproj 11KB
Devart.UniDac.SQLite.bdsproj 11KB
unidac100.bdsproj 10KB
dclunidac100.bdsproj 10KB
unidacvcl100.bdsproj 10KB
Devart.UniDac.ODBC.bdsproj 10KB
Devart.UniDac.Access.bdsproj 10KB
dcldac100.bdsproj 10KB
dclcrcontrols100.bdsproj 10KB
dacvcl100.bdsproj 10KB
crcontrols100.bdsproj 10KB
dac100.bdsproj 10KB
Devart.UniDac.ASE.bdsproj 10KB
Devart.UniDac.DB2.bdsproj 10KB
Devart.UniDac.Advantage.bdsproj 10KB
Devart.UniDac.DBF.bdsproj 10KB
FailOver_VclNet.bdsproj 9KB
FailOver_VclNet.bdsproj 9KB
UniDacDemo_VclNet.bdsproj 8KB
dclfrxUniDAC10.bdsproj 8KB
dclfrxUniDAC10.bdsproj 8KB
UniDacDemo.bdsproj 8KB
frxUniDAC10.bdsproj 8KB
frxUniDAC10.bdsproj 8KB
frxDAC10.bdsproj 8KB
frxDAC10.bdsproj 8KB
dclfrxUniDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
dclfrxUniDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
FastReport.bdsproj 8KB
frxUniDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
frxUniDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
FailOver.bdsproj 8KB
frxDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
frxDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
fsUniDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
fsUniDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
fsDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
fsDAC9.bdsproj 8KB
oraprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
ibprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
myprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
msprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
nexusprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
liteprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
adsprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
accessprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
pgprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
odbcprovider100.bdsproj 8KB
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