1 Introduction 252 Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols are used to secure communications in a wide variety of 253 online transactions such as financial transactions (e.g., banking, trading stocks, e-commerce), 254 healthcare transactions (e.g., viewing medical records or scheduling medical appointments), and 255 social transactions (e.g., email or social networking). Any network service that handles sensitive 256 or valuable data, whether it is personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, or login 257 information, needs to adequately protect that data. TLS provides a protected channel for sending 258 data between the server and the client. The client is often, but not always, a web browser. 259 Memorandum M-15-132 requires that all publicly accessible Federal websites and web services 260 only provide service through a secure connection.3 The initiative to secure connections will 261 enhance privacy and prevent modification of the data from government sites in transit. 262 TLS is a layered protocol that runs on top of a reliable transport protocol – typically the 263 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Application protocols, such as the Hypertext Transfer 264 Protocol (HTTP) and the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), can run above TLS. TLS is 265 application independent, and used to provide security to any two communicating applications 266 that transmit data over a network via an application protocol.
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