# High-frequency Financial Time Series Analysis Based on BP Neural Networks
#### Paper
> http://www.lin-baobao.com/static/files/graduate_paper.pdf
#### Video for Demonstration
> http://www.lin-baobao.com/static/videos/graduate_project.flv
#### Application
> http://www.lin-baobao.com/bp_finance/php/login/
### This project includes three sections.
- GetData
Data crawling.
Responsible for crawling and processing the high frequency data of stock transcation in recent years. And the data format would be converted to an appropriate format.
- predict
Core algorithm.
Implement the Back Propagation Neural Networks without using any framework (all code is completely written by myself).
- php
System integration.
Integrate the first two parts into a system.
#### Project description
> It included data crawling, model design, code implementation, result analysis,
experiments and system integration.
- 1. Crawled the data of some stocks’ transactions per day.
- 2. Chose BP Neural Network as model, deduced the formulas myself and implemented code
without using any framework.
- 3. The direction accuracy was about 55%-60% and the relative error between the actual and the
predicted price maintained at 0.015%. Reached the conclusion that high-frequency data is better for
stock price prediction via testing data’s impact at different frequencies.
- 4. Integrated the algorithm into a real-time stock price prediction system.
#### Deployment
> Need to deploy mysql, and the sql file is in [finance.sql](finance.sql)
#### Ways to run
> Just call the [run.py](run.py) directly.
- 粉丝: 5314
- 资源: 2084
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