FTB编辑器 for Community Server 2.0增强版
Telligent's FreeTextBoxWraper replacement assembly for CS v2.0
增加对FLASH、Microsoft Media,Real Media==多媒体格式的支持
George J. Capnias
Telligent's FreeTextBoxWraper replacement assembly for CS v2.0
George J. Capnias
This is a replacement for the Telligent's FreeTextBox wraper assembly for Community Server v2.0. It offers the latest version of FreeTextBox v3.1.3 (http://www.freetextbox.com/), code color support through Thomas Johansen Highlight v2.2 (http://www.projectdistributor.net/Projects/Project.aspx?projectId=11), support for SSL, customizable start font for the control thought CSS.
Inside the assembly there are three versions of the control:
?RichEditor (for Developers)
?RichEditor (for Editors)
which are selectable through the user's profile options.
Latest Additions
?Update: The assembly is refreshed to use FreeTextBox v3.1.3.
?Implementation: The buttons of the toolbars dynamically defined through web.config (Request by Perry Moutzouros)
?Implementation: The buttons in the Developer's highlight code templates are created dynamically from Definitions.xml. Any addition of extra templates will automatically add new button (Request by Scott Isaacs)
?Implementation: Dynamic assignment of users' rights inside FreeTextBox ImageGallery (default ~/images). If inside the ImageGallery folder there is a folder with the name of the user, then the user automatically is assigned rights to create/delete folders and upload/delete images in his folder. If not, the user is capable of browsing the folders only. (Request by Dennis van der Stelt)
?Implementation: The content explorer is integrated in FreeTextBox wrapper assembly.
1. Overwrite the files inside the site's bin directory with the ones provided in the archive's bin folder.
2. Replace the freetextbox3 folder's files with the ones provided in the archive's freetextbox3 folder.
3. (Optional, only if you need the functionality) Add inside the web.config file, and to the <configSections> section:
<section name="FreeTextBoxWraperSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
4. 4. (Optional, only if you add the above region also) Also in web.config add a new section inside <configuration>
<add key="ImageGalleryPath" value="~/UserFiles" />
<add key="ToolbarLayout" value="ParagraphMenu,FontFacesMenu,FontSizesMenu,FontForeColorsMenu,FontBackColorsMenu|Cut,Copy,Paste,Delete;Undo,Redo,Print|Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript,RemoveFormat|JustifyLeft,JustifyRight,JustifyCenter,JustifyFull;BulletedList,NumberedList,Indent,Outdent;CreateLink,Unlink,InsertImage|InsertTable,EditTable;InsertTableRowAfter,InsertTableRowBefore,DeleteTableRow;InsertTableColumnAfter,InsertTableColumnBefore,DeleteTableColumn|InsertRule,InsertDate,InsertTime;SymbolsMenu,InsertDiv,EditStyle,InsertImageFromGallery,Preview,SelectAll,WordClean,NetSpell" />
<add key="LayoutToolbar" value="ParagraphMenu,FontFacesMenu,FontSizesMenu,FontForeColorsMenu,FontBackColorsMenu" />
<add key="EditToolBar" value="Cut,Copy,Paste,Delete;Undo,Redo,Print" />
<add key="FormatingToolBar" value="Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript,RemoveFormat" />
<add key="ParagraphToolBar" value="JustifyLeft,JustifyRight,JustifyCenter,JustifyFull;BulletedList,NumberedList,Indent,Outdent;CreateLink,Unlink,InsertImage" />
<add key="TablesToolBar" value="InsertTable,EditTable;InsertTableRowAfter,InsertTableRowBefore,DeleteTableRow;InsertTableColumnAfter,InsertTableColumnBefore,DeleteTableColumn" />
<add key="GeneralToolbar" value="InsertRule,InsertDate,InsertTime;SymbolsMenu,InsertDiv,EditStyle,InsertImageFromGallery,Preview,SelectAll,WordClean,NetSpell" />
This section allows to format the layout of the toolbars. The "ToolbarLayout" setting completely defines the toolbars for the RichEditor抯 toolbars. Each of the "LayoutToolbar", "EditToolBar", "FormatingToolBar", "ParagraphToolBar", "TablesToolBar", "GeneralToolbar", settings define a toolbar that is used by the editors.
Valid values for ToolbarButtons and ToolbarDropDownLists are:
ParagraphMenu, FontFacesMenu, FontSizesMenu, FontForeColorsMenu, FontForeColorPicker, FontBackColorsMenu, FontBackColorPicker, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, InsertImageFromGallery, CreateLink, Unlink, RemoveFormat, JustifyLeft, JustifyRight, JustifyCenter, JustifyFull, BulletedList, NumberedList, Indent, Outdent, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Undo, Redo, Print, Save, ieSpellCheck, StyleMenu, SymbolsMenu, InsertHtmlMenu, InsertRule, InsertDate, InsertTime, WordClean, InsertImage, InsertTable, EditTable, InsertTableRowBefore, InsertTableRowAfter, DeleteTableRow, InsertTableColumnBefore, InsertTableColumnAfter, DeleteTableColumn, InsertForm, InsertForm, InsertTextBox, InsertTextArea, InsertRadioButton, InsertCheckBox, InsertDropDownList, InsertButton, InsertDiv, InsertImageFromGallery, Preview, SelectAll, EditStyle
The following values are only available in Pro versions of FreeTextBox (or if running on localhost):
FontForeColorPicker, FontBackColorPicker, EditTable, InsertTableRowAfter, DeleteTableRow, InsertTableColumnBefore, InsertTableColumnAfter, DeleteTableColumn, InsertForm, InsertForm, InsertTextBox, InsertTextArea, InsertRadioButton, InsertCheckBox, InsertDropDownList, InsertButton, InsertDiv, Preview, SelectAll, EditStyle, WordClean
5. Inside the communityserver.config change the <MarkUp> region to:
<class enable="true" />
<align enable="true" />
<valign enable="true" />
<id enable="true" />
<style enable="true" />
<h1 />
<h2 />
<h3 />
<h4 />
<h5 />
<h6 />
<h7 />
<strong />
<em />
<u />
<b />
<i />
<strike />
<sub />
<sup />
<font size="true" color="true" face="true" />
<blockquote dir="true" />
<ul />
<ol />
<li />
<p dir="true" />
<address />
<div />
<hr />
<br />
<a href="true" title="true" name="true" target="true" rel="true" />
<span />
<img height="true" width="true" hspace="true" vspace="true" border="true" src="true" alt="true" title="true" />
<table border="true" cellpadding="true" cellspacing="true" bgcolor="true" width="true" background="true" />
<th />
<td rowspan="true" colspan="true" bgcolor="true" nowrap="true" />
<tr />
<pre />
<code />
<xmp />
<lecut />
6. Inside the communityserver.config inside the CSModules region change "ForumSourceCode" to:
<add name = "ForumSourceCode" type="Telligent.FreeTextBoxWraper.CodeHighlightingModule, Telligent.FreeTextBoxWraper" />
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