FatFs Module Source Files R0.10a (C)ChaN, 2014
ffconf.h Configuration file for FatFs module.
ff.h Common include file for FatFs and application module.
ff.c FatFs module.
diskio.h Common include file for FatFs and disk I/O module.
diskio.c An example of glue function to attach existing disk I/O module to FatFs.
integer.h Integer type definitions for FatFs.
option Optional external functions.
Low level disk I/O module is not included in this archive because the FatFs
module is only a generic file system layer and not depend on any specific
storage device. You have to provide a low level disk I/O module that written
to control your storage device.
FatFs module is an open source software to implement FAT file system to
small embedded systems. This is a free software and is opened for education,
research and commercial developments under license policy of following trems.
Copyright (C) 2014, ChaN, all right reserved.
* The FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
* No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
personal, non-profit or commercial product UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
Feb 26, 2006 R0.00 Prototype
Apr 29, 2006 R0.01 First release.
Jun 01, 2006 R0.02 Added FAT12.
Removed unbuffered mode.
Fixed a problem on small (<32M) patition.
Jun 10, 2006 R0.02a Added a configuration option _FS_MINIMUM.
Sep 22, 2006 R0.03 Added f_rename.
Changed option _FS_MINIMUM to _FS_MINIMIZE.
Dec 11, 2006 R0.03a Improved cluster scan algolithm to write files fast.
Fixed f_mkdir creates incorrect directory on FAT32.
Feb 04, 2007 R0.04 Supported multiple drive system. (FatFs)
Changed some APIs for multiple drive system.
Added f_mkfs. (FatFs)
Added _USE_FAT32 option. (Tiny-FatFs)
Apr 01, 2007 R0.04a Supported multiple partitions on a plysical drive. (FatFs)
Fixed an endian sensitive code in f_mkfs. (FatFs)
Added a capability of extending the file size to f_lseek.
Added minimization level 3.
Fixed a problem that can collapse a sector when recreate an
existing file in any sub-directory at non FAT32 cfg. (Tiny-FatFs)
May 05, 2007 R0.04b Added _USE_NTFLAG option.
Added FSInfo support.
Fixed some problems corresponds to FAT32. (Tiny-FatFs)
Fixed DBCS name can result FR_INVALID_NAME.
Fixed short seek (0 < ofs <= csize) collapses the file object.
Aug 25, 2007 R0.05 Changed arguments of f_read, f_write.
Changed arguments of f_mkfs. (FatFs)
Fixed f_mkfs on FAT32 creates incorrect FSInfo. (FatFs)
Fixed f_mkdir on FAT32 creates incorrect directory. (FatFs)
Feb 03, 2008 R0.05a Added f_truncate().
Added f_utime().
Fixed off by one error at FAT sub-type determination.
Fixed btr in f_read() can be mistruncated.
Fixed cached sector is not flushed when create and close without write.
Apr 01, 2008 R0.06 Added f_forward(). (Tiny-FatFs)
Added string functions: fputc(), fputs(), fprintf() and fgets().
Improved performance of f_lseek() on move to the same or following cluster.
Apr 01, 2009, R0.07 Merged Tiny-FatFs as a buffer configuration option.
Added long file name support.
Added multiple code page support.
Added re-entrancy for multitask operation.
Added auto cluster size selection to f_mkfs().
Added rewind option to f_readdir().
Changed result code of critical errors.
Renamed string functions to avoid name collision.
Apr 14, 2009, R0.07a Separated out OS dependent code on reentrant cfg.
Added multiple sector size support.
Jun 21, 2009, R0.07c Fixed f_unlink() may return FR_OK on error.
Fixed wrong cache control in f_lseek().
Added relative path feature.
Added f_chdir().
Added f_chdrive().
Added proper case conversion for extended characters.
Nov 03, 2009 R0.07e Separated out configuration options from ff.h to ffconf.h.
Added a configuration option, _LFN_UNICODE.
Fixed f_unlink() fails to remove a sub-dir on _FS_RPATH.
Fixed name matching error on the 13 char boundary.
Changed f_readdir() to return the SFN with always upper case on non-LFN cfg.
May 15, 2010, R0.08 Added a memory configuration option. (_USE_LFN)
Added file lock feature. (_FS_SHARE)
Added fast seek feature. (_USE_FASTSEEK)
Changed some types on the API, XCHAR->TCHAR.
Changed fname member in the FILINFO structure on Unicode cfg.
String functions support UTF-8 encoding files on Unicode cfg.
Aug 16,'10 R0.08a Added f_getcwd(). (_FS_RPATH = 2)
Added sector erase feature. (_USE_ERASE)
Moved file lock semaphore table from fs object to the bss.
Fixed a wrong directory entry is created on non-LFN cfg when the given name contains ';'.
Fixed f_mkfs() creates wrong FAT32 volume.
Jan 15,'11 R0.08b Fast seek feature is also applied to f_read() and f_write().
f_lseek() reports required table size on creating CLMP.
Extended format syntax of f_printf function.
Ignores duplicated directory separators in given path names.
Sep 06,'11 R0.09 f_mkfs() supports multiple partition to finish the multiple partition feature.
Added f_fdisk(). (_MULTI_PARTITION = 2)
Aug 27,'12 R0.09a Fixed assertion failure due to OS/2 EA on FAT12/16.
Changed f_open() and f_opendir() reject null object pointer to avoid crash.
Changed option name _FS_SHARE to _FS_LOCK.
Jan 23,'13 R0.09b Added f_getlabel() and f_setlabel(). (_USE_LABEL)
Oct 02,'13 R0.10 Added selection of character encoding on the file. (_STRF_ENCODE)
Added f_closedir().
Added forced full FAT scan for f_getfree(). (_FS_NOFSINFO)
Added forced mount feature with changes of f_mount().
Improved behavior of volume auto detection.
Improved write throughput of f_puts() and f_printf().
Changed argument of f_chdrive(), f_mkfs(), disk_read() and disk_write().
Fixed f_write() can be truncated when the file size is close to 4GB.
Fixed f_open(), f_mkdir() and f_setlabel() can return incorrect error code.
Jan 15,'14 R0.10a Added arbitrary strings as drive number in the path name. (_STR_VOLUME_ID)
Added a configuration option of minimum sector size. (_MIN_SS)
2nd argument of f_rename() can have a drive number and it will be ignored.
Fixed f_mount() with forced mount fails when drive number is >
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623、基于STM32F103RC设计的电子相册(原理图、PCB源文件、程序源码及制作) 该设计为基于STM32F103RC设计的电子相册,实现TF卡存储照片,通过液晶屏显示,和按键控制切换等功能; 功能如下: 1、STM32F103RC为核心设计; 2、使用IPS3P4140液晶屏显示照片; 3、TF存储照片; 4、读取TF卡内容和显示照片; 5、按键控制照片切换显示等功能; 6、电子相册; 7、原理图、PCB源文件、程序源码及制作;
623、基于STM32F103RC设计的电子相册(原理图、PCB源文件、程序源码及制作).rar (91个子文件)
主控板.SchDoc 236KB
主控板.PcbDoc.htm 4KB
主控板.PcbDocPreview 44KB
液晶板.PcbDocPreview 31KB
液晶板.SchDocPreview 46KB
主控板.SchDocPreview 80KB
STM32电子相册.PrjPcb 38KB
封装.PcbLib 100KB
液晶板.PcbDoc.htm 5KB
液晶板.SchDoc 130KB
液晶板.PcbDoc 874KB
主控板.PcbDoc 1.17MB
元件.SchLib 22KB
STM32电子相册.PrjPcbStructure 48B
sys.h 3KB
delay.h 2KB
sys.c 985B
delay.c 2KB
spi.h 767B
SD.h 3KB
spi.c 4KB
STM32电子相册.hex 567KB
integer.h 856B
tjpgd.c 42KB
bmp.h 4KB
piclib.h 3KB
piclib.c 6KB
tjpgd.h 3KB
bmp.c 6KB
LCD.c 11KB
Font.h 34KB
key.c 1KB
key.h 151B
misc.h 9KB
stm32f10x_spi.h 17KB
stm32f10x_exti.h 7KB
stm32f10x_tim.h 51KB
stm32f10x_rcc.h 30KB
stm32f10x_gpio.h 20KB
misc.c 7KB
stm32f10x_spi.c 30KB
stm32f10x_gpio.c 23KB
stm32f10x_tim.c 107KB
stm32f10x_exti.c 7KB
stm32f10x_rcc.c 50KB
ff.c 153KB
integer.h 706B
exfuns.h 1KB
cc936.c 707KB
cc950.c 440KB
ccsbcs.c 29KB
cc932.c 244KB
syscall.c 5KB
unicode.c 269B
cc949.c 554KB
exfuns.c 3KB
ff.h 13KB
diskio.c 5KB
diskio.h 3KB
00readme.txt 8KB
ffconf.h 9KB
system_stm32f10x.c 36KB
core_cm3.h 84KB
core_cm3.c 17KB
startup_stm32f10x_md.s 12KB
stm32f10x.h 619KB
system_stm32f10x.h 2KB
STM32电子相册.build_log.htm 808B
STM32电子相册.uvoptx 17KB
STM32电子相册.uvguix.Administrator 88KB
STM32电子相册.uvguix.Admin 135KB
Target_1_STM32F103RC_1.0.0.dbgconf 7KB
Target_1_STM32F103RC.dbgconf 7KB
STM32电子相册.uvprojx 19KB
stm32f10x_conf.h 3KB
main.c 7KB
stm32f10x_it.c 4KB
stm32f10x_it.h 2KB
malloc.h 2KB
malloc.c 5KB
新建文本文档.txt 378B
G4NTJ7{0T4TVAPI7LU1{T53.png 44KB
(O2}4DQ(V1)OGV1(JL0R[AK.png 44KB
原文出处.txt 50B
~{[YUBS1X6V`Y30GIK_J6TR.png 26KB
程序.zip 914KB
$DSGI$@A2P{%9~1G4DOM3Y1.png 108KB
原理图、PCB源文件,用AD打开 .zip 1.42MB
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