This program is designed to monitor up to 200 computers. If you put more
than 200 entries into the ips.txt file, I imagine that there will be an
array error.
If you configure the ips.txt file with the wordpad (which is the default
program), you must save in in a MSDos Format.
If the program gives an error (array error), then more than likely there is
an error in the ips.txt file or it was not saved in the MSDos Format.
You can correct this by editing the file with in dos or reopening
the file in wordpad and fixing how you saved it.
This program will not work with only one computer name and address in the
ips.txt. This is because of the graphic that I coded in to move the bmp
with the question mark from picture to picture. If there is only one, the
bmp remains displayed in the only picture. It could be fixed easily enough.
The idea of this software is mine, but most of the code came from many example sources many of whom I do not remember. I
work as a Network guy and programming is a hobby for me.
I thank everyone for sharing and if I have left your name out, please
contact me so I can give you credit (
I am also sharing this idea and you are free to use it. I have created
a better one than this. It also allows the program to also act as a server
and to do the following to one or all the computers in the ips.txt:
1. Send a message.
2. Lock the computer with a full screen program. (We use it to lock the
computers at closing time).
3. Reboot the computers (can be changed to shutdown the computers).
This upgraded program has a client side that must run.
Hang in there,
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VB,全称Visual Basic,是微软公司开发的一种可视化的、面向对象的编程语言,它是基于Basic语言的现代版本,主要用于Windows应用程序的开发。这个“一百个VB源码”压缩包显然是一个VB编程的学习资源,包含了丰富的实践案例,可以帮助开发者更好地理解和掌握VB编程。
1. **基本语法**:VB使用缩进来表示代码块,变量声明、函数定义、条件语句(If...Then)、循环语句(For...Next、Do...Loop)和过程(Sub或Function)都是其基本语法元素。
2. **控件**:VB界面设计中,控件如按钮(Button)、文本框(TextBox)、标签(Label)等是构建用户界面的基本元素,通过设置它们的属性和响应事件,可以实现丰富的交互功能。
3. **事件驱动编程**:VB是事件驱动的,当用户与控件交互时(如点击按钮),会触发相应的事件,程序通过编写事件处理程序来响应这些事件。
4. **对象和类**:VB支持面向对象编程,类(Class)是对象的模板,对象则是类的实例,具有属性、方法和事件。
5. **VBA集成**:VB还可以嵌入到其他Microsoft Office应用程序中,如Excel和Word,使用VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)进行宏编程,增强应用程序的功能。
6. **ADO数据访问**:VB通过ActiveX Data Objects(ADO)可以连接和操作各种数据库,进行数据查询、更新和删除等操作。
7. **错误处理**:VB中的On Error语句用于设置错误处理机制,帮助程序在遇到错误时能够恢复或提供反馈。
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