选择三维点云的点,返回坐标: H = CLICKA3DPOINT(POINTCLOUD) shows a 3D point cloud and lets the user % select points by clicking on them. The selected point is highlighted % and its index in the point cloud will is printed on the screen. % POINTCLOUD should be a 3*N matrix, represending N 3D points. % Handle to the figure is returned. % % other functions required: % CALLBACKCLICK3DPOINT mouse click callback function % ROWNORM returns norms of each row of a matrix % % To test this function ... % pointCloud = rand(3,100)*100; % h = clickA3DPoint(pointCloud); % % now rotate or move the point cloud and try it again. % (on the figure View menu, turn the Camera Toolbar on, ...) % % To turn off the callback ... % set(h, 'WindowButtonDownFcn','');
- 1
- Matthewmx2014-08-22很好的代碼,謝謝了
- NobodyZhou2015-03-12代码写的很好,正好是所需要的!
- mrpomelo2013-07-24代码挺有用的
- a1058012090302018-01-30代码挺好的,谢谢了
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