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Network Analysis Task
<p class="MsoBlockText">
PRONETAs Network Analysis gives you a quick overview
about which devices are installed in your PROFINET network, and how they are
connected with each other. The Network Analysis also lets you view and change
various network parameters of the devices, like IP addresses, device names etc.
Networks can be compared, and the devices automatically or manually configured.
Online Mode
<p class="MsoBlockText">
In Online Mode, PRONETA will constantly scan the PROFINET
network for present devices. The main screen is divided in:
<p class="BulletText1">
<span class="class31"></span>A <span lang="DE">
<a href="#olTopologyView">
<span lang="EN-US">
</span><span lang="DE"> </span>(1) and
<p class="BulletText1">
<span class="class31"></span>A <span lang="DE">
<a href="#olDevicesList">
<span lang="EN-US">
</span><span lang="DE"> </span>(2) of accessible devices.
<p class="BildBeschriftungtextBreite"><img border="0" width="491" height="302" id="Grafik 44" src="html_files/image018.png"></p>
<p class="MsoBlockText"> </p>
<p class="FormatvorlageBlocktitel">Function Bar</p>
<p class="MsoBlockText">
The following functions are available in the function
<table class="MsoTableGrid" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr class="class10">
<td width="85" valign="top" class="class54">
<p class="TabelleKopfzentriert"><span lang="DE">Icon</span></p>
<td width="414" valign="top" class="class55">
<p class="TabelleKopfzentriert"><span lang="DE">Function</span></p>
<tr class="class10">
<td width="85" class="class56">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks" align="center"><img border="0" width="44" height="44" id="Grafik 1" src="html_files/image019.png"></p>
<td width="414" class="class58">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks">
Refresh: Performs an immediate update of the
network scan
<tr class="class10">
<td width="85" class="class56">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks" align="center"><img border="0" width="44" height="44" id="Grafik 2" src="html_files/image020.png"></p>
<td width="414" class="class58">
<p class="BildBeschriftungSeitenbreite">
Topology gives you two options:
<p class="TabelleBulletText1"><span class="class31"></span>Writing the current physical network to disk as a <span lang="DE"><a href="#olTopologyFile"><span lang="EN-US">Topology File</span></a></span><span class="MsoHyperlink"><span lang="DE"> </span></span>for<u><span class="class60"> </span></u>later use as a reference network, or</p>
<p class="TabelleBulletText1"><span class="class31"></span>Saving the network as a bitmap (PNG file)</p>
<tr class="class10">
<td width="85" class="class56">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks" align="center"><img border="0" width="44" height="44" id="Grafik 3" src="html_files/image021.png"></p>
<td width="414" class="class58">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks">
Export Device List: Writes the information about
all devices found to disk as a <span lang="DE"><a href="#olDeviceInventory"><span lang="EN-US">Device Inventory</span></a></span><span lang="DE"> </span>of the
network, including module and port configuration. Only columns currently
displayed in the Device Table are included)
<p class="MsoBlockText"> </p>
<p class="MsoBlockText">
To the right of the function bar, there is an input box (1)
which allows you to search for a particular device. The search term you enter
will be matched against the device names, types, and even network parameters,
so it is possible to search for a device by its IP address, for example.
Matches of your search are highlighted in the topology view and the device table.
<p class="BildBeschriftungtextBreite"><img border="0" width="316" height="124" id="Grafik 45" src="html_files/image024.png"></p>
<p class="MsoBlockText">At the far right, the <span lang="DE"><a href="#olScannerStatusIndicator"><span lang="EN-US">Scanner Status Indicator</span></a></span><span lang="DE"> </span>(2) displays the status of the current network scanning cycle.</p>
<p class="FormatvorlageBlocktitel">
<a id="olScannerStatusIndicator">
Scanner Status
<p class="MsoBlockText">
On the far right of the function bar, there is a scanner
status indicator.
<p class="MsoBlockText">
Each network scanning cycle is divided into four phases,
represented by the segments of the scanner status indicator. A network scan is
complete when the indicator has gone through all four segments.
<p class="MsoBlockText">
A right-click on the status indicator brings up a context
menu with two items:<a id="_GoBack"></a>
<p class="BildBeschriftungtextBreite"><img border="0" width="202" height="83" id="Grafik 228" src="html_files/image025.png"></p>
<table class="MsoTableGrid" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="top" class="class63">
<p class="TabelleKopfzentriert"><span lang="DE">Name</span></p>
<td valign="top" class="class64">
<p class="TabelleKopfzentriert"><span lang="DE">Function</span></p>
<td class="class65">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks">
<span lang="DE">
Network Adapter
<td class="class67">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks">
Lets you chose the Interface over which you are
connected to the PROFINET network, see also <span lang="DE"><a href=" ohNetworkAdapterSelection.html"><span lang="EN-US">Network Adapter Selection</span></a></span><span class="MsoHyperlink">.</span>
<td class="class65">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks">
<span lang="DE">
Stop Scanner/<br>
Start Scanner
<td valign="top" class="class67">
<p class="TabelleTextlinks">
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
快速自动化:PRONETA自动扫描PROFINET网络和所有连接组件,生成拓扑概况。实际安装拓扑和参考对象之间的对比非常便捷。 快速可靠的测试:想要测试工厂线路和组件模块配置时,PRONETA可确保分布式I/O组件及其传感器和执行器间的连接已正确接线。 启动简单:甚至在CPU集成至网络之前执行所有任务。无需任何其他工程工具或硬件!
Proneta 西门子网络扫描工具 (243个子文件)
MV440.bmp 11KB
MV420.bmp 11KB
GSDML-002A-0314-IM157PN.BMP 8KB
VS100.bmp 8KB
GSDML_002A_0C01_RF180C.bmp 8KB
GSDML-V2.x-Siemens-002A-SitrasPRO.bmp 8KB
M200D.bmp 3KB
pnpn_ioc_i.bmp 3KB
GSDML-002A-0301-ET200S-01.bmp 2KB
et200eco.bmp 2KB
GSDML-002A-0313-ET200SP-02.bmp 2KB
pnpn_ioc_s.bmp 2KB
ET200PRO.bmp 2KB
GSDML-002A-0312-ET200MP-04.bmp 2KB
et200eco_wide4M12.bmp 2KB
im153_1n.bmp 2KB
GSDML_002A_CP3431_ADVANCED_V10.bmp 2KB
im153_1s.bmp 2KB
GSDML_002A_CP3431_LEAN_V20.bmp 2KB
GSDML_002A_CP3431_LEAN_V10.bmp 2KB
et200eco_wide.bmp 2KB
GSDML_0C01_RF180C.bmp 2KB
GSDML_002A_IeAsiLink1.bmp 1KB
GSDML_002A_IeAsiLink2.bmp 1KB
GSDML_002A_SCALANCEX2042.bmp 920B
GSDML_002A_SCALANCEX2061.bmp 920B
GSDML_002A_SCALANCEX208.bmp 920B
Proneta.exe.config 5KB
HelpStyle.css 3KB
eventlog.csv 805B
protocol.csv 0B
pciox_edds.dll 7.67MB
Proneta.Gui.Common.dll 6.21MB
msvcr110.dll 855KB
TopologyControlLibrary.dll 529KB
TopologyControlLibrary.dll 529KB
msvcp110.dll 522KB
PcapDotNet.Packets.dll 497KB
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.dll 491KB
Ionic.Zip.dll 452KB
QuickGraph.dll 328KB
QuickGraph.dll 328KB
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll 327KB
GraphSharp.dll 258KB
GraphSharp.dll 258KB
ModulesInterop.dll 231KB
Proneta.Scanner.dll 184KB
Proneta.Scanner.dll 184KB
FileHelpers.dll 156KB
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.dll 150KB
IoCheckerControls.dll 147KB
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.dll 143KB
Proneta.Gui.Modules.ComparisonModule.dll 136KB
Proneta.Domain.dll 123KB
GraphSharp.Controls.dll 123KB
GraphSharp.Controls.dll 123KB
Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll 121KB
Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception.dll 118KB
SharpSnmpLib.dll 117KB
Proneta.Core.dll 98KB
Proneta.Core.dll 98KB
Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll 90KB
PcapDotNet.Core.dll 87KB
Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.dll 85KB
IoCheckerApplication.dll 80KB
ET200proModules.dll 77KB
Proneta.IOModuleRanges.dll 76KB
WPFExtensions.dll 71KB
WPFExtensions.dll 71KB
Proneta.Gsdml.dll 69KB
Anp.Domain.dll 65KB
Anp.Domain.dll 65KB
ET200ecoPNModules.dll 64KB
Proneta.Gui.Modules.IOCheckModule.dll 61KB
PnIdnMapping.dll 61KB
ET200ALModules.dll 60KB
ET200MModules.dll 59KB
ET200SPModules.dll 56KB
Proneta.Gui.Modules.TopologyModule.dll 52KB
Proneta.Gui.Modules.Settings.dll 52KB
Proneta.Common.dll 51KB
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.Logging.dll 51KB
SharpSnmpLib.Engine.dll 43KB
PronetaUtilities.dll 42KB
ET200SModules.dll 42KB
Proneta.Gui.Modules.ConfigurationModule.dll 42KB
ET200MPModules.dll 41KB
System.Windows.Interactivity.dll 39KB
DefaultModules.dll 38KB
Proneta.Gui.Modules.SnapshotModule.dll 37KB
Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception.Configuration.dll 35KB
PcapngProcessing.dll 34KB
PcapngProcessing.dll 34KB
Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll 29KB
PcapDotNet.Base.dll 25KB
共 243 条
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