Achieve awesome user experiences and performance with simple, maintainable code! Embrace the full stack of web development, from styling with Bootstrap, building an interactive user interface with Angular 2, to storing data quickly and reliably in PostgreSQL. With this fully revised new edition, take a holistic view of full-stack development to create usable, high-performing applications with Rails 5. Rails is a great tool for building web applications, but it's not the best at everything. Embrace the features built into your database. Learn how to use front-end frameworks. Seize the power of the application stack through Angular 2, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL. When used together, these powerful and easy-to-use tools will open you to a new world of possibilities. This second edition is updated to cover Angular 2 - a completely reworked front-end framework - and dives into new Postgres 9.5 features such as UPSERT. Also new is Webpack coverage, to develop the front-end code for your Rails application. Create a usable and attractive login form using Bootstrap's styles, while ensuring the database table backing it is secure using Postgres' check constraints. See how creating an advanced Postgres index for a case-insensitive search speeds up your back end - enabling you to create a dynamic user experience using Angular 2. Create reusable components that bring Bootstrap and Angular together and effectively use materialized views for caching within Postgres. Get your front end working with Webpack, use Postgres' features from migrations, and write unit tests for all of it. All of this within Rails 5. You'll gain the confidence to work at every level of the application stack, bringing the right solution to every problem. What You Need: This book covers Postgres 9.5, Rails 5, and Ruby 2.3. You should have some experience with basic Rails concepts and a cursory understanding of JavaScript, CSS, and SQL, but by no means need to be an expert. You'll learn how to install Postgres on your computer or use a free version of it in the cloud. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Set Up the Environment Chapter 2. Create a Great-Looking Login with Bootstrap and Devise Chapter 3. Secure the User Database with Postgres Constraints Chapter 4. Perform Fast Queries with Advanced Postgres Indexes Chapter 5. Create Clean Search Results with Bootstrap Components Chapter 6. Build a Dynamic UI with AngularJS Chapter 7. Test This Fancy New Code Chapter 8. Create a Single-Page App Using Angular's Router Chapter 9. Design Great UIs with Bootstrap's Grid and Components Chapter 10. Cache Complex Queries Using Materialized Views Chapter 11. Asynchronously Load Data from Many Sources Chapter 12. Wrangle Forms and Validations with Angular Chapter 13. Dig Deeper Appendix A1. Full Listing of Customer Detail Page HTML Appendix A2. Creating Customer Address Seed Data Appendix A3. How Webpack Affects Deployment
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