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This book provides a simple and easy way to build mobile applications in JavaScript. Each topic takes you through the life cycle of creating a fully-functional native app, with detailed explanations of the entire process. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Exploring the Sample Application Chapter 2: Understanding React Native Fundamentals Chapter 3: Beginning the Example Application Chapter 4: Working with Styles and Layout Chapter 5: Displaying and Saving Data Chapter 6: Working with Geolocation and Maps Chapter 7: Integrating Native Modules Chapter 8 : Releasing the Application
Getting Started with
React Native
Learn to build modern native iOS and Android
applications using JavaScript and the incredible
power of React
Ethan Holmes
Tom Bray
Getting Started with React Native
Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in
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First published: December 2015
Production reference: 1101215
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78588-518-1
Ethan Holmes
Tom Bray
Content Manager
Wilson Dsouza
Acquisition Editor
Aaron Lazar
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Divij Kotian
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Naveenkumar Jain
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Nikhil Nair
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Hemangini Bari
Kirk D'Penha
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Shantanu N. Zagade
Cover Work
Shantanu N. Zagade
About the Authors
Ethan Holmes is a Software Engineer from Vancouver, BC, Canada. He obtained
a B.Sc. in computer science from Simon Fraser University. He has primarily been
a full-stack web developer working and creating applications for start-ups in the
Silicon Beach area. Currently, he is stationed at Cargomatic, disrupting the freight
industry. After learning React for the web, learning React Native complemented the
skills he obtained as a web developer and allowed him to quickly make the transition
to mobile development.
You can follow him on Twitter at
I'd like to thank Tom for being such a great ol' chap and for giving
me the opportunity to work on this book with him. Big thanks to
the friends and colleagues I have met throughout my many years of
software development. Shout out to my Bengal cat, Whiskey!
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