# Node.js
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
For information on using Node.js, see the [Node.js website][].
The Node.js project uses an [open governance model](./GOVERNANCE.md). The
[OpenJS Foundation][] provides support for the project.
Contributors are expected to act in a collaborative manner to move
the project forward. We encourage the constructive exchange of contrary
opinions and compromise. The [TSC](./GOVERNANCE.md#technical-steering-committee)
reserves the right to limit or block contributors who repeatedly act in ways
that discourage, exhaust, or otherwise negatively affect other participants.
**This project has a [Code of Conduct][].**
## Table of contents
* [Support](#support)
* [Release types](#release-types)
* [Download](#download)
* [Current and LTS releases](#current-and-lts-releases)
* [Nightly releases](#nightly-releases)
* [API documentation](#api-documentation)
* [Verifying binaries](#verifying-binaries)
* [Building Node.js](#building-nodejs)
* [Security](#security)
* [Contributing to Node.js](#contributing-to-nodejs)
* [Current project team members](#current-project-team-members)
* [TSC (Technical Steering Committee)](#tsc-technical-steering-committee)
* [Collaborators](#collaborators)
* [Triagers](#triagers)
* [Release keys](#release-keys)
* [License](#license)
## Support
Looking for help? Check out the
[instructions for getting support](.github/SUPPORT.md).
## Release types
* **Current**: Under active development. Code for the Current release is in the
branch for its major version number (for example,
[v15.x](https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/v15.x)). Node.js releases a new
major version every 6 months, allowing for breaking changes. This happens in
April and October every year. Releases appearing each October have a support
life of 8 months. Releases appearing each April convert to LTS (see below)
each October.
* **LTS**: Releases that receive Long Term Support, with a focus on stability
and security. Every even-numbered major version will become an LTS release.
LTS releases receive 12 months of _Active LTS_ support and a further 18 months
of _Maintenance_. LTS release lines have alphabetically-ordered code names,
beginning with v4 Argon. There are no breaking changes or feature additions,
except in some special circumstances.
* **Nightly**: Code from the Current branch built every 24-hours when there are
changes. Use with caution.
Current and LTS releases follow [semantic versioning](https://semver.org). A
member of the Release Team [signs](#release-keys) each Current and LTS release.
For more information, see the
[Release README](https://github.com/nodejs/Release#readme).
### Download
Binaries, installers, and source tarballs are available at
#### Current and LTS releases
The [latest](https://nodejs.org/download/release/latest/) directory is an
alias for the latest Current release. The latest-_codename_ directory is an
alias for the latest release from an LTS line. For example, the
[latest-fermium](https://nodejs.org/download/release/latest-fermium/) directory
contains the latest Fermium (Node.js 14) release.
#### Nightly releases
Each directory name and filename contains a date (in UTC) and the commit
SHA at the HEAD of the release.
#### API documentation
Documentation for the latest Current release is at <https://nodejs.org/api/>.
Version-specific documentation is available in each release directory in the
_docs_ subdirectory. Version-specific documentation is also at
### Verifying binaries
Download directories contain a `SHASUMS256.txt` file with SHA checksums for the
To download `SHASUMS256.txt` using `curl`:
$ curl -O https://nodejs.org/dist/vx.y.z/SHASUMS256.txt
To check that a downloaded file matches the checksum, run
it through `sha256sum` with a command such as:
$ grep node-vx.y.z.tar.gz SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c -
For Current and LTS, the GPG detached signature of `SHASUMS256.txt` is in
`SHASUMS256.txt.sig`. You can use it with `gpg` to verify the integrity of
`SHASUMS256.txt`. You will first need to import
[the GPG keys of individuals authorized to create releases](#release-keys). To
import the keys:
$ gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 4ED778F539E3634C779C87C6D7062848A1AB005C
See [Release keys](#release-keys) for a script to import active release keys.
Next, download the `SHASUMS256.txt.sig` for the release:
$ curl -O https://nodejs.org/dist/vx.y.z/SHASUMS256.txt.sig
Then use `gpg --verify SHASUMS256.txt.sig SHASUMS256.txt` to verify
the file's signature.
## Building Node.js
See [BUILDING.md](BUILDING.md) for instructions on how to build Node.js from
source and a list of supported platforms.
## Security
For information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Node.js, see
## Contributing to Node.js
* [Contributing to the project][]
* [Working Groups][]
* [Strategic initiatives][]
* [Technical values and prioritization][]
## Current project team members
For information about the governance of the Node.js project, see
<!-- node-core-utils and find-inactive-tsc.mjs depend on the format of the TSC
list. If the format changes, those utilities need to be tested and
updated. -->
### TSC (Technical Steering Committee)
<!--lint disable prohibited-strings-->
* [aduh95](https://github.com/aduh95) -
**Antoine du Hamel** <<duhamelantoine1995@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [apapirovski](https://github.com/apapirovski) -
**Anatoli Papirovski** <<apapirovski@mac.com>> (he/him)
* [BethGriggs](https://github.com/BethGriggs) -
**Beth Griggs** <<bethanyngriggs@gmail.com>> (she/her)
* [BridgeAR](https://github.com/BridgeAR) -
**Ruben Bridgewater** <<ruben@bridgewater.de>> (he/him)
* [ChALkeR](https://github.com/ChALkeR) -
**Сковорода Никита Андреевич** <<chalkerx@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [cjihrig](https://github.com/cjihrig) -
**Colin Ihrig** <<cjihrig@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [danielleadams](https://github.com/danielleadams) -
**Danielle Adams** <<adamzdanielle@gmail.com>> (she/her)
* [fhinkel](https://github.com/fhinkel) -
**Franziska Hinkelmann** <<franziska.hinkelmann@gmail.com>> (she/her)
* [GeoffreyBooth](https://github.com/geoffreybooth) -
**Geoffrey Booth** <<webadmin@geoffreybooth.com>> (he/him)
* [gireeshpunathil](https://github.com/gireeshpunathil) -
**Gireesh Punathil** <<gpunathi@in.ibm.com>> (he/him)
* [jasnell](https://github.com/jasnell) -
**James M Snell** <<jasnell@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [joyeecheung](https://github.com/joyeecheung) -
**Joyee Cheung** <<joyeec9h3@gmail.com>> (she/her)
* [legendecas](https://github.com/legendecas) -
**Chengzhong Wu** <<legendecas@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [mcollina](https://github.com/mcollina) -
**Matteo Collina** <<matteo.collina@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [mhdawson](https://github.com/mhdawson) -
**Michael Dawson** <<midawson@redhat.com>> (he/him)
* [RafaelGSS](https://github.com/RafaelGSS) -
**Rafael Gonzaga** <<rafael.nunu@hotmail.com>> (he/him)
* [RaisinTen](https://github.com/RaisinTen) -
**Darshan Sen** <<raisinten@gmail.com>> (he/him)
* [richardlau](https://github.com/richardlau) -
**Richard Lau** <<rlau@redhat.com>>
* [ronag](https://github.com/ronag) -
**Robert Nagy** <<ronagy@icloud.com>>
* [targos](https://github.com/targos) -
**Michaël Zasso** <<targos@protonmail.com>> (he/him)
* [tniessen](https://github.com/tniessen) -
**Tobias Nießen** <<tniessen@tnie.de>> (he/him)
* [Trott](htt
需积分: 0 52 浏览量
收藏 27.81MB ZIP 举报
Node.js 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎的 JavaScript 运行环境,它让开发者能够使用 JavaScript 编写服务器端代码,极大地扩展了 JavaScript 的应用范围。"node-v18.16.0-win-x64.zip" 是 Node.js 的一个特定版本,针对 Windows 64 位操作系统编译的安装包。
1. **版本号解析**:
- "v18.16.0" 表示这是 Node.js 的第 18 个主要版本,16 代表次要更新,0 指的是修正性更新或补丁。在软件开发中,版本号通常遵循 `主版本号.次版本号.修订号` 的格式,每个部分都有其特定含义。
2. **Windows 平台支持**:
- "win-x64" 指明这个版本是为 Windows 操作系统设计的,并且专为 64 位(x64)架构优化。这意味着它可以在 64 位 Windows 计算机上运行,提供更好的性能和更大的内存支持。
3. **下载问题**:
- 描述中的“node官网太慢”可能指的是用户在尝试从官方 Node.js 网站下载时遇到了网络速度慢的问题。这可能是由于地理位置、网络拥堵或者服务器负载引起的。在这种情况下,用户可能选择从镜像站点或者第三方源获取,以提高下载速度。
4. **Node.js 功能**:
- Node.js 提供了一个事件驱动的非阻塞 I/O 模型,使得它在处理高并发请求时表现优秀,尤其适合构建实时的、协作的 web 应用。
- 它内置了 HTTP 模块,可以直接创建 HTTP 服务器,使得用 JavaScript 开发 web 服务变得简单。
- Node.js 的生态系统庞大,拥有丰富的 NPM(Node Package Manager)包库,这些第三方模块可以用于数据库连接、模板引擎、中间件等功能,加速开发进程。
5. **安装与使用**:
- 解压 "node-v18.16.0-win-x64.zip" 文件后,用户通常会找到一个可执行文件 "node.exe" 和 "npm.cmd",前者是 Node.js 的命令行接口,后者是 Node.js 包管理器的命令行工具。
- 用户可以通过命令行运行 "node" 命令来执行 JavaScript 代码,或者使用 "npm" 来安装、管理和更新项目依赖。
6. **开发环境配置**:
- 开发者经常将 Node.js 配置到系统路径中,这样就可以在任何目录下直接运行 Node.js 命令。
- 对于开发工作,推荐使用集成开发环境(IDE),如 Visual Studio Code、WebStorm 等,它们提供了对 Node.js 的良好支持,包括语法高亮、智能提示和调试功能。
7. **应用场景**:
- Node.js 适用于实时通讯应用,如聊天室、在线游戏、实时数据分析等。
- 它也常用于构建 API 服务器,搭配前端框架如 React 或 Vue,实现前后端分离的 web 应用。
- 另外,它还可用于构建 CLI(命令行工具)、文件处理工具以及构建脚本等。
"node-v18.16.0-win-x64.zip" 是 Node.js 为 Windows 64 位用户提供的一种便捷的安装方式,利用它,开发者可以利用 JavaScript 的强大能力进行服务器端编程,创建高性能的 web 应用和服务。
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