Session 1: Programming Language Security
Chair: Ben Livshits
All Your IFCException Are Belong To Us page: 003
Catalin Hritcu (University of Pennsylvania), Michael Greenberg
(University of Pennsylvania), Ben Karel (University of Pennsylvania),
Benjamin C. Pierce (University of Pennsylvania), and Greg Morrisett
(Harvard University)
Declarative, Temporal, and Practical Programming with Capabilities
page: 018
William R. Harris (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Somesh Jha
(University of Wisconsin, Madison), Thomas Reps (University of
Wisconsin, Madison), Jonathan Anderson (University of Cambridge), and
Robert N. M. Watson (University of Cambridge)
Towards Practical Reactive Security Audit Using Extended Static
Checkers page: 033
Julien Vanegue (Bloomberg LP) and Shuvendu K. Lahiri (Microsoft
SoK: Eternal War in Memory page: 048
Laszlo Szekeres (Stony Brook University and UC Berkeley), Mathias
Payer (UC Berkeley), Tao Wei (UC Berkeley and Peking University), and
Dawn Song (UC Berkeley)
Session 2: Anonymous Network Communication
Chair: Srdjan Capkun
The Parrot is Dead: Observing Unobservable Network Communications
page: 065
Amir Houmansadr (The University of Texas at Austin), Chad Brubaker
(The University of Texas at Austin), and Vitaly Shmatikov (The
University of Texas at Austin)
Trawling for Tor Hidden Services: Detection, Measurement,
Deanonymization page: 080
Alex Biryukov (University of Luxembourg), Ivan Pustogarov (University
of Luxembourg), and RalfPhilipp Weinmann (University of Luxembourg)
Session 3: Botnets and Other Underground Activities
Chair: Thorsten Holz
SoK: P2PWNED — Modeling and Evaluating the Resilience of Peer-to-
Peer Botnets page: 097
Christian Rossow (Institute for Internet Security), Dennis Andriesse
(VU University Amsterdam), Tillmann Werner (The Honeynet Project),
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