# Sinatra
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Sinatra is a [DSL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language) for
quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort:
# myapp.rb
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
'Hello world!'
Install the gem:
gem install sinatra
And run with:
ruby myapp.rb
View at: [http://localhost:4567](http://localhost:4567)
The code you changed will not take effect until you restart the server.
Please restart the server every time you change or use
It is recommended to also run `gem install puma`, which Sinatra will
pick up if available.
## Table of Contents
* [Sinatra](#sinatra)
* [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
* [Routes](#routes)
* [Conditions](#conditions)
* [Return Values](#return-values)
* [Custom Route Matchers](#custom-route-matchers)
* [Static Files](#static-files)
* [Views / Templates](#views--templates)
* [Literal Templates](#literal-templates)
* [Available Template Languages](#available-template-languages)
* [Haml Templates](#haml-templates)
* [Erb Templates](#erb-templates)
* [Builder Templates](#builder-templates)
* [Nokogiri Templates](#nokogiri-templates)
* [Sass Templates](#sass-templates)
* [SCSS Templates](#scss-templates)
* [Less Templates](#less-templates)
* [Liquid Templates](#liquid-templates)
* [Markdown Templates](#markdown-templates)
* [Textile Templates](#textile-templates)
* [RDoc Templates](#rdoc-templates)
* [AsciiDoc Templates](#asciidoc-templates)
* [Radius Templates](#radius-templates)
* [Markaby Templates](#markaby-templates)
* [RABL Templates](#rabl-templates)
* [Slim Templates](#slim-templates)
* [Creole Templates](#creole-templates)
* [MediaWiki Templates](#mediawiki-templates)
* [CoffeeScript Templates](#coffeescript-templates)
* [Stylus Templates](#stylus-templates)
* [Yajl Templates](#yajl-templates)
* [WLang Templates](#wlang-templates)
* [Accessing Variables in Templates](#accessing-variables-in-templates)
* [Templates with `yield` and nested layouts](#templates-with-yield-and-nested-layouts)
* [Inline Templates](#inline-templates)
* [Named Templates](#named-templates)
* [Associating File Extensions](#associating-file-extensions)
* [Adding Your Own Template Engine](#adding-your-own-template-engine)
* [Using Custom Logic for Template Lookup](#using-custom-logic-for-template-lookup)
* [Filters](#filters)
* [Helpers](#helpers)
* [Using Sessions](#using-sessions)
* [Session Secret Security](#session-secret-security)
* [Session Config](#session-config)
* [Choosing Your Own Session Middleware](#choosing-your-own-session-middleware)
* [Halting](#halting)
* [Passing](#passing)
* [Triggering Another Route](#triggering-another-route)
* [Setting Body, Status Code and Headers](#setting-body-status-code-and-headers)
* [Streaming Responses](#streaming-responses)
* [Logging](#logging)
* [Mime Types](#mime-types)
* [Generating URLs](#generating-urls)
* [Browser Redirect](#browser-redirect)
* [Cache Control](#cache-control)
* [Sending Files](#sending-files)
* [Accessing the Request Object](#accessing-the-request-object)
* [Attachments](#attachments)
* [Dealing with Date and Time](#dealing-with-date-and-time)
* [Looking Up Template Files](#looking-up-template-files)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Configuring attack protection](#configuring-attack-protection)
* [Available Settings](#available-settings)
* [Environments](#environments)
* [Error Handling](#error-handling)
* [Not Found](#not-found)
* [Error](#error)
* [Rack Middleware](#rack-middleware)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [Sinatra::Base - Middleware, Libraries, and Modular Apps](#sinatrabase---middleware-libraries-and-modular-apps)
* [Modular vs. Classic Style](#modular-vs-classic-style)
* [Serving a Modular Application](#serving-a-modular-application)
* [Using a Classic Style Application with a config.ru](#using-a-classic-style-application-with-a-configru)
* [When to use a config.ru?](#when-to-use-a-configru)
* [Using Sinatra as Middleware](#using-sinatra-as-middleware)
* [Dynamic Application Creation](#dynamic-application-creation)
* [Scopes and Binding](#scopes-and-binding)
* [Application/Class Scope](#applicationclass-scope)
* [Request/Instance Scope](#requestinstance-scope)
* [Delegation Scope](#delegation-scope)
* [Command Line](#command-line)
* [Multi-threading](#multi-threading)
* [Requirement](#requirement)
* [The Bleeding Edge](#the-bleeding-edge)
* [With Bundler](#with-bundler)
* [Versioning](#versioning)
* [Further Reading](#further-reading)
## Routes
In Sinatra, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern.
Each route is associated with a block:
get '/' do
.. show something ..
post '/' do
.. create something ..
put '/' do
.. replace something ..
patch '/' do
.. modify something ..
delete '/' do
.. annihilate something ..
options '/' do
.. appease something ..
link '/' do
.. affiliate something ..
unlink '/' do
.. separate something ..
Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that
matches the request is invoked.
Routes with trailing slashes are different from the ones without:
get '/foo' do
# Does not match "GET /foo/"
Route patterns may include named parameters, accessible via the
`params` hash:
get '/hello/:name' do
# matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar"
# params['name'] is 'foo' or 'bar'
"Hello #{params['name']}!"
You can also access named parameters via block parameters:
get '/hello/:name' do |n|
# matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar"
# params['name'] is 'foo' or 'bar'
# n stores params['name']
"Hello #{n}!"
Route patterns may also include splat (or wildcard) parameters, accessible
via the `params['splat']` array:
get '/say/*/to/*' do
# matches /say/hello/to/world
params['splat'] # => ["hello", "world"]
get '/download/*.*' do
# matches /download/path/to/file.xml
params['splat'] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"]
Or with block parameters:
get '/download/*.*' do |path, ext|
[path, ext] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"]
Route matching with Regular Expressions:
get /\/hello\/([\w]+)/ do
"Hello, #{params['captures'].first}!"
Or with a block parameter:
get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do |c|
# Matches "GET /meta/hello/world", "GET /hello/world/1234" etc.
"Hello, #{c}!"
Route patterns may have optional parameters:
get '/posts/:format?' do
# matches "GET /posts/" and any extension "GET /posts/json", "GET /posts/xml" etc
Routes may also utilize query parameters:
get '/posts' do
# matches "GET /posts?title=foo&author=bar"
title = params['title']
author = params['author']
# uses title and author vari
需积分: 0 45 浏览量
收藏 317.34MB ZIP 举报
Logstash 是一个强大的开源数据收集、处理和转发引擎,由 Elastic 公司开发,是 ELK(Elasticsearch、Logstash、Kibana)堆栈的重要组成部分。它主要用于日志管理和分析,能够从各种数据源中采集数据,进行过滤、转换,并将处理后的数据发送到各种目标,如 Elasticsearch、数据库或消息队列。
在提供的压缩包文件"**logstash-8.5.3-windows-x86-64.zip**"中,我们获得的是 Logstash 的 8.5.3 版本,专为 Windows x86-64 平台设计。这个版本包含了所有运行 Logstash 所需的文件,包括二进制文件、配置文件、库文件等。
安装与配置 Logstash:
1. 你需要解压 ZIP 文件到一个适当的目录。
2. 安装 Java 运行环境 (JRE) 或者 Java 开发工具包 (JDK),因为 Logstash 基于 Java。
3. 修改 `config/logstash.yml` 文件来配置 Logstash 的行为,如设置路径、端口和日志级别。
4. 创建或编辑 `config/pipeline.conf` 文件,这是 Logstash 的主要配置文件,用于定义输入、过滤器和输出插件。
Logstash 支持多种输入插件,例如 file input 插件可以从本地文件系统读取日志文件,tcp input 可以监听 TCP 端口接收数据,udp input 可以处理 UDP 数据包。在配置文件中,你需要指定输入插件的类型、参数以及数据源。
过滤阶段是 Logstash 的核心,可以对数据进行清洗、转换和标准化。例如,grok 过滤器用于解析结构化文本,mutate 过滤器可以修改字段值,date 过滤器则用于识别和转换时间戳。
处理完数据后,Logstash 使用输出插件将数据发送到目标。常见的输出插件有 Elasticsearch 输出,将数据索引到 Elasticsearch 中以便搜索和分析;stdout 输出将数据打印到控制台;file 输出可以将结果写入文件。
Logstash 的工作流程:
Logstash 采用事件驱动模型,每个输入都会生成一个事件,然后通过过滤器进行处理,最后由输出插件将事件发送到目的地。这种模式使得 Logstash 能够灵活地处理各种不同格式和来源的数据。
为了确保 Logstash 正常运行并优化性能,你可以使用 `--configtest` 命令检查配置文件的语法,`-v` 或 `--verbose` 参数增加日志输出以进行调试。
Logstash 支持使用 TLS/SSL 加密通信,提高数据传输的安全性。此外,由于其模块化设计,可以通过安装社区提供的额外插件来扩展功能。
Logstash 是一个强大且灵活的数据处理工具,尤其适合日志管理和分析。通过对输入、过滤和输出的定制,它可以适应各种场景,从简单的日志收集到复杂的实时数据分析。正确配置和使用 Logstash,可以极大地提升你的 IT 系统的监控能力和数据洞察力。