Spinal Base Project
This repository is a base SBT project added to help non Scala/SBT native people in their first steps.
Just one important note, you need a java JDK >= 8
On debian :
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y
#To set the default java
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
## Basics, without any IDE
You need to install SBT
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/sbt/debian /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt
If you want to run the scala written testbench, you have to be on linux and have Verilator installed (a recent version) :
sudo apt-get install git make autoconf g++ flex bison -y # First time prerequisites
git clone http://git.veripool.org/git/verilator # Only first time
unsetenv VERILATOR_ROOT # For csh; ignore error if on bash
unset VERILATOR_ROOT # For bash
cd verilator
git pull # Make sure we're up-to-date
git checkout v4.040
autoconf # Create ./configure script
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
cd ..
echo "DONE"
Clone or download this repository.
git clone https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalTemplateSbt.git
Open a terminal in the root of it and run "sbt run". At the first execution, the process could take some seconds
cd SpinalTemplateSbt
//If you want to generate the Verilog of your design
sbt "runMain mylib.MyTopLevelVerilog"
//If you want to generate the VHDL of your design
sbt "runMain mylib.MyTopLevelVhdl"
//If you want to run the scala written testbench
sbt "runMain mylib.MyTopLevelSim"
The top level spinal code is defined into src\main\scala\mylib
## Basics, with Intellij IDEA and its scala plugin
You need to install :
- Java JDK 8
- Intellij IDEA (the free Community Edition is good enough)
- Intellij IDEA Scala plugin (when you run Intellij IDEA the first time, he will ask you about it)
And do the following :
- Clone or download this repository.
- In Intellij IDEA, "import project" with the root of this repository, Import project from external model SBT
- In addition maybe you need to specify some path like JDK to Intellij
- In the project (Intellij project GUI), go in src/main/scala/mylib/MyTopLevel.scala, right click on MyTopLevelVerilog, "Run MyTopLevelVerilog"
Normally, this must generate an MyTopLevel.v output files.
## Basics, with Eclipse and its scala plugin
First, i "strongly" suggest to use intellij idea instead.
You need to install :
- Java JDK
- Scala
- Eclipse (tested with Mars.2 - 4.5.2)
- [scala plugin](http://scala-ide.org/) (tested with 4.4.1)
And do the following :
- Clone or download this repository.
- Revert changes from https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalTemplateSbt/commit/173bbb9bb8cbf70087339104f6ebced9321908dd
- Run ```sbt eclipse``` in the ```SpinalTemplateSbt``` directory.
- Import the eclipse project from eclipse.
- In the project (eclipse project GUI), right click on src/main/scala/mylib/MyTopLevel.scala, right click on MyTopLevelVerilog, and select run it
Normally, this must generate output file ```MyTopLevel.v```.
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基于FPGA的CNN图像分类系统.zip(毕设&课设&实训&大作业&竞赛&项目) (222个子文件)
test_batch.bin 29.31MB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_2_core_fmRAM.bin 192KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_2_core_fmRAM.bin 192KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_avgPoolBlock_1_core_fmRAM.bin 49KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_avgPoolBlock_1_core_fmRAM.bin 49KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_2_core_layer_rom_ROM.bin 9KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_2_core_layer_rom_ROM.bin 9KB
weight.bin 1KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_3_core_layer_rom_ROM.bin 1KB
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_3_core_layer_rom_ROM.bin 1KB
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ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_3_core_fmRAM.bin 264B
ClassificationNet.v_toplevel_convolutionBlock_3_core_fmRAM.bin 264B
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$fd293f8d5f8d48c3b567$.class 2KB
$c2e2d1d3c1064f335bfc$.class 2KB
$82ffa1936be93273e966$.class 2KB
$5cd71d3f32ea60a531a3$.class 2KB
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$0ee2a55c087916402264.class 675B
$c2e2d1d3c1064f335bfc.class 675B
$50405c8d0affe7b128dc.class 675B
$7f37f83adacf9ef48ec5.class 675B
$daae7ff53c5a6928e407.class 635B
$daae7ff53c5a6928e407$.class 562B
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export 12KB
export 12KB
export 12KB
export 12KB
export 12KB
export 12KB
export 12KB
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export 790B
export 782B
export 782B
export 774B
export 774B
export 661B
export 661B
export 661B
export 661B
export 661B
export 661B
export 129B
export 129B
export 129B
export 121B
export 121B
export 121B
export 113B
export 113B
export 113B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 1B
export 0B
export 0B
export 0B
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input_dsp 10B
input_dsp 10B
input_dsp 10B
inputs 10B
inputs 9B
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