End User License Agreement for the Intel(R) Software Development Products
(Version May 2017)
This Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you, or the company or
other legal entity ("Legal Entity") for which you represent and warrant that you
have the legal authority to bind that Legal Entity, are agreeing to this
Agreement (each, "You" or "Your") and Intel Corporation and its subsidiaries
(collectively "Intel") regarding Your use of the Materials. By copying,
installing, distributing, publicly displaying, or otherwise using the Materials,
You agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If You do not agree to
the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, distribute, publicly display,
or use the Materials. You affirm that You are 18 years old or older or, if not,
Your parent, legal guardian or Legal Entity must agree and enter into this
DATA COLLECTION. The Materials may contain certain features that generate,
collect, and transmit data to Intel about the installation, setup, and use of
the Materials. The purposes of data collection are: 1) to verify compliance
with the terms of this Agreement; and 2) to enable Intel to develop, improve,
and support Intel's products and services. When data is collected to verify
compliance with the terms of this Agreement, this collection may be mandatory
and a condition of using the Materials. This data includes the Material's
unique serial number combined with other information about the Materials and
Your computer.
When Materials are made available for use free of charge, the collection of
usage data (such as randomly generated unique identifier and
component/feature/function usage) may also be mandatory and a condition of using
the Materials. Data collected about the installation, setup, and use of the
Materials may be collated with other available data only if: 1) the purpose is
to develop, improve, and support Intel's products and services, and 2) the data
will not be used to identify or contact You or other individuals.
To learn more about Intel's data collection for these Materials, please visit:
https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/data-collection. To learn more about
Intel's privacy practices, please visit http://www.intel.com/privacy.
A. "Confidential Information" means all Materials (as defined below), including
any portions thereof, that are identified (in the product release notes, on
Intel's download website for the Materials or elsewhere) or labeled as Intel
confidential information or a similar legend.
B. "Excluded License" means a license that requires, as a condition of use,
modification, or distribution, that the licensed software or other software
incorporated into, derived from or distributed with such software (a) be
disclosed or distributed in Source Code form; (b) be licensed by the user to
third parties for the purpose of making and/or distributing derivative
works; or (c) be redistributable at no charge. Excluded Licenses include,
without limitation, licenses that license or distribute software under any
of the following licenses or distribution models, or licenses or
distribution models substantially similar to any of the following: (a) GNU's
General Public License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL), (b) the Artistic
License (e.g., PERL), (c) the Mozilla Public License, (d) the Netscape
Public License, (e) the Sun Community Source License (SCSL), (f) the Sun
Industry Source License (SISL), and (g) the Common Public License (CPL).
C. "Licensed Patent Claims" means the claims of Intel's patents that are
necessarily and directly infringed by the reproduction and distribution of
the Materials that is authorized in Section 2 below, when the Materials are
in their unmodified form as delivered by Intel to You and not modified or
combined with anything else. Licensed Patent Claims are only those claims
that Intel can license without paying, or getting the consent of, a third
D. "Materials" are defined as the software, documentation, the software product
serial number and license key codes (if applicable), and other materials,
including any modifications, updates and upgrades thereto, that are provided
to You under this Agreement. Materials also include any Redistributables,
Source Code, and Pre-Release Materials, as defined below, but do not include
Third Party Programs.
E. "Microsoft Platforms" means any current and future Microsoft operating
system products, Microsoft run-time technologies (such as the .NET
Framework), and Microsoft application platforms (such as Microsoft Office or
Microsoft Dynamics) that Microsoft offers.
F. "Pre-Release Materials" means the Materials, or portions thereof, that are
identified (in the product release notes, on Intel's download website for
the Materials or elsewhere) or labeled as pre-release, and as such the
Pre-Release Materials are deemed to be pre-release code (e.g., alpha or beta
release, etc.), which may not be fully functional and which Intel may
substantially modify in development of a commercial version, and for which
Intel makes no assurances that it will ever develop or make generally
available a commercial version.
G. "Redistributables" (if any) are the files listed in the text files that may
be included in the Materials for the applicable "Intel Software Development
Product" that indicate they are for redistribution, including but not
limited to "redist.txt."
H. "Sample Source Code" is those portions of the Materials that are Source Code
files and are identified as sample source code, including without
limitation, the IPP Sample Source.
I. "Source Code" is defined as the software (and not documentation or text)
portion of the Materials provided in human readable format, and includes
modifications to the Source Code that You make or are made on Your behalf as
expressly permitted under the terms of this Agreement.
J. "Third Party Programs" (if any) are the files listed in the
"third-party-programs.txt" text file that may be included in the Materials
for the applicable software.
K. "Your Product" means one or more applications or products developed by or
for You using the Materials.
2.1 License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and timely
payment of any fees (if applicable), Intel grants You a non-exclusive,
worldwide, perpetual (subject to Section 11 below), non-assignable (except as
expressly permitted hereunder), limited right and license:
A. under its copyrights, to:
1) reproduce internally a reasonable number of copies of the Materials for
Your internal business use in accordance with the documentation included as
part of the Materials, and subject to the applicable license rights and
restrictions specified in Section 3 below; provided, however, that this
license does not include the right to sublicense and may only be exercised
by You or Your employees;
2) use the Materials solely for Your internal business use to develop Your
Product, in accordance with the applicable license rights and restrictions
specified in Section 3 below and the documentation or text files included
as part of the Materials; provided, however, that this license does not
include the right to sublicense and may only be exercised by You or Your
3) modify or create derivative works of the Materials, or any portions
thereof, that are provided in Source Code form, provided, however, that
this license does not include the right to sublicense and may be exercised
only by You or Your employees;
4) publicly perform, display, and di
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