# node-tar
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[Fast](./benchmarks) and full-featured Tar for Node.js
The API is designed to mimic the behavior of `tar(1)` on unix systems.
If you are familiar with how tar works, most of this will hopefully be
straightforward for you. If not, then hopefully this module can teach
you useful unix skills that may come in handy someday :)
## Background
A "tar file" or "tarball" is an archive of file system entries
(directories, files, links, etc.) The name comes from "tape archive".
If you run `man tar` on almost any Unix command line, you'll learn
quite a bit about what it can do, and its history.
Tar has 5 main top-level commands:
* `c` Create an archive
* `r` Replace entries within an archive
* `u` Update entries within an archive (ie, replace if they're newer)
* `t` List out the contents of an archive
* `x` Extract an archive to disk
The other flags and options modify how this top level function works.
## High-Level API
These 5 functions are the high-level API. All of them have a
single-character name (for unix nerds familiar with `tar(1)`) as well
as a long name (for everyone else).
All the high-level functions take the following arguments, all three
of which are optional and may be omitted.
1. `options` - An optional object specifying various options
2. `paths` - An array of paths to add or extract
3. `callback` - Called when the command is completed, if async. (If
sync or no file specified, providing a callback throws a
If the command is sync (ie, if `options.sync=true`), then the
callback is not allowed, since the action will be completed immediately.
If a `file` argument is specified, and the command is async, then a
`Promise` is returned. In this case, if async, a callback may be
provided which is called when the command is completed.
If a `file` option is not specified, then a stream is returned. For
`create`, this is a readable stream of the generated archive. For
`list` and `extract` this is a writable stream that an archive should
be written into. If a file is not specified, then a callback is not
allowed, because you're already getting a stream to work with.
`replace` and `update` only work on existing archives, and so require
a `file` argument.
Sync commands without a file argument return a stream that acts on its
input immediately in the same tick. For readable streams, this means
that all of the data is immediately available by calling
`stream.read()`. For writable streams, it will be acted upon as soon
as it is provided, but this can be at any time.
### Warnings
Some things cause tar to emit a warning, but should usually not cause
the entire operation to fail. There are three ways to handle
1. **Ignore them** (default) Invalid entries won't be put in the
archive, and invalid entries won't be unpacked. This is usually
fine, but can hide failures that you might care about.
2. **Notice them** Add an `onwarn` function to the options, or listen
to the `'warn'` event on any tar stream. The function will get
called as `onwarn(message, data)`. Handle as appropriate.
3. **Explode them.** Set `strict: true` in the options object, and
`warn` messages will be emitted as `'error'` events instead. If
there's no `error` handler, this causes the program to crash. If
used with a promise-returning/callback-taking method, then it'll
send the error to the promise/callback.
### Examples
The API mimics the `tar(1)` command line functionality, with aliases
for more human-readable option and function names. The goal is that
if you know how to use `tar(1)` in Unix, then you know how to use
`require('tar')` in JavaScript.
To replicate `tar czf my-tarball.tgz files and folders`, you'd do:
gzip: <true|gzip options>,
file: 'my-tarball.tgz'
['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders']
).then(_ => { .. tarball has been created .. })
To replicate `tar cz files and folders > my-tarball.tgz`, you'd do:
tar.c( // or tar.create
gzip: <true|gzip options>
['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders']
To replicate `tar xf my-tarball.tgz` you'd do:
tar.x( // or tar.extract(
file: 'my-tarball.tgz'
).then(_=> { .. tarball has been dumped in cwd .. })
To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar x -C some-dir --strip=1`:
strip: 1,
C: 'some-dir' // alias for cwd:'some-dir', also ok
To replicate `tar tf my-tarball.tgz`, do this:
file: 'my-tarball.tgz',
onentry: entry => { .. do whatever with it .. }
To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar t` do:
.on('entry', entry => { .. do whatever with it .. })
To do anything synchronous, add `sync: true` to the options. Note
that sync functions don't take a callback and don't return a promise.
When the function returns, it's already done. Sync methods without a
file argument return a sync stream, which flushes immediately. But,
of course, it still won't be done until you `.end()` it.
To filter entries, add `filter: <function>` to the options.
Tar-creating methods call the filter with `filter(path, stat)`.
Tar-reading methods (including extraction) call the filter with
`filter(path, entry)`. The filter is called in the `this`-context of
the `Pack` or `Unpack` stream object.
The arguments list to `tar t` and `tar x` specify a list of filenames
to extract or list, so they're equivalent to a filter that tests if
the file is in the list.
For those who _aren't_ fans of tar's single-character command names:
tar.c === tar.create
tar.r === tar.replace (appends to archive, file is required)
tar.u === tar.update (appends if newer, file is required)
tar.x === tar.extract
tar.t === tar.list
Keep reading for all the command descriptions and options, as well as
the low-level API that they are built on.
### tar.c(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.create]
Create a tarball archive.
The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a
directory also adds its children recursively.
An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive
whose entries will be added. To add a file that starts with `@`,
prepend it with `./`.
The following options are supported:
- `file` Write the tarball archive to the specified filename. If this
is specified, then the callback will be fired when the file has been
written, and a promise will be returned that resolves when the file
is written. If a filename is not specified, then a Readable Stream
will be returned which will emit the file data. [Alias: `f`]
- `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file
will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`. If this is set,
and a file is not provided, then the resulting stream will already
have the data ready to `read` or `emit('data')` as soon as you
request it.
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
or `false` to omit it.
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
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任务发布系统vue+element+node.zip (2003个子文件)
前端小组四项目需求说明书-1565847763391.docx 183KB
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