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Curvature-Compensated BiCMOS Bandgap with
1-V Supply Voltage
Piero Malcovati, Franco Maloberti, Fellow, IEEE, Carlo Fiocchi, and Marcello Pruzzi
Abstract—In this paper, we present a bandgap circuit capable of
generating a reference voltage of 0.54 V. The circuit, implemented
in a submicron BiCMOS technology, operates with a supply
voltage of 1 V, consuming 92
W at room temperature. In the
bandgap circuit proposed, we use a nonconventional operational
amplifier which achieves virtually zero systematic offset, operating
directly from the 1-V power supply. The bandgap architecture
used allows a straightforward implementation of the curvature
compensation method. The proposed circuit achieves 7.5 ppm/K
of temperature coefficient and 212 ppm/V of supply voltage
dependence, without requiring additional operational amplifiers
or complex circuits for the curvature compensation.
Index Terms—Analog integrated circuits, MiCMOS analog inte-
grated circuits.
UPPLY voltage is scaling down because of reducing oxide
thickness and increasing demand for low-power portable
equipment. Currently, 1.8-V power supplies are commonly
used; soon, circuits operating with 1.2 V (
10%) or less will be
introduced. The threshold voltage of MOS transistors, however,
is not scaling down as much as the supply voltage. Therefore,
this relatively high threshold calls for new techniques in
the design of basic analog blocks. One key component for
analog systems is the bandgap voltage generator. Conventional
structures allow us to achieve a reference voltage of about
1.2 V with minimum sensitivity to temperature variations. Of
course, when the supply voltage goes down below 1.2 V, it
is no longer possible to use the conventional structures, and
designing the required operational amplifier also becomes quite
difficult. This paper discusses a bandgap architecture capable
of operating with a 1-V supply, while using a conventional
BiCMOS technology with a threshold voltage of about 0.7 V
for both n-channel and p-channel transistors. The circuit also
incorporates a network that, despite its simplicity, allows us to
accurately correct the curvature error, thus limiting the voltage
variation to 7.5 ppm/K in the temperature range from 0
Manuscript received November 15, 2000; revised January 31, 2001.
P. Malcovati is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy (e-mail: piero@ele.unipv.it).
F. Maloberti is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3128 USA, on leave from the
Department of Electronics, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy (e-mail:
franco@ee.tamu.edu; franco@ele.unipv.it).
C. Fiocchi and M. Pruzzi are with Mikron AG, 27100 Pavia, Italy (e-mail:
carlo.fiocchi@mikron.de; marcello.pruzzi@mikron.de).
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(01)04511-5.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the bandgap circuit.
Two components build up the output voltage of a bandgap
reference. One is the voltage across a directly biased diode
(base–emitter voltage
) and the other is a term proportional
to the absolute temperature (PTAT). The negative temperature
coefficient of the former term compensates for the positive
temperature coefficient of the latter. If
is used to
obtain a PTAT voltage, it is well known that we have to multiply
by approximately 22 to compensate for the temperature
dependence of the diode voltage. If this condition is satisfied,
the generated bandgap voltage becomes approximately 1.2 V.
Using a supply voltage (
) as low as 1 V, obviously 1.2 V
cannot be produced; instead, we can generate a fraction of
1.2 V with similar temperature features. Since the bandgap
voltage is given by
we achieve a fraction of the traditional bandgap voltage by
scaling both terms of (1), using currents terms proportional to
and to , respectively. These currents are suitably added
and transformed into a voltage with a resistor. We compen-
sate for the temperature dependence of the resistors used by
fabricating them with the same kind of material. Fig. 1 shows
the schematic diagram of a circuit [1], which implements the
described operation.
0018–9200/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE
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