// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "seal/util/common.h"
#include "seal/util/defines.h"
#include "seal/util/pointer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace seal
class Ciphertext;
namespace util
class NTTTables;
@par PolyIter, RNSIter, and CoeffIter
In this file we define a set of custom iterator classes ("SEAL iterators") that are used throughout Microsoft
SEAL for easier iteration over ciphertext polynomials, their RNS components, and the coefficients in the RNS
components. All SEAL iterators satisfy the C++ LegacyRandomAccessIterator requirements. SEAL iterators are ideal
to use with the SEAL_ITERATE macro, which expands to std::for_each_n in C++17 and to seal::util::seal_for_each_n
in C++14. All SEAL iterators derive from SEALIterBase.
The most important SEAL iterator classes behave as illustrated by the following diagram:
| Pointer & Size | Construct +-----------------+
| or Ciphertext |------------>| (Const)PolyIter | Iterates over RNS polynomials in a ciphertext
+-------------------+ +--------+--------+ (coeff_modulus_size-many RNS components)
| Dereference
+----------------+ Construct +----------------+
| Pointer & Size |------------->| (Const)RNSIter | Iterates over RNS components in an RNS polynomial
+----------------+ +-------+--------+ (poly_modulus_degree-many coefficients)
| Dereference
+----------------+ Construct +------------------+
| Pointer & Size |------------>| (Const)CoeffIter | Iterates over coefficients (std::uint64_t) in a single
+----------------+ +---------+--------+ RNS polynomial component
| Dereference
| (const) std::uint64_t & |
@par PtrIter and StrideIter
PtrIter<T *> and StrideIter<T *> are both templated SEAL iterators that wrap raw pointers. The difference
between these two types is that advancing PtrIter<T *> always advances the wrapped pointer by one, whereas the
step size (stride) can be set to be anything for a StrideIter<T *>. CoeffIter is a typedef of
PtrIter<std::uint64_t *> and and RNSIter is almost the same as StrideIter<std::uint64_t *>, but still a
different type.
+----------+ Construct +-------------------+
| MyType * |------------->| PtrIter<MyType *> | Simple wrapper for raw pointers
+----------+ +----+----------+---+
| |
| |
Dereference | | PtrIter<MyType *>::ptr()
| | or implicit conversion
| |
v v
+----------+ +----------+
| MyType & | | MyType * |
+----------+ +----------+
+----------+ Construct +----------------------+
| MyType * |------------->| StrideIter<MyType *> | Simple wrapper for raw pointers with custom stride size
+----------+ +-----+----------+-----+
| |
| |
Dereference | | StrideIter<MyType *>::ptr()
| | or implicit conversion
| |
v v
+----------+ +----------+
| MyType & | | MyType * |
+----------+ +----------+
@par IterTuple
An extremely useful template class is the (variadic) IterTuple<...> that allows multiple SEAL iterators to be
zipped together. An IterTuple is itself a SEAL iterator and nested IterTuple types are used commonly in the
library. Dereferencing an IterTuple always yields an std::tuple, with each IterTuple element dereferenced.
Since an IterTuple can be constructed from an std::tuple holding the respective single-parameter constructor
arguments for each iterator, the dereferenced std::tuple can often be directly passed on to functions expecting
an IterTuple.
The individual components of an IterTuple can be accessed with the seal::util::get<i>(...) functions. The
behavior of IterTuple is summarized in the following diagram:
| IterTuple<PolyIter, RNSIter, CoeffIter> |
| Dereference
| std::tuple<RNSIter, CoeffIter, std::uint64_t &>> |
| | |
| | |
| std::get<0> | std::get<1> | std::get<2>
| | |
| | |
v v v
+-------------+ +---------------+ +-----------------+
| RNSIter | | CoeffIter | | std::uint64_t & |
+-------------+ +---------------+ +-----------------+
Sometimes we have to use multiple nested iterator tuples. In this case accessing the nested iterators can be
tedious with nested get<...> calls. Consider the following, where encrypted1 and encrypted2 are Ciphertexts
and destination is either a Ciphertext or a PolyIter:
IterTuple<PolyIter, PolyIter> I(encrypted1, encrypted2);
IterTuple<decltype(I), PolyIter> J(I, destination);
auto encrypted1_iter = get<0>(get<0>(J));
auto encrypted2_iter = get<1>(get<0>(J));
An easier way is to use another form of get<...> that accepts multiple indices and accesses the structure in a
nested manner. For example, in the above we could also write:
auto encrypted1_iter = get<0, 0>(J));
auto encr
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