# Script usage demo
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## important attributes
you only need to follow the instructions below and keep the corresponding configuration in 'config.txt' to run. For more configuration information, please visit [seata.io](https://seata.io/)
| server | client |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| store.mode: file,db | config.type: file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3、custom |
| #only db: | #only file: |
| store.db.driverClassName | service.default.grouplist |
| store.db.url | #All: |
| store.db.user | service.vgroupMapping.default_tx_group |
| store.db.password | service.disableGlobalTransaction |
## Script Introduction
The Script has interactive and non-interactive configuration modes,different patterns are distinguished by different file names.
interactive mode(*-config-interactive.sh or *-config-interactive.py): the script starts the config program in interactive mode on the command line, prompting you for each option.
non-interactive mode(*-config.sh or *-config.py): the script use additional config options to specify values for the options you choose during interactive mode, thus scripting the config process.
## Nacos
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/nacos-config-interactive.sh
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of nacos.
请输入nacos的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of nacos.
请输入nacos的port [8848]:
Please enter the group of nacos.
请输入nacos的group [SEATA_GROUP]:
Please enter the tenant of nacos.
Please enter the username of nacos.
Please enter the password of nacos.
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/nacos-config.sh -h localhost -p 8848 -g SEATA_GROUP -t 5a3c7d6c-f497-4d68-a71a-2e5e3340b3ca -u username -w password
- Interactive Mode
python ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/nacos-config-interactive.py
This command will generate interactive configuration mode like nacos-config-interactive.sh.
- Non-Interactive Mode
python ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/nacos-config.py localhost:8848
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 8848.
-g: Configure grouping, the default value is 'SEATA_GROUP'.
-t: Tenant information, corresponding to the namespace ID field of Nacos, the default value is ''.
-u: username, nacos 1.2.0+ on permission control, the default value is ''.
-w: password, nacos 1.2.0+ on permission control, the default value is ''.
## Apollo
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/apollo/apollo-config-interactive.sh
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of apollo.
请输入apollo的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of apollo.
请输入apollo的port [8070]:
Please enter the env of apollo.
请输入apollo的env [DEV]:
Please enter the appId of apollo.
请输入apollo的appId [seata-server]:
Please enter the clusterName of apollo.
请输入apollo的clusterName [default]:
Please enter the namespaceName of apollo.
请输入apollo的namespaceName [application]:
Please enter the dataChangeCreatedBy of apollo.
Please enter the releasedBy of apollo.
Please enter the token of apollo.
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/apollo/apollo-config.sh -h localhost -p 8070 -e DEV -a seata-server -c default -n application -d apollo -r apollo -t 3aa026fc8435d0fc4505b345b8fa4578fb646a2c
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 8070.
-e: Managed configuration environment, the default value is DEV.
-a: AppId to which the namespace belongs, the default value is seata-server.
-c: Managed configuration cluster name, Generally, you can pass in default. If it is a special cluster, just pass in the name of the corresponding cluster,the default value is default.
-n: Name of the managed namespace, If the format is not properties, you need to add a suffix name, such as sample.yml, the default value is application.
-d: The creator of the item, in the format of a domain account, which is the User ID of the sso system.
-r: Publisher, domain account, note: if namespace.lock.switch in ApolloConfigDB.ServerConfig is set to true (default is false), Then the environment does not allow the publisher and editor to be the same person. So if the editor is zhangsan, the publisher can no longer be zhangsan.
-t: Apollo admin creates third-party applications in http://{portal_address}/open/manage.html, It is best to check whether this AppId has been created before creation. After successful creation, a token will be generated.
For details of the above parameter descriptions, please see:
## Consul
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/consul/consul-config-interactive.sh
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of consul.
请输入consul的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of consul.
请输入consul的port [8500]:
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/consul/consul-config.sh -h localhost -p 8500
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 8500.
## Etcd3
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/etcd3/etcd3-config-interactive.sh
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of etcd3.
请输入etcd3的host [localhost]:"
Please enter the port of etcd3.
请输入etcd3的port [2379]:
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/etcd3/etcd3-config.sh -h localhost -p 2379
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 2379.
## ZK
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/zk/zk-config-interactive.sh
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of zookeeper.
请输入zookeeper的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of zookeeper.
请输入zookeeper的port [2181]:
Please enter the zkHome of zookeeper.
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/zk/zk-config.sh -h localhost -p 2181 -z "/Users/zhangchenghui/zookeeper-3.4.14"
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 2181.
-z: zk path.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Seata 是一款开源的分布式事务解决方案里面包含了两个版本 最新版2.0.0, 和稳定版本1.6.1 Seata 是一款开源的分布式事务解决方案,致力于在微服务架构下提供高性能和简单易用的分布式事务服务。在 Seata 开源之前,其内部版本在阿里系内部一直扮演着应用架构层数据一致性的中间件角色,帮助经济体平稳的度过历年的双11,对上层业务进行了有力的技术支撑。经过多年沉淀与积累,其商业化产品先后在阿里云、金融云上售卖。2019.1 为了打造更加完善的技术生态和普惠技术成果,Seata 正式宣布对外开源,未来 Seata 将以社区共建的形式帮助用户快速落地分布式事务解决方案。
Seata 是一款开源的分布式事务解决方案 (285个子文件)
seata-server.bat 4KB
logstash-logback.conf 944B
logstash-kafka.conf 862B
Dockerfile 1KB
.helmignore 342B
rocksdbjni-7.7.3.jar 55.01MB
skywalking-agent.jar 17.28MB
zstd-jni-1.5.0-4.jar 6.46MB
kafka-clients-3.1.2.jar 4.73MB
byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar 3.77MB
druid-1.2.7.jar 3.53MB
tomcat-embed-core-9.0.82.jar 3.34MB
guava-30.1-jre.jar 2.73MB
h2-2.1.214.jar 2.43MB
mysql-connector-java-8.0.27.jar 2.36MB
ant-1.10.12.jar 2.15MB
snappy-java- 1.88MB
spring-boot-autoconfigure-2.7.17.jar 1.61MB
protobuf-java-3.16.3.jar 1.58MB
spring-web-5.3.30.jar 1.57MB
jackson-databind-2.13.5.jar 1.47MB
spring-security-config-5.7.11.jar 1.44MB
jna-5.5.0.jar 1.44MB
spring-core-5.3.30.jar 1.42MB
spring-boot-2.7.17.jar 1.4MB
seata-console-2.0.0.jar 1.34MB
proto-google-common-protos-1.17.0.jar 1.28MB
spring-context-5.3.30.jar 1.22MB
jraft-core-1.3.13.jar 1.21MB
jetcd-core-0.5.0.jar 1.21MB
DmJdbcDriver18- 1.01MB
postgresql-42.3.8.jar 1017KB
spring-webmvc-5.3.30.jar 1006KB
mysql-connector-java-5.1.42.jar 973KB
zookeeper-3.5.9.jar 971KB
commons-math-2.2.jar 965KB
janino-3.1.10.jar 931KB
jedis-3.8.0.jar 882KB
hessian-4.0.63.jar 878KB
httpclient-4.5.14.jar 767KB
guice-5.0.1.jar 755KB
spring-beans-5.3.30.jar 690KB
grpc-core-1.27.1.jar 662KB
spring-security-web-5.7.11.jar 660KB
fastjson-1.2.83.jar 656KB
netty-common-4.1.100.Final.jar 645KB
logstash-logback-encoder-6.5.jar 645KB
netty-codec-http-4.1.100.Final.jar 642KB
lz4-java-1.7.1.jar 635KB
xstream-1.4.20.jar 630KB
seata-serializer-protobuf-2.0.0.jar 578KB
seata-server.jar 573KB
joda-time-2.3.jar 568KB
netty-handler-4.1.100.Final.jar 548KB
hessian-4.0.3.jar 531KB
netty-transport-4.1.100.Final.jar 479KB
netty-codec-http2-4.1.100.Final.jar 475KB
logback-core-1.2.12.jar 438KB
spring-security-core-5.7.11.jar 436KB
antlr-2.7.7.jar 435KB
eureka-client-1.10.17.jar 434KB
jersey-core-1.19.1.jar 427KB
spring-aop-5.3.30.jar 376KB
jackson-core-2.13.5.jar 366KB
kryo-5.4.0.jar 362KB
httpcore-nio-4.4.16.jar 360KB
commons-configuration-1.10.jar 354KB
commons-codec-1.15.jar 346KB
netty-codec-4.1.100.Final.jar 337KB
snakeyaml-2.0.jar 327KB
httpcore-4.4.16.jar 320KB
netty-buffer-4.1.100.Final.jar 300KB
commons-jxpath-1.3.jar 293KB
spring-expression-5.3.30.jar 286KB
commons-io-2.8.0.jar 279KB
commons-lang-2.6.jar 278KB
seata-core-2.0.0.jar 275KB
bolt-1.6.4.jar 274KB
tomcat-embed-websocket-9.0.82.jar 273KB
gson-2.9.1.jar 259KB
tomcat-embed-el-9.0.82.jar 250KB
jctools-core-2.1.1.jar 249KB
zookeeper-jute-3.5.9.jar 245KB
grpc-netty-1.27.1.jar 235KB
logback-classic-1.2.12.jar 226KB
nacos-client-1.4.2.jar 225KB
servo-core-0.12.21.jar 221KB
grpc-api-1.27.1.jar 219KB
config-1.2.1.jar 214KB
checker-qual-3.5.0.jar 209KB
commons-dbcp2-2.9.0.jar 206KB
apollo-client-2.0.1.jar 179KB
httpasyncclient-4.1.5.jar 177KB
commons-compiler-3.1.10.jar 169KB
netty-resolver-dns-4.1.100.Final.jar 168KB
grpc-grpclb-1.27.1.jar 167KB
dexx-collections-0.2.jar 162KB
antlr-runtime-3.4.jar 161KB
consul-api-1.4.2.jar 157KB
HikariCP-4.0.3.jar 155KB
共 285 条
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