# bev-energy-consumption-estimator
## Overview
The **BEV Energy Consumption Estimator** is a MATLAB-based graphical user interface (GUI) designed to demonstrate the **Generalizable Energy Consumption Rates(GECRs)**. This tool calculates the driving features of any given driving profile and estimates the contributions of different factors to the energy consumption rate and the total energy consumption rate.
- **Principle**
- **GUI**
## Features
- **Driving Condition Analysis**: Compute driving features for any given driving condition.
- **Energy Consumption Estimation**: Estimate the contributions of various factors to the energy consumption rate and the total energy consumption rate.
- **Visualization**: Intuitively visualize how the generalizable energy consumption rate estimates energy consumption for different conditions.
- **Understanding Energy Consumption**: Gain insights into how vehicle energy consumption changes with different driving conditions and understand the underlying reasons for these changes.
## References
- Please cite the following paper when you use GECR model:
Yuan, Xinmei, et al. "Data-driven evaluation of electric vehicle energy consumption for generalizing standard testing to real-world driving." Patterns 5.4 (2024).
Available at: [Patterns (Cell Press)](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2024.100950)
- Video introduction:
Introduction to Generalized Energy Consumption Rates
Available at: [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmJZik6mKlA&t=61s)
Available at: [b站](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1um421V7Z8/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=5c67b4335d1b513776dc2660713291aa)
- Online app:
English version:
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
## Disclaimer
This software is provided as freeware, intended solely for non-commercial, educational, and research purposes. It must not be used for any commercial purposes without prior authorization from the software developer. Any use for commercial purposes without such authorization will render you and the users responsible for any resultant liabilities, and the software developer and the platform will not be held responsible for any consequences arising therefrom.
Users assume all risks associated with the use of this software. The developer and associated platforms disclaim any liability for special, incidental, direct, or indirect damages arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the software. This includes, but is not limited to, any loss of data or property, and any resulting or related liabilities to the user or any third parties.
By downloading or using this software, you signify your agreement to these terms.
## Contact Us
Please contact us if you need further technical support or search for cooperation. Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.\
Email contact: [MOTIVES Lab](mailto:motives.lab@gmail.com?subject=[GitHub]%20GECR), [Xinmei Yuan](mailto:yuan@jlu.edu.cn?subject=[GitHub]%20GECR).
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<img src="https://github.com/MOTIVES-LAB/generalized-energy-consumption-evaluation-for-ev/blob/main/figures/new_logo_trans.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/>
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