function [SpectralEfficiency_Optimal,SpectralEfficiency_Hybrid,SpectralEfficiency_BeamSteering] = SpatiallySparsePrecoding(Nt,Nr,Ns,NumRF,NumCluster,NumRay,AS,SNR_dB,ITER)
% Input:
% Nt : Number of transmit antennas
% Nr : Number of receive antennas
% Ns : Number of transmitted data stream
% NumRF : Number of RF chains at both the transmitter and receiver
% NumCluster : Number of scattering clusters
% NumRay : Number of rays per cluster
% AS : Angular spread in the cluster
% SNR_dB : SNR values in decibel
% ITER : Number of random channel generations
% Output:
% SpectralEfficiency_Optimal : Spectral efficiency in bits/s/Hz, obtained by optimal unconstrained precoding
% SpectralEfficiency_Hybrid : Spectral efficiency in bits/s/Hz, obtained by hybrid precoding
% SpectralEfficiency_BeamSteering : Spectral efficiency in bits/s/Hz, obtained by beam steering
%% Initialize variables
% Initialize spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) obtained by
% A. optimal unconstrained precoding
% B. hybrid precoding and combining
% C. beam steering
SpectralEfficiency_Optimal = zeros(ITER,length(SNR_dB));
SpectralEfficiency_Hybrid = zeros(ITER,length(SNR_dB));
SpectralEfficiency_BeamSteering = zeros(ITER,length(SNR_dB));
%% Obtain simulation parameters
% SNR in linear scale
SNR = 10.^(SNR_dB./10);
%% Precoding and combining algorithms
for s = 1:length(SNR) % Loop over SNR
for i = 1:ITER
% Generate MIMO channel matrix, array response vectors at the transmitter and receiver and complex path gain
% H : Nr x Nt
% At : Nt x (NumRay x NumCluster)
% Ar : Nr x (NumRay x NumCluster)
% Alpha : 1 x (NumRay x NumCluster)
[H,At,Ar,Alpha] = ChannelGenereationMIMO(Nt,Nr,NumCluster,NumRay,AS);
%%%% A. Optimal unconstrained precoding and combining
[U,S,V] = svd(H);
F_Opt = V(:,1:Ns); % Nt x Ns, optimal precoder
W_Opt = ((1/sqrt(SNR(s)))*(F_Opt'*H'*H*F_Opt+Ns/SNR(s)*eye(Ns))\(F_Opt'*H'))'; % Nr x Ns, optimal combiner
%%%% B. Hybrid sparse precoding and combining via orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)
% Algorithm 1 - Hybrid precoding
F_RF = [];
F_Res = F_Opt;
for r = 1:NumRF
Psi = At'*F_Res; % Step 4, the projection of all paths on the optimal precoder
[~,k] = max(diag(Psi*Psi')); % Step 5, select the path that has the largest projection
F_RF = [F_RF At(:,k)]; % Step 6, append the selected vector to the RF precoder
F_BB = (F_RF'*F_RF)\(F_RF'*F_Opt); % Step7, baseband precoder calculated by least squares solution
F_Res = (F_Opt-F_RF*F_BB)/norm(F_Opt-F_RF*F_BB,'fro'); % Step 8, remove the contribution of the selected vector from F_res
F_BB = sqrt(Ns)*(F_BB/norm(F_RF*F_BB,'fro')); % Step 10, normalize F_BB to meet total power constraint
% Algorithm 2 - Hybrid combining
CovRx = (SNR(s)/Ns)*H*F_RF*F_BB*F_BB'*F_RF'*H'+eye(Nr); % Nr x Nr, covariance matrix of received signals at receive antennas
W_MMSE = ((1/sqrt(SNR(s)))*(F_BB'*F_RF'*H'*H*F_RF*F_BB+(Ns/SNR(s))*eye(Ns))\(F_BB'*F_RF'*H'))';
W_RF = [];
W_Res = W_MMSE;
for r = 1:NumRF
Psi = Ar'*CovRx*W_Res;
[~,k] = max(diag(Psi*Psi'));
W_RF = [W_RF Ar(:,k)];
W_BB = (W_RF'*CovRx*W_RF)\(W_RF'*CovRx*W_MMSE);
W_Res = (W_MMSE-W_RF*W_BB)/norm(W_MMSE-W_RF*W_BB,'fro');
%%%% C. Beam steering based on the highest effective channel gain
[IndexAt,IndexAr] = findSteeringVector(H,At,Ar,Ns);
F_BS = [];
W_BS = [];
for n = 1:Ns
F_BS = [F_BS At(:,IndexAt)];
W_BS = [W_BS Ar(:,IndexAr)];
%%%% Spectial efficiency calculation
% A. Optimal solution
Rn_Opt = W_Opt'*W_Opt;
SpectralEfficiency_Optimal(i,s) = abs(log2(det(eye(Ns)+(SNR(s)/Ns)*(Rn_Opt\(W_Opt'*H*F_Opt*F_Opt'*H'*W_Opt)))));
% B. Hybrid solution
Rn_Hybrid = W_BB'*W_RF'*W_RF*W_BB;
SpectralEfficiency_Hybrid(i,s) = abs(log2(det(eye(Ns)+(SNR(s)/Ns)*(Rn_Hybrid\(W_BB'*W_RF'*H*F_RF*F_BB*F_BB'*F_RF'*H'*W_RF*W_BB)))));
% C. Beam steering solution
Rn_BS = W_BS'*W_BS;
SpectralEfficiency_BeamSteering(i,s) = abs(log2(det(eye(Ns)+(SNR(s)/Ns)*(Rn_BS\(W_BS'*H*F_BS*F_BS'*H'*W_BS)))));
SpectralEfficiency_Optimal = mean(SpectralEfficiency_Optimal,1); % 1 x length(SNR)
SpectralEfficiency_Hybrid = mean(SpectralEfficiency_Hybrid,1);
SpectralEfficiency_BeamSteering = mean(SpectralEfficiency_BeamSteering,1);