close all;
% OFDM Simulation
% - ECE 5664 Project
% - Erich Cosby
% - December 4, 2001
% - Virginia Tech, Nothern Va. Center
% Based on the matlab work of Eric Lawrey in his 1997 BSEE thesis,
% "The suitability of OFDM as a modulation technique for wireless
% telecommunications, with a CDMA comparison",
% refer to
% Basic OFDM system parameters
% - choice of defaults or user selections
fprintf ('OFDM Analysis Program\n\n');
defaults = input('To use default parameters, input "1", otherwise input "0": ');%default
if defaults == 1
IFFT_bin_length = 1024; % IFFT bin count for Tx, FFT bin count for Rx
carrier_count = 200; % number of carriers
bits_per_symbol = 2; % bits per symbol
symbols_per_carrier = 50; % symbols per carrier
SNR = 10; % channel signal to noise ratio (dB)
IFFT_bin_length = input('IFFT bin length = ');
carrier_count = input('carrier count = ');
bits_per_symbol = input('bits per symbol = ');
symbols_per_carrier = input('symbols per carrier =');
SNR = input('SNR = ');
% Derived parameters
baseband_out_length = carrier_count * symbols_per_carrier * bits_per_symbol;
carriers = (1:carrier_count) + (floor(IFFT_bin_length/4) - floor(carrier_count/2));
conjugate_carriers = IFFT_bin_length - carriers + 2;
% TRANSMIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
% Generate a random binary output signal
% - a row of uniform random numbers (between 0 and 1), rounded to 0 or 1
% - this will be the baseband signal which is to betransmitted.
baseband_out = round(rand(1,baseband_out_length));
% Convert to 'modulo????? N' integers where N = 2^bits_per_symbol
% - this defines how many states each symbol can represent
% - first, make a matrix with each column representing consecutive bits
% from the input stream and the number of bits in a column equal to the
% number of bits per symbol
% - then, for each column, multiply each row value by the power of 2 that
% it represents and add all the rows
% - for example: input 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
% bits_per_symbol = 2
% convert_matrix = 0 1 0 1 1
% 1 0 0 1 0
% modulo_baseband = 1 2 0 3 2
convert_matrix = reshape(baseband_out, bits_per_symbol, length(baseband_out)/bits_per_symbol);
for k = 1:(length(baseband_out)/bits_per_symbol)
modulo_baseband(k) = 0;
for i = 1:bits_per_symbol
modulo_baseband(k) = modulo_baseband(k) + convert_matrix(i,k)*2^(bits_per_symbol-i);
% Serial to Parallel Conversion
% - convert the serial modulo N stream into a matrix where each column
% represents a carrier and each row represents a symbol
% - for example:
% serial input stream = a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
% parallel carrier distribution =
% C1/s1=a C2/s1=b C3/s1=c C4/s1=d
% C1/s2=e C2/s2=f C3/s2=g C4/s2=h
% C1/s3=i C2/s3=j C3/s3=k C4/s3=l
% . . . .
% . . . .
carrier_matrix = reshape(modulo_baseband, carrier_count, symbols_per_carrier)';
% Apply differential coding to each carrier string
% - append an arbitrary start symbol (let it be 0, that works for all
% values of bits_per_symbol) (note that this is done using a vertical
% concatenation [x;y] of a row of zeros with the carrier matrix, sweet!)
% - perform modulo N addition between symbol(n) and symbol(n-1) to get the
% coded value of symbol(n)
% - for example:
% bits_per_symbol = 2 (modulo 4)
% symbol stream = 3 2 1 0 2 3
% start symbol = 0
% coded symbols = 0 + 3 = 3
% 3 + 2 = 11 = 1
% 1 + 1 = 2
% 2 + 0 = 2
% 2 + 2 = 10 = 0
% 0 + 3 = 3
% coded stream = 0 3 1 2 2 0 3
carrier_matrix = [zeros(1,carrier_count);carrier_matrix];
for i = 2:(symbols_per_carrier + 1)
carrier_matrix(i,:) = rem(carrier_matrix(i,:)+carrier_matrix(i-1,:),2^bits_per_symbol);
% Convert the differential coding into a phase
% - each phase represents a different state of the symbol
% - for example:
% bits_per_symbol = 2 (modulo 4)
% symbols = 0 3 2 1
% phases =
% 0 * 2pi/4 = 0 (0 degrees)
% 3 * 2pi/4 = 3pi/2 (270 degrees)
% 2 * 2pi/4 = pi (180 degrees)
% 1 * 2pi/4 = pi/2 (90 degrees)
carrier_matrix = carrier_matrix * ((2*pi)/(2^bits_per_symbol));
% Convert the phase to a complex number
% - each symbol is given a magnitude of 1 to go along with its phase
% (via the ones(r,c) function)
% - it is then converted from polar to cartesian (complex) form
% - the result is 2 matrices, X with the real values and Y with the imaginary
% - each X column has all the real values for a carrier, and each Y column
% has the imaginary values for a carrier
% - a single complex matrix is then generated taking X for real and
% Y for imaginary
[X,Y] = pol2cart(carrier_matrix, ones(size(carrier_matrix,1),size(carrier_matrix,2)));
complex_carrier_matrix = complex(X,Y);
% Assign each carrier to its IFFT bin
% - each row of complex_carrier_matrix represents one symbol period, with
% a symbol for each carrier
% - a matrix is generated to represent all IFFT bins (columns) and all
% symbols (rows)
% - the phase modulation for each carrier is then assigned to the
% appropriate bin
% - the conjugate of the phase modulation is then assigned to the
% appropriate bin
% - the phase modulation bins and their conjugates are symmetric about
% the Nyquist frequency in the IFFT bins
% - since the first bin is DC, the Nyquist Frequency is located
% at (number of bins/2) + 1
% - symmetric conjugates are generated so that when the signal is
% transformed to the time domain, the time signal will be real-valued
% - example
% - 1024 IFFT bins
% - bin 513 is the center (symmetry point)
% - bin 1 is DC
% - bin 514 is the complex conjugate of bin 512
% - bin 515 is the complex conjugate of bin 511
% - ....
% - bin 1024 is the complex conjugate of bin 2 (if all bins
% were used as carriers)
% - So, bins 2-512 map to bins 1024-514
IFFT_modulation = zeros(symbols_per_carrier + 1, IFFT_bin_length);
IFFT_modulation(:,carriers) = complex_carrier_matrix;
IFFT_modulation(:,conjugate_carriers) = conj(complex_carrier_matrix);
figure (1)
stem(0:IFFT_bin_length-1, abs(IFFT_modulation(2,1:IFFT_bin_length)),'b*-')
grid on
axis ([0 IFFT_bin_length -0.5 1.5])
xlabel('IFFT Bin')
title('OFDM Carrier Frequency Magnitude')
figure (2)
plot(0:IFFT_bin_length-1, (180/pi)*angle(IFFT_modulation(2,1:IFFT_bin_length)), 'go')
hold on
stem(carriers-1, (180/pi)*angle(IFFT_modulation(2,carriers)),'b*-')
stem(conjugate_carriers-1, (180/pi)*angle(IFFT_modulation(2,conjugate_carriers)),'b*-')
axis ([0 IFFT_bin_length -200 +200])
grid on
ylabel('Phase (degrees)')
xlabel('IFFT Bi