# TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library
is a new lightweight high-level API of TensorFlow (`tensorflow.contrib.slim`)
for defining, training and evaluating complex
models. This directory contains
code for training and evaluating several widely used Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) image classification models using TF-slim.
It contains scripts that will allow
you to train models from scratch or fine-tune them from pre-trained network
weights. It also contains code for downloading standard image datasets,
converting them
to TensorFlow's native TFRecord format and reading them in using TF-Slim's
data reading and queueing utilities. You can easily train any model on any of
these datasets, as we demonstrate below. We've also included a
[jupyter notebook](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/slim/slim_walkthrough.ipynb),
which provides working examples of how to use TF-Slim for image classification.
For developing or modifying your own models, see also the [main TF-Slim page](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/slim).
## Contacts
Maintainers of TF-slim:
* Nathan Silberman,
github: [nathansilberman](https://github.com/nathansilberman)
* Sergio Guadarrama, github: [sguada](https://github.com/sguada)
## Table of contents
<a href="#Install">Installation and setup</a><br>
<a href='#Data'>Preparing the datasets</a><br>
<a href='#Pretrained'>Using pre-trained models</a><br>
<a href='#Training'>Training from scratch</a><br>
<a href='#Tuning'>Fine tuning to a new task</a><br>
<a href='#Eval'>Evaluating performance</a><br>
<a href='#Export'>Exporting Inference Graph</a><br>
<a href='#Troubleshooting'>Troubleshooting</a><br>
# Installation
<a id='Install'></a>
In this section, we describe the steps required to install the appropriate
prerequisite packages.
## Installing latest version of TF-slim
TF-Slim is available as `tf.contrib.slim` via TensorFlow 1.0. To test that your
installation is working, execute the following command; it should run without
raising any errors.
python -c "import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim; eval = slim.evaluation.evaluate_once"
## Installing the TF-slim image models library
To use TF-Slim for image classification, you also have to install
the [TF-Slim image models library](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/slim),
which is not part of the core TF library.
To do this, check out the
[tensorflow/models](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/) repository as follows:
cd $HOME/workspace
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models/
This will put the TF-Slim image models library in `$HOME/workspace/models/research/slim`.
(It will also create a directory called
which contains an older version of slim; you can safely ignore this.)
To verify that this has worked, execute the following commands; it should run
without raising any errors.
cd $HOME/workspace/models/research/slim
python -c "from nets import cifarnet; mynet = cifarnet.cifarnet"
# Preparing the datasets
<a id='Data'></a>
As part of this library, we've included scripts to download several popular
image datasets (listed below) and convert them to slim format.
Dataset | Training Set Size | Testing Set Size | Number of Classes | Comments
Flowers|2500 | 2500 | 5 | Various sizes (source: Flickr)
[Cifar10](https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html) | 60k| 10k | 10 |32x32 color
[MNIST](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/)| 60k | 10k | 10 | 28x28 gray
[ImageNet](http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/)|1.2M| 50k | 1000 | Various sizes
## Downloading and converting to TFRecord format
For each dataset, we'll need to download the raw data and convert it to
TensorFlow's native
format. Each TFRecord contains a
protocol buffer. Below we demonstrate how to do this for the Flowers dataset.
$ DATA_DIR=/tmp/data/flowers
$ python download_and_convert_data.py \
--dataset_name=flowers \
When the script finishes you will find several TFRecord files created:
$ ls ${DATA_DIR}
These represent the training and validation data, sharded over 5 files each.
You will also find the `$DATA_DIR/labels.txt` file which contains the mapping
from integer labels to class names.
You can use the same script to create the mnist and cifar10 datasets.
However, for ImageNet, you have to follow the instructions
Note that you first have to sign up for an account at image-net.org.
Also, the download can take several hours, and could use up to 500GB.
## Creating a TF-Slim Dataset Descriptor.
Once the TFRecord files have been created, you can easily define a Slim
which stores pointers to the data file, as well as various other pieces of
metadata, such as the class labels, the train/test split, and how to parse the
TFExample protos. We have included the TF-Slim Dataset descriptors
An example of how to load data using a TF-Slim dataset descriptor using a
is found below:
import tensorflow as tf
from datasets import flowers
slim = tf.contrib.slim
# Selects the 'validation' dataset.
dataset = flowers.get_split('validation', DATA_DIR)
# Creates a TF-Slim DataProvider which reads the dataset in the background
# during both training and testing.
provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider(dataset)
[image, label] = provider.get(['image', 'label'])
## An automated script for processing ImageNet data.
Training a model with the ImageNet dataset is a common request. To facilitate
working with the ImageNet dataset, we provide an automated script for
downloading and processing the ImageNet dataset into the native TFRecord
The TFRecord format consists of a set of sharded files where each entry is a serialized `tf.Example` proto. Each `tf.Example` proto contains the ImageNet image (JPEG encoded) as well as metadata such as label and bounding box information.
We provide a single [script](datasets/download_and_preprocess_imagenet.sh) for
downloading and converting ImageNet data to TFRecord format. Downloading and
preprocessing the data may take several hours (up to half a day) depending on
your network and computer speed. Please be patient.
To begin, you will need to sign up for an account with [ImageNet]
(http://image-net.org) to gain access to the data. Look for the sign up page,
create an account and request an access key to download the data.
After you have `USERNAME` and `PASSWORD`, you are ready to run our script. Make
sure that your hard disk has at least 500 GB of free space for downloading and