<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:ScottPlot.AxisLimits">
This object describes the 4 edges of a rectangular view in 2D space.
Values may contain NaN to describe undefined or uninitialized edges.
<member name="P:ScottPlot.AxisLimits.NoLimits">
AxisLimits representing uninitialized or "no data" limits (all limits are NaN)
<member name="M:ScottPlot.AxisLimits.VerticalLimitsOnly(System.Double,System.Double)">
AxisLimits with finite vertical limits and undefined (NaN) horizontal limits
<member name="M:ScottPlot.AxisLimits.HorizontalLimitsOnly(System.Double,System.Double)">
AxisLimits with finite horizontal limits and undefined (NaN) vertical limits
<member name="M:ScottPlot.AxisLimits.Expand(ScottPlot.AxisLimits)">
Return the maximum boundary for both sets of axis limits
<member name="M:ScottPlot.AxisLimits.Contains(ScottPlot.Coordinate)">
Returns True if the coordinate is contained inside these axis limits
<member name="T:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd">
The control back end module contains all the logic required to manage a mouse-interactive
plot to display in a user control. However, this module contains no control-specific dependencies.
User controls can instantiate this object, pass mouse and resize event information in, and have
renders triggered using events.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.BitmapUpdated">
This event is invoked when an existing Bitmap is redrawn.
e.g., after rendering following a click-drag-pan mouse event.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.BitmapChanged">
This event is invoked after a new Bitmap was created.
e.g., after resizing the control, requiring a new Bitmap of a different size
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.CursorChanged">
This event is invoked when the cursor is supposed to change.
Cursor changes may be required when hovering over draggable plottable objects.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.AxesChanged">
This event is invoked when the axis limts change.
This is typically the result of a pan or zoom operation.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.RightClicked">
This event is invoked when the user right-clicks the control with the mouse.
It is typically used to deploy a context menu.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.LeftClicked">
This event is invoked when the user left-clicks the control with the mouse.
It is typically used to interact with custom plot types.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.LeftClickedPlottable">
This event is invoked when the user left-clicks a plottable control with the mouse.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.PlottableDragged">
This event is invoked after the mouse moves while dragging a draggable plottable.
<member name="E:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.PlottableDropped">
This event is invoked after the mouse moves while dragging a draggable plottable.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.Configuration">
The control configuration object stores advanced customization and behavior settings
for mouse-interactive plots.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.IsMiddleDown">
True if the middle mouse button is pressed
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.IsRightDown">
True if the right mouse button is pressed
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.IsLeftDown">
True if the left mouse button is pressed
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.MouseLocationX">
Current position of the mouse in pixels
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.MouseLocationY">
Current position of the mouse in pixels
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.PlottableBeingDragged">
Holds the plottable actively being dragged with the mouse.
Contains null if no plottable is being dragged.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.IsZoomingRectangle">
True when a zoom rectangle is being drawn and the mouse button is still down
<member name="P:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.Plot">
The plot underlying this control.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.Settings">
The settings object underlying the plot.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.Bmp">
The latest render is stored in this bitmap.
New renders may be performed on this existing bitmap.
When a new bitmap is created, this bitmap will be stored in OldBitmaps and eventually disposed.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.OldBitmaps">
Bitmaps that are created are stored here so they can be kept track of and
disposed properly when new bitmaps are created.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.LimitsOnLastRender">
Store last render limits so new renders can know whether the axis limits
have changed and decide whether to invoke the AxesChanged event or not.
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackEnd.PlottablesIdentifierAtLastRender">
Unique identifier of the plottables list that was last rendered.
This value is used to determine if the plottables list was modified (requiring a re-render).
<member name="F:ScottPlot.Control.ControlBackE
Scott plot demo.exe 例程
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"Scott plot demo.exe 例程" 是一个基于C#编程语言并使用ScottPlot库的示例程序,旨在展示如何在Windows Forms应用程序中有效地利用ScottPlot控件进行数据可视化。ScottPlot是一个开源的数据可视化库,专注于提供高效、灵活且易于使用的2D绘图功能。
1. **垂线(Vertical Lines)**:在图表上添加垂直线可以用于指示特定的X值或数据点。这可能在表示时间序列数据或强调特定事件时特别有用。在ScottPlot中,你可以通过创建`plt.VLine()`函数来实现这一点。
2. **轴跨度(Axis Span)**:轴跨度允许用户在图表上高亮显示特定的X或Y轴范围。这有助于突出显示数据的特定部分。使用`plt.HorizontalSpan()`和`plt.VerticalSpan()`函数可以实现这一功能。
3. **鼠标跟随(Mouse Follow)**:此功能允许鼠标指针在图表上移动时实时显示当前坐标值。这对于查看图表上的详细信息非常有帮助。在ScottPlot中,开发者可以通过启用`plt.Cursor()`并在鼠标移动事件中处理坐标显示来实现这一效果。
4. **区域填充(Filled Regions)**:在图表中填充区域可以用来强调数据的分布或者创建背景色。例如,可以使用`plt.FillBetween()`函数在两个数据系列之间填充颜色,以显示它们之间的差异或重叠部分。
5. **源代码**:除了可执行的示例程序,该压缩包很可能还包含源代码文件,这使得开发者能够深入理解每个功能背后的实现细节。通过查看和学习源代码,开发者可以更好地适应ScottPlot库,并将其应用于自己的项目。
ScottPlot库支持多种图表类型,如折线图、散点图、条形图、饼图等,并且具有高度自定义的选项,包括轴标签、图例、图例样式、颜色方案等。此外,由于它是用C#编写的,因此与.NET框架和.NET Core兼容,可以无缝集成到Windows Forms、WPF或控制台应用程序中。
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