## Example Summary
Empty project using DriverLib.
This example shows a basic empty project using DriverLib with just main file
and SysConfig initialization.
## Peripherals & Pin Assignments
| Peripheral | Pin | Function |
| --- | --- | --- |
| SYSCTL | | |
| DEBUGSS | PA20 | Debug Clock |
| DEBUGSS | PA19 | Debug Data In Out |
## BoosterPacks, Board Resources & Jumper Settings
Visit [LP_MSPM0G3507](https://www.ti.com/tool/LP-MSPM0G3507) for LaunchPad information, including user guide and hardware files.
| Pin | Peripheral | Function | LaunchPad Pin | LaunchPad Settings |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| PA20 | DEBUGSS | SWCLK | N/A | <ul><li>PA20 is used by SWD during debugging<br><ul><li>`J101 15:16 ON` Connect to XDS-110 SWCLK while debugging<br><li>`J101 15:16 OFF` Disconnect from XDS-110 SWCLK if using pin in application</ul></ul> |
| PA19 | DEBUGSS | SWDIO | N/A | <ul><li>PA19 is used by SWD during debugging<br><ul><li>`J101 13:14 ON` Connect to XDS-110 SWDIO while debugging<br><li>`J101 13:14 OFF` Disconnect from XDS-110 SWDIO if using pin in application</ul></ul> |
### Device Migration Recommendations
This project was developed for a superset device included in the LP_MSPM0G3507 LaunchPad. Please
visit the [CCS User's Guide](https://software-dl.ti.com/msp430/esd/MSPM0-SDK/latest/docs/english/tools/ccs_ide_guide/doc_guide/doc_guide-srcs/ccs_ide_guide.html#sysconfig-project-migration)
for information about migrating to other MSPM0 devices.
### Low-Power Recommendations
TI recommends to terminate unused pins by setting the corresponding functions to
GPIO and configure the pins to output low or input with internal
pullup/pulldown resistor.
SysConfig allows developers to easily configure unused pins by selecting **Board**→**Configure Unused Pins**.
For more information about jumper configuration to achieve low-power using the
MSPM0 LaunchPad, please visit the [LP-MSPM0G3507 User's Guide](https://www.ti.com/lit/slau873).
## Example Usage
Compile, load and run the example.
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MSPM0G3507 软件IIC一主多从 (153个子文件)
empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_keil.axf 174KB
删除目标文件(用于打包备份).bat 100B
inv_mpu.c 87KB
dl_mcan.c 72KB
inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c 57KB
dl_flashctl.c 55KB
dl_timer.c 45KB
dl_aesadv.c 17KB
bsp_mpu6050.c 13KB
dl_uart.c 12KB
dl_rtc_common.c 11KB
oled.c 10KB
dl_spi.c 8KB
dl_aes.c 8KB
dl_keystorectl.c 6KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 5KB
dl_lcd.c 5KB
dl_i2c.c 5KB
dl_dac12.c 4KB
board.c 3KB
dl_crcp.c 3KB
dl_crc.c 3KB
dl_trng.c 3KB
empty.c 3KB
dl_adc12.c 3KB
dl_common.c 2KB
dl_opa.c 2KB
dl_vref.c 2KB
dl_mathacl.c 2KB
dl_dma.c 2KB
dl_lfss.c 2KB
inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.d 8KB
inv_mpu.d 8KB
empty.d 8KB
oled.d 7KB
bsp_mpu6050.d 7KB
board.d 7KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 7KB
dl_flashctl.d 4KB
dl_uart.d 4KB
dl_timer.d 4KB
dl_aesadv.d 4KB
dl_aes.d 4KB
dl_keystorectl.d 4KB
dl_rtc_common.d 4KB
dl_mathacl.d 4KB
dl_adc12.d 4KB
dl_dac12.d 4KB
dl_crcp.d 4KB
dl_trng.d 4KB
dl_lfss.d 4KB
dl_vref.d 4KB
dl_mcan.d 4KB
dl_lcd.d 4KB
dl_opa.d 4KB
dl_dma.d 4KB
dl_i2c.d 4KB
dl_spi.d 4KB
dl_crc.d 4KB
dl_common.d 4KB
startup_mspm0g350x_uvision.d 70B
empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_keil_MSPM0G3507_Project.dep 178KB
empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_keil.uvguix.DH 92KB
Event.dot 1KB
dl_timer.h 143KB
dl_flashctl.h 133KB
dl_i2c.h 130KB
dl_uart.h 115KB
dl_rtc_common.h 110KB
dl_mcan.h 93KB
dl_gpio.h 91KB
dl_aesadv.h 81KB
dl_spi.h 79KB
dl_lcd.h 69KB
dl_lfss.h 68KB
dl_adc12.h 65KB
dl_dma.h 56KB
dl_timera.h 53KB
dl_rtc_a.h 50KB
dl_comp.h 50KB
dl_uart_extend.h 47KB
oledfont.h 43KB
dl_dac12.h 43KB
dl_aes.h 39KB
dl_rtc.h 35KB
dl_uart_main.h 34KB
dl_timerg.h 30KB
dl_tamperio.h 28KB
dl_keystorectl.h 22KB
dl_crcp.h 21KB
dl_opa.h 20KB
dl_trng.h 20KB
dmpKey.h 19KB
dl_wwdt.h 18KB
dl_mathacl.h 17KB
dl_crc.h 13KB
dl_gpamp.h 11KB
dl_vref.h 11KB
bmp.h 11KB
dl_scratchpad.h 10KB
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