unsigned int
PyArray_GetNDArrayCVersion(void )
Included at the very first so not auto-grabbed and thus not labeled.
PyArray_SetNumericOps(PyObject *dict)
Set internal structure with number functions that all arrays will use
PyObject *
PyArray_GetNumericOps(void )
Get dictionary showing number functions that all arrays will use
PyArray_INCREF(PyArrayObject *mp)
For object arrays, increment all internal references.
PyArray_XDECREF(PyArrayObject *mp)
Decrement all internal references for object arrays.
(or arrays with object fields)
PyArray_SetStringFunction(PyObject *op, int repr)
Set the array print function to be a Python function.
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromType(int type)
Get the PyArray_Descr structure for a type.
PyObject *
PyArray_TypeObjectFromType(int type)
Get a typeobject from a type-number -- can return NULL.
New reference
char *
PyArray_Zero(PyArrayObject *arr)
Get pointer to zero of correct type for array.
char *
PyArray_One(PyArrayObject *arr)
Get pointer to one of correct type for array
PyObject *
PyArray_CastToType(PyArrayObject *arr, PyArray_Descr *dtype, int
For backward compatibility
Cast an array using typecode structure.
steals reference to dtype --- cannot be NULL
This function always makes a copy of arr, even if the dtype
doesn't change.
PyArray_CastTo(PyArrayObject *out, PyArrayObject *mp)
Cast to an already created array.
PyArray_CastAnyTo(PyArrayObject *out, PyArrayObject *mp)
Cast to an already created array. Arrays don't have to be "broadcastable"
Only requirement is they have the same number of elements.
PyArray_CanCastSafely(int fromtype, int totype)
Check the type coercion rules.
PyArray_CanCastTo(PyArray_Descr *from, PyArray_Descr *to)
leaves reference count alone --- cannot be NULL
PyArray_CanCastTypeTo is equivalent to this, but adds a 'casting'
PyArray_ObjectType(PyObject *op, int minimum_type)
Return the typecode of the array a Python object would be converted to
Returns the type number the result should have, or NPY_NOTYPE on error.
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromObject(PyObject *op, PyArray_Descr *mintype)
new reference -- accepts NULL for mintype
PyArrayObject **
PyArray_ConvertToCommonType(PyObject *op, int *retn)
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromScalar(PyObject *sc)
Return descr object from array scalar.
New reference
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromTypeObject(PyObject *type)
PyArray_Size(PyObject *op)
Compute the size of an array (in number of items)
PyObject *
PyArray_Scalar(void *data, PyArray_Descr *descr, PyObject *base)
Get scalar-equivalent to a region of memory described by a descriptor.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromScalar(PyObject *scalar, PyArray_Descr *outcode)
Get 0-dim array from scalar
0-dim array from array-scalar object
always contains a copy of the data
unless outcode is NULL, it is of void type and the referrer does
not own it either.
steals reference to outcode
PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(PyObject *scalar, void *ctypeptr)
Convert to c-type
no error checking is performed -- ctypeptr must be same type as scalar
in case of flexible type, the data is not copied
into ctypeptr which is expected to be a pointer to pointer
PyArray_CastScalarToCtype(PyObject *scalar, void
*ctypeptr, PyArray_Descr *outcode)
Cast Scalar to c-type
The output buffer must be large-enough to receive the value
Even for flexible types which is different from ScalarAsCtype
where only a reference for flexible types is returned
This may not work right on narrow builds for NumPy unicode scalars.
PyArray_CastScalarDirect(PyObject *scalar, PyArray_Descr
*indescr, void *ctypeptr, int outtype)
Cast Scalar to c-type
PyObject *
PyArray_ScalarFromObject(PyObject *object)
Get an Array Scalar From a Python Object
Returns NULL if unsuccessful but error is only set if another error occurred.
Currently only Numeric-like object supported.
PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc *
PyArray_GetCastFunc(PyArray_Descr *descr, int type_num)
Get a cast function to cast from the input descriptor to the
output type_number (must be a registered data-type).
Returns NULL if un-successful.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromDims(int NPY_UNUSED(nd) , int *NPY_UNUSED(d) , int
NPY_UNUSED(type) )
Deprecated, use PyArray_SimpleNew instead.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromDimsAndDataAndDescr(int NPY_UNUSED(nd) , int
*NPY_UNUSED(d) , PyArray_Descr
*descr, char *NPY_UNUSED(data) )
Deprecated, use PyArray_NewFromDescr instead.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromAny(PyObject *op, PyArray_Descr *newtype, int
min_depth, int max_depth, int flags, PyObject
Steals a reference to newtype --- which can be NULL
PyObject *
PyArray_EnsureArray(PyObject *op)
This is a quick wrapper around
that special cases Arrays and PyArray_Scalars up front
It *steals a reference* to the object
It also guarantees that the result is PyArray_Type
Because it decrefs op if any conversion needs to take place
so it can be used like PyArray_EnsureArray(some_function(...))
PyObject *
PyArray_EnsureAnyArray(PyObject *op)
PyObject *
PyArray_FromFile(FILE *fp, PyArray_Descr *dtype, npy_intp num, char
Given a ``FILE *`` pointer ``fp``, and a ``PyArray_Descr``, return an
array corresponding to the data encoded in that file.
The reference to `dtype` is stolen (it is possible that the passed in
dtype is not held on to).
The number of elements to read is given as ``num``; if it is < 0, then
then as many as possible are read.
If ``sep`` is NULL or empty, then binary data is assumed, else
text data, with ``sep`` as the separator between elements. Whitespace in
the separator matches any length of whitespace in the text, and a match
for whitespace around the separator is added.
For memory-mapped files, use the buffer interface. No more data than
necessary is read by this routine.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromString(char *data, npy_intp slen, PyArray_Descr
*dtype, npy_intp num, char *sep)
Given a pointer to a string ``data``, a string length ``slen``, and
a ``PyArray_Descr``, return an array corresponding to the data
encoded in that string.
If the dtype is NULL, the default array type is used (double).
If non-null, the reference is stolen.
If ``slen`` is < 0, then the end of string is used for text data.
It is an error for ``slen`` to be < 0 for binary data (since embedded NULLs
would be the norm).
The number of elements to read is given as ``num``; if it is < 0, then
then as many as possible are read.
If ``sep`` is NULL or empty, then binary data is assumed, else
text data, with ``sep`` as the separator between elements. Whitespace in
the separator matches any length of whitespace in the text, and a match
for whitespace around the separator is added.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromBuffer(PyObject *buf, PyArray_Descr *type, npy_intp
count, npy_intp offset)
PyObject *
PyArray_FromIter(PyObject *obj, PyArray_Descr *dtype, npy_intp count)
steals a reference to dtype (which cannot be NULL)
PyObject *
PyArray_Return(PyArrayObject *mp)
Return either an array or the appropriate Python object if the array
is 0d and matches a Python type.
steals reference to mp
PyObject *
PyArray_GetField(PyArrayObject *self, PyArray_Descr *typed, int

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