# PyTracking
A general python library for visual tracking algorithms.
## Table of Contents
* [Running a tracker](#running-a-tracker)
* [Overview](#overview)
* [Trackers](#trackers)
* [DiMP](#DiMP)
* [ECO](#ECO)
* [Libs](#libs)
* [Visdom](#visdom)
* [VOT Integration](#vot-integration)
* [Integrating a new tracker](#integrating-a-new-tracker)
## Running a tracker
The installation script will automatically generate a local configuration file "evaluation/local.py". In case the file was not generated, run ```evaluation.environment.create_default_local_file()``` to generate it. Next, set the paths to the datasets you want
to use for evaluations. You can also change the path to the networks folder, and the path to the results folder, if you do not want to use the default paths. If all the dependencies have been correctly installed, you are set to run the trackers.
The toolkit provides many ways to run a tracker.
**Run the tracker on webcam feed**
This is done using the run_webcam script. The arguments are the name of the tracker, and the name of the parameter file.
python run_webcam.py tracker_name parameter_name
**Run the tracker on some dataset sequence**
This is done using the run_tracker script.
python run_tracker.py tracker_name parameter_name --dataset_name dataset_name --sequence sequence --debug debug --threads threads
Here, the dataset_name can be either ```'otb'``` (OTB-2015), ```'nfs'``` (Need for Speed), ```'uav'``` (UAV123), ```'tpl'``` (Temple128), ```'tn'``` (TrackingNet test set), ```'gott'``` (GOT-10k test set),
```'gotv'``` (GOT-10k val set), ```'lasot'``` (LaSOT) or ```'vot'``` (VOT2018). The sequence can either be an integer denoting the index of the sequence in the dataset, or the name of the sequence, e.g. ```'Soccer'```.
The ```debug``` parameter can be used to control the level of debug visualizations. ```threads``` parameter can be used to run on multiple threads.
**Run the tracker on a set of datasets**
This is done using the run_experiment script. To use this, first you need to create an experiment setting file in ```pytracking/experiments```. See [myexperiments.py](experiments/myexperiments.py) for reference.
python run_experiment.py experiment_module experiment_name --dataset_name dataset_name --sequence sequence --debug debug --threads threads
Here, ```experiment_module``` is the name of the experiment setting file, e.g. ```myexperiments``` , and ``` experiment_name``` is the name of the experiment setting, e.g. ``` atom_nfs_uav``` .
**Run the tracker on a video file**
This is done using the run_video script.
python run_video.py experiment_module experiment_name videofile --optional_box optional_box --debug debug
Here, ```videofile``` is the path to the video file. You can either draw the box by hand or provide it directly in the ```optional_box``` argument.
## Overview
The tookit consists of the following sub-modules.
- [evaluation](evaluation): Contains the necessary scripts for running a tracker on a dataset. It also contains integration of a number of standard tracking datasets, namely [OTB-100](http://cvlab.hanyang.ac.kr/tracker_benchmark/index.html), [NFS](http://ci2cv.net/nfs/index.html),
[UAV123](https://ivul.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/pub-benchmark-simulator-uav.aspx), [Temple128](http://www.dabi.temple.edu/~hbling/data/TColor-128/TColor-128.html), [TrackingNet](https://tracking-net.org/), [GOT-10k](http://got-10k.aitestunion.com/), [LaSOT](https://cis.temple.edu/lasot/), [VOT2018](http://www.votchallenge.net/vot2018/), and [Temple Color 128](http://www.dabi.temple.edu/~hbling/data/TColor-128/TColor-128.html).
- [experiments](experiments): The experiment setting files must be stored here,
- [features](features): Contains tools for feature extraction, data augmentation and wrapping networks.
- [libs](libs): Includes libraries for optimization, dcf, etc.
- [parameter](parameter): Contains the parameter settings for different trackers.
- [tracker](tracker): Contains the implementations of different trackers.
- [utils](utils): Some util functions.
- [VOT](VOT): VOT Integration.
## Trackers
The toolkit contains the implementation of the following trackers.
### DiMP
The official implementation for the DiMP tracker ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.07220)).
The tracker implementation file can be found at [tracker.dimp](tracker/dimp).
##### Parameter Files
Four parameter settings are provided. These can be used to reproduce the results or as a starting point for your exploration.
* **[dimp18](parameter/dimp/dimp18.py)**: The default parameter setting with ResNet-18 backbone which was used to produce all DiMP-18 results in the paper, except on VOT.
* **[dimp18_vot](parameter/dimp/dimp18_vot.py)**: The parameters settings used to generate the DiMP-18 VOT2018 results in the paper.
* **[dimp50](parameter/dimp/dimp50.py)**: The default parameter setting with ResNet-50 backbone which was used to produce all DiMP-50 results in the paper, except on VOT.
* **[dimp50_vot](parameter/dimp/dimp50_vot.py)**: The parameters settings used to generate the DiMP-50 VOT2018 results in the paper.
The difference between the vot and the non-vot settings stems from the fact that the VOT protocol measures robustness in a very different manner compared to other benchmarks. In most benchmarks, it is highly important to be able to robustly *redetect* the target after e.g. an occlusion or brief target loss. On the other hand, in VOT the tracker is reset if the prediction does not overlap with the target on a *single* frame. This is then counted as a tracking failure. The capability of recovering after target loss is meaningless in this setting. The ```dimp18_vot``` and ```dimp50_vot``` settings thus focuses on avoiding target loss in the first place, while sacrificing re-detection ability.
### ATOM
The official implementation for the ATOM tracker ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.07628)).
The tracker implementation file can be found at [tracker.atom](tracker/atom).
##### Parameter Files
Two parameter settings are provided. These can be used to reproduce the results or as a starting point for your exploration.
* **[default](parameter/atom/default.py)**: The default parameter setting that was used to produce all ATOM results in the paper, except on VOT.
* **[default_vot](parameter/atom/default_vot.py)**: The parameters settings used to generate the VOT2018 results in the paper.
The difference between these two settings stems from the fact that the VOT protocol measures robustness in a very different manner compared to other benchmarks.
### ECO
An unofficial implementation of the ECO tracker can be found at [tracker.eco](tracker/eco).
## Libs
The pytracking repository includes some general libraries for implementing and developing different kinds of visual trackers, including deep learning based, optimization based and correlation filter based. The following libs are included:
* [**Optimization**](libs/optimization.py): Efficient optimizers aimed for online learning, including the Gauss-Newton and Conjugate Gradient based optimizer used in ATOM.
* [**Complex**](libs/complex.py): Complex tensors and operations for PyTorch, which can be used for DCF trackers.
* [**Fourier**](libs/fourier.py): Fourier tools and operations, which can be used for implementing DCF trackers.
* [**DCF**](libs/dcf.py): Some general tools for DCF trackers.
## Visdom
All trackers support [Visdom](https://github.com/facebookresearch/visdom) for debug visualizations. To use visdom, start the visdom
server from a seperate command line:
Run the tracker with the ```debug``` argument > 0. The debug output from the tracker can be
accessed by going to ```http://localhost:8097``` in your browser. Further, you can pause the execution of the tracker,
or step through frames using keyboar
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Visual_tracking_library_based_on_PyTorch._pytracking.zip (155个子文件)
gdrive_download 1KB
.gitignore 241B
.gitmodules 140B
tracker_DiMP.m 1KB
INSTALL_win.md 9KB
visdom.png 137KB
atom_overview.png 121KB
dimp_overview.png 98KB
NFS.png 32KB
LaSOT.png 31KB
UAV123.png 30KB
OTB-100.png 28KB
atom.py 37KB
dimp.py 30KB
tpldataset.py 26KB
trackingnetdataset.py 24KB
uavdataset.py 24KB
optimization.py 21KB
nfsdataset.py 19KB
otbdataset.py 18KB
eco.py 17KB
processing.py 16KB
basetracker.py 15KB
sampler.py 14KB
processing_utils.py 13KB
lasotdataset.py 12KB
dimpnet.py 10KB
initializer.py 10KB
loader.py 9KB
optimizer.py 8KB
optim.py 8KB
base_trainer.py 7KB
atom_iou_net.py 7KB
resnet.py 7KB
imagenetvid.py 7KB
got10k.py 7KB
filter.py 7KB
visdom.py 7KB
tensorlist.py 7KB
dcf.py 7KB
dimp50.py 7KB
dimp18.py 7KB
default_vot.py 6KB
multiscale_no_iounet.py 6KB
default.py 6KB
complex.py 6KB
atom_default.py 6KB
lasot.py 6KB
default.py 5KB
resnet18_vggm.py 5KB
augmentation.py 5KB
ltr_trainer.py 5KB
extractor.py 5KB
deep.py 5KB
loading.py 5KB
coco_seq.py 5KB
tracking_net.py 5KB
fourier.py 4KB
linear_filter.py 4KB
tracker.py 4KB
votdataset.py 4KB
featurebase.py 4KB
transforms.py 4KB
preprocessing.py 4KB
run_tracker.py 4KB
optim.py 4KB
atom.py 3KB
vot.py 3KB
mobifacedataset.py 3KB
tracking.py 3KB
got10kdataset.py 3KB
base_dataset.py 3KB
features.py 3KB
running.py 2KB
dimp18_vot.py 2KB
dimp50_vot.py 2KB
environment.py 2KB
dimp50_vot19.py 2KB
dimp18.py 2KB
dimp50.py 2KB
model_constructor.py 2KB
net_wrappers.py 2KB
data.py 2KB
run_training.py 2KB
environment.py 2KB
run_webcam.py 2KB
stats.py 2KB
operation.py 1KB
run_experiment.py 1KB
distance.py 1KB
image_loader.py 1KB
activation.py 1KB
base_actor.py 1KB
run_video.py 1KB
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