# shinyWidgets
> Extend widgets available in shiny
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## Overview
This package provide some custom widgets to pimp your shiny apps !
You can replace classical checkboxes with switch button, add colors to radio buttons and checkbox group, use buttons as radio or checkboxes.
Each widget has an `update` method to change the value of an input from the server.
Installation :
# From CRAN
# From Github
# install.packages("devtools")
Demo :
Or see the live version here : https://dreamrs-vic.shinyapps.io/shinyWidgets/
You can find an introduction (in french) [here](https://dreamrs.github.io/shinyWidgets/articles/intro_shinyWidgets_fr.html).
And how to construct a palette color picker [here](https://dreamrs.github.io/shinyWidgets/articles/palette_picker.html).
## Widgets available :
- [Bootstrap switch](#bootstrap-switch)
- [Material switch](#material-switch)
- [Pretty Checkbox](#pretty-checkbox)
- [Sweet Alert](#sweet-alert)
- [Slider Text](#slider-text)
- [Knob Input](#knob-input)
- [Select picker](#select-picker)
- [Checkbox and radio buttons](#checkbox-and-radio-buttons)
- [Search bar](#search-bar)
- [Dropdown button](#dropdown-button)
### Bootstrap switch
Turn checkboxes into toggle switches : <br>
switchInput(inputId = "id", value = TRUE)
### Material switch
Turn checkboxes into toggle switches (again) : <br>
materialSwitch(inputId = "id", label = "Primary switch", status = "danger")
### Pretty Checkbox
Checkbox and radio buttons with the beautiful CSS library [pretty-checkbox](https://lokesh-coder.github.io/pretty-checkbox/) :
inputId = "pretty_1", label = "Check me!", icon = icon("check")
inputId = "pretty_2", label = "Check me!", icon = icon("thumbs-up"),
status = "default", shape = "curve", animation = "pulse"
inputId = "pretty_3", label = "Check me!", icon = icon("users"),
animation = "pulse", plain = TRUE, outline = TRUE
inputId = "pretty_4", label = "Check me!",
status = "success", outline = TRUE
inputId = "pretty_5", label = "Check me!",
shape = "round", outline = TRUE, status = "info"
### Sweet Alert
Displays a message to the user :
See examples in `?sendSweetAlert`.
Request confirmation from the user :
See examples in `?confirmSweetAlert`.
### Slider Text
Slider with strings, to pass whatever you want : <br>
inputId = "mySliderText",
label = "Your choice:",
grid = TRUE,
force_edges = TRUE,
choices = c("Strongly disagree",
"Disagree", "Neither agree nor disagree",
"Agree", "Strongly agree")
### Knob Input
A [jQuery](https://github.com/aterrien/jQuery-Knob) based knob, similar to sliderInput or sliderTextInput: <br>
inputId = "knob6",
label = "Cursor mode:",
value = 50,
thickness = 0.3,
cursor = TRUE,
width = 150,
height = 150
### Select picker
Dropdown menu with a lot of options : <br>
inputId = "myPicker",
label = "Select/deselect all + format selected",
choices = LETTERS,
options = list(
`actions-box` = TRUE,
size = 10,
`selected-text-format` = "count > 3"
multiple = TRUE
### Checkbox and radio buttons
Turn buttons into checkbox or radio : <br>
inputId = "somevalue", label = "Make a choice :",
choices = c("Choice A", "Choice B", " Choice C", "Choice D"),
justified = TRUE, status = "primary",
checkIcon = list(yes = icon("ok", lib = "glyphicon"), no = icon("remove", lib = "glyphicon"))
### Search bar
A text input only triggered by hitting 'Enter' or clicking search button : <br>
inputId = "id",
label = "Enter your search :",
placeholder = "This is a placeholder",
btnSearch = icon("search"),
btnReset = icon("remove"),
width = "100%"
### Dropdown button
Hide input in a button : <br>
tags$h3("List of Input"),
selectInput(inputId = 'xcol', label = 'X Variable', choices = names(iris)),
selectInput(inputId = 'ycol', label = 'Y Variable', choices = names(iris), selected = names(iris)[[2]]),
sliderInput(inputId = 'clusters', label = 'Cluster count', value = 3, min = 1, max = 9),
circle = TRUE, status = "danger", icon = icon("gear"), width = "300px",
tooltip = tooltipOptions(title = "Click to see inputs !")
And others !
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
shinyWidgets__Extend_widgets_available_in_shiny_shinyWidgets.zip (403个子文件)
font-awesome.css 37KB
bttn.min.css 32KB
font-awesome.min.css 30KB
sweetalert.css 22KB
sweetalert.css 22KB
pretty-checkbox.min.css 19KB
animate.min.css 17KB
sweetalert.min.css 15KB
spectrum.css 13KB
spectrum.min.css 10KB
awesome-bootstrap-checkbox-shiny.css 9KB
awesome-bootstrap-checkbox-shiny.css 9KB
bootstrap-slider.min.css 9KB
bootstrap-select.min.css 6KB
bootstrap-switch.min.css 6KB
bootstrap-select.min.css 6KB
bootstrap-switch.min.css 6KB
bootstrap-switch.min.css 5KB
shinyWidgets.css 5KB
nouislider.min.css 4KB
shinyWidgets.min.css 3KB
fav-button.css 3KB
fav-button.css 3KB
pkgdown.css 2KB
radioGroupButtons.css 2KB
radioGroupButtons.css 1KB
circle-button.css 1KB
multi.min.css 1KB
material-switch.css 1KB
material-switch.css 1KB
sw-dropdown.css 1006B
fav-icons.css 709B
fav-icons.css 709B
circle-button.css 668B
sw-color-selector.css 625B
checkboxGroupButtons.css 521B
styles-modules.css 476B
checkboxGroupButtons.css 466B
sw-spectrum.css 368B
multi-shiny.css 93B
fontawesome-webfont.eot 162KB
confirmSweetAlert.gif 554KB
sendSweetAlert.gif 417KB
knob.gif 116KB
.gitignore 137B
palette_picker.html 43KB
intro_shinyWidgets_fr.html 26KB
index.html 12KB
index.html 10KB
checkboxGroupButtons.html 7KB
radioGroupButtons.html 7KB
pickerInput.html 7KB
progressBar.html 7KB
awesomeRadio.html 7KB
switchInput.html 7KB
materialSwitch.html 7KB
searchInput.html 7KB
receiveSweetAlert.html 6KB
textInputAddon.html 6KB
awesomeCheckbox.html 6KB
authors.html 6KB
updateAwesomeRadio.html 5KB
awesomeCheckboxGroup.html 5KB
updatePickerInput.html 5KB
actionGroupButtons.html 5KB
updateAwesomeCheckboxGroup.html 5KB
dropdownButton.html 5KB
updateProgressBar.html 5KB
circleButton.html 4KB
updateCheckboxGroupButtons.html 4KB
updateRadioGroupButtons.html 4KB
updateMaterialSwitch.html 4KB
tooltipOptions.html 4KB
updateSwitchInput.html 4KB
shinyWidgets.html 4KB
shinyWidgetsGallery.html 4KB
index.html 4KB
libs.html 1KB
init 18B
init 18B
mo.min.js 110KB
mo.min.js 110KB
spectrum.js 78KB
sweetalert.min.js 40KB
bootstrap-slider.min.js 35KB
bootstrap-select.min.js 33KB
bootstrap-select.min.js 33KB
spectrum.min.js 28KB
nouislider.min.js 22KB
sweetalert.min.js 17KB
sweetalert.min.js 17KB
bootstrap-switch.min.js 15KB
shinyWidgets-bindings.min.js 15KB
bootstrap-switch.min.js 15KB
bootstrap-switch.min.js 15KB
jquery.knob.min.js 11KB
wNumb.js 9KB
knob-input-binding.js 4KB
fav-button-14.js 4KB
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