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1553B 67102Umn
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### 1553B 67102Umn: AceXtreme® 1553/429 USB Avionics Device硬件手册关键知识点解析
#### 一、概述
1553B 67102Umn指的是Data Device Corporation (DDC) 发布的BU-67X02/3U系列产品的硬件手册,该系列产品属于AceXtreme® 1553/429 USB Avionics Device家族,主要用于与MIL-STD-1553及ARINC 429数据总线接口。
#### 二、产品特点
- **紧凑性**:设计紧凑,便于携带。
- **可靠性**:具备高可靠性,适合多种应用场景。
- **易用性**:操作简便,易于集成到现有系统中。
- **USB接口**:采用USB接口,提供灵活的连接选项。
#### 三、主要应用领域
1. **箱级故障排查**(Box Level Troubleshooting): 在航空电子设备维护过程中,进行快速故障定位。
2. **模拟测试**(Simulation): 通过模拟真实环境中的数据传输,进行功能验证。
3. **便携式测试设备**(Portable Test Equipment): 适用于现场测试,提高效率。
4. **飞行线和诊断测试**(Flight Line and Diagnostic Testing): 在飞机维护过程中执行各种测试任务。
5. **软件开发**(Software Development): 支持相关软件的设计与开发工作。
6. **系统集成**(System Integration): 用于不同子系统的集成测试。
7. **自动测试应用**(Automatic Test Applications, ATP): 自动化测试流程,提高测试质量和效率。
#### 四、技术规格与优势
- **MIL-STD-1553和ARINC 429支持**:同时兼容这两种广泛使用的航空标准,提供全面的数据传输解决方案。
- **定制设计能力**:可以根据客户需求进行定制化设计,满足特定需求。
- **灵活的应用场景**:适用于商业、军事、航天和工业等多个领域。
#### 五、DDC的其他数据网络解决方案
- **MIL-STD-1553**:针对军用市场的数据总线组件、卡片和软件解决方案。
- **ARINC 429**:专为商业和航空市场设计的数据总线产品。
- **光纤通道**(Fibre Channel): 高速数据传输解决方案,支持实时处理关键数据网络之间的通信。
- **扩展1553产品**:支持高速数据处理需求的产品线,用于传感器、计算节点、数据存储显示和武器系统等应用场景。
#### 六、产品形式因素
- **PMC (Peripheral Component Interconnect Mezzanine Card)**:适用于嵌入式系统的高性能扩展卡。
- **PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)**:通用的计算机扩展槽标准。
- **Compact PCI**:一种紧凑型PCI规范。
- **PC/104**:小型嵌入式计算机系统标准。
- **ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)**:早期计算机总线标准。
- **VME/VXI**:用于高端计算机和控制系统的技术标准。
#### 七、总结
AceXtreme® 1553/429 USB Avionics Device是DDC推出的一款高度集成、性能卓越的航空电子设备接口解决方案。它不仅具备紧凑、可靠、易用的特点,而且能够广泛应用于多种复杂的航空电子环境中,如故障排查、模拟测试以及软件开发等。此外,DDC还提供了定制设计服务和技术支持,确保产品能够满足不同客户的具体需求。无论是对于航空航天还是其他行业的用户而言,这款产品都是一个理想的解决方案。
USB Avionics Device
Hardware Manual
© 2008, 2010 Data Device Corporation. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Model: BU-67X02/3U
For more information: www.ddc-web.com/BU-67103U
• Box Level Troubleshooting
• Simulation
• Portable Test Equipment
• Flight Line and Diagnostic Testing
• Software Development
• System Integration
• Automatic Test Applications (ATP)
Compact, reliable, and easy-to-use, DDC’s USB Avionics Device family provide a small, yet powerful solution for
interfacing to MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 data buses. The devices are ideal for users requiring portability, combined
with the flexibility of a USB interface. DDC’s common test/embedded software API increases productivity, allowing
your test and embedded designs to be generated from a common source.
Custom Design Capability - DDC can customize designs for all
cards, ranging from simple modifications of standard products to
fully customized solutions for commercial, military, aerospace,
and industrial applications.
DDC's Data Networking Solutions
MIL-STD-1553 | ARINC 429 | Fibre Channel
As the leading global supplier of data bus components, cards, and software solutions for the military, commercial,
and aerospace markets, DDC’s data bus networking solutions encompass the full range of data interface
protocols from MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 to USB, and Fibre Channel, for applications utilizing a spectrum of
form-factors including PMC, PCI, Compact PCI, PC/104, ISA, and VME/VXI.
DDC has developed its line of high-speed Fibre Channel and Extended 1553 products to support the real-time
processing of field-critical data networking netween sensors, compute notes, data storage displays, and weapons
for air, sea, and ground military vehicles.
Whether employed in increased bandwidth, high-speed serial communications, or traditional avionics and ground
support applications, DDC's data solutions fufill the expanse of military requirements including reliability,
determinism, low CPU utilization, real-time performance, and ruggedness within harsh environments. Out use of
in-house intellectual property ensures superior mutli-generational support, independent of the life cycles of
commercial devices. Moreover, we maintain software compatibility between product generations to protect our
customers' investments in software development, system testing, and end-product qualification.
DDC provides an assortment of quality MIL-STD-1553 commercial, military, and COTS grade cards and
components to meet your data conversion and data interface needs. DDC supplies MIL-STD-1553 board level
products in a variety of form factors including AMC, USB, PCI, cPCI, PCI-104, PCMCIA, PMC, PC/104, PC/104-
Plus, VME/VXI, and ISAbus cards. Our 1553 data bus board solutions are integral elements of military, aerospace,
and industrial applications. Our extensive line of military and space grade components provide MIL-STD-1553
interface solutions for microprocessors, PCI buses, and simple systems. Our 1553 data bus solutions are
designed into a global network of aircraft, helicopter, and missle programs.
DDC also has a wide assortment of quality ARINC-429 commercial, military, and COTS grade cards and
components, which will meet your data conversion and data interface needs. DDC supplies ARINC-429 board
level products in a variety of form factors including AMC, USB, PCI, PMC, PCI-104, PC/104 Plus, and PCMCIA
boards. DDC's ARINC 429 components ensure the accurate and reliable transfer of flight-critical data. Our 429
interfaces support data bus development, validation, and the transfer of flight-critical data aboard commercial
aerospace platforms.
DDC has developed its line of high-speed Fibre Channel network access controllers and switches to support the
real-time processing demands of field-critical data networking between sensors, computer nodes, data storage,
displays, and weapons, for air, sea, and ground military vehicles. Fibre Channel's architecture is optimized to
meet the performance,reliability, and demanding environmental requirements of embedded, real time, military
applications, and designed to endure the multi-decade life cycle demands of military/aerospace programs.
Fibre Channel
Data Device Corporation BU-67X02/3U Manual
Rev N-9/13
BU-67X02/3U AceXtreme
The information provided in this Manual is belived to be accurate; however, no
responsibility is assumed by Data Device Corporation for its use, and no license or rights are
granted by implication or otherwise connection therewith.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Please visit our Web site at
http://www.ddc-web.com/ for the latest information.
All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any mean, electronic, mechanical photocopying recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of Data Device Corporation.
105 Wilbur Place
Bohemia, New York 11716-2426
Tel: (631) 567-5600, Fax: (631) 567-7358
World Wide Web -
For Technical Support - 1-800-DDC-5757 ext. 7771
United Kingdom - Tel: +44-(0)1635-811140, Fax: +44-(0)1635-32264
France - Tel: +33-(0)1-41-16-3424, Fax: +33-(0)1-41-16-3425
Germany Tel: +49-(0)89-15 00 12-11, Fax: +49-(0)89-15 00 12-22
Japan - Tel: +81-(0)3-3814-7688, Fax: +81-(0)3-3814-7689
Asia - Tel: +65-6489-4801 © 2008 Data Device Corp.
Data Device Corporation BU-67X02/3U Manual
Rev N-9/13
Revision Date Pages Description
Initial Release
33 - 35
Added table 7. Inserted section 5.10. Minor edit to
table 6.
4, 33, 36
Modified accessory part numbers, updated Tables
7 & 8.
6, 10, 13, 28
Environmental Qualification information entered.
RT Address Selection section modified. Updated
format. Order information added.
E 04/2010 All Updates to missing source links
F 05/2010 26 Update to part number in Figures 8 & 9 title.
09/2010 34
changing the text to: The discrete I/O signals can
be used for a variety of applications, including
triggering software events, indicating status, or
general-purpose use.
H 3/2011 22, 24, 30, 36
Updated Table 4 and Table 6. Updated section 4.2.2
and 5.4.4. Added Windows Vista/7
J 5/2011 32-39, 47, 48
Updates to tables 4 and 5, Windows notes. Update to
table 6, pin 9. Update to Section 2: Overview. Added
Appendix A. Added new part number option, BU-
67202U, added new section 5.5.
K 6/2011 49 Update to Order information
L 5/2012 7, 28, 50 Update mounting bracket information, Update figure 9.
M 4/2013 7, 27 Updated power adapter part number
N 9/2013 49 Updated note for ordering information
Data Device Corporation BU-67X02/3U Manual
Rev N-9/13
1 PREFACE ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Text Usage .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Standard Definitions .................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Trademarks ................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 What is included in this manual? ................................................................................. 1
1.5 Technical Support ....................................................................................................... 2
2 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Features ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 System Requirements ................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Applications ............................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Environmental Qualifications ..................................................................................... 10
2.5 BU-67X02UX Specifications ...................................................................................... 10
2.6 BU-67103UX Specifications ...................................................................................... 14
2.7 MIL-STD-1553 Channels ........................................................................................... 17
2.8 Data Streaming Engine ............................................................................................. 17
2.9 Digital Discrete I/Os................................................................................................... 17
2.10 IRIG-B Time Code Support ....................................................................................... 17
2.11 ARINC 429 Channels ................................................................................................ 18
2.12 Optional Software Tools ............................................................................................ 18
3 HARDWARE INSTALLATION/REMOVAL ........................................................ 19
3.1 BU-67X02U Module Installation................................................................................. 19
3.2 BU-67103U Module Installation ................................................................................. 21
3.3 Module Removal ....................................................................................................... 22
4 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ............................................................................ 23
4.1 MIL-STD-1553 Software Overview ............................................................................ 23
4.2 ARINC 429 Software Overview ................................................................................. 24
4.3 Testing the Installation .............................................................................................. 25
4.4 Updating the Flash Firmware .................................................................................... 26
5 DETAILED DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE ..................................................... 27
5.1 Hardware Configuration and Operation ..................................................................... 27
5.2 Power Supply ............................................................................................................ 27
5.3 Mechanical Outlines .................................................................................................. 28
5.4 1553 Architecture ...................................................................................................... 29
5.5 Test and Simulation ToolKit (Multi-Function Only) ..................................................... 34
5.6 ARINC Controller Architecture ................................................................................... 40
5.7 Discrete Digital I/O .................................................................................................... 43
5.8 1 Pulse-per-Second (PPS) Output ............................................................................. 43
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