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Government plans to improve and clarify public
communication of climate science
Adrian O’Dowd
London, UK
The government has promised to take steps to improve and
clarify the communication of climate science to the general
public in a newly published official response document.
In April this year the House of Commons Science and
Technology Committee published a critical report after its
inquiry into communicating climate science.
It said that the
government was failing to communicate climate science clearly
and effectively to the public and that there was little evidence
of coordination among government, its agencies, and public
bodies on communicating this science, despite various policies
to tackle climate change.
In its official response published on 23 June, the government
addressed several of the committee’s conclusions and
The committee had accused the government and other bodies
of failing to make effective use of the internet or social media
to engage with the public and provide accurate scientific
information, even though those sources were increasingly
popular with the public. The government responded that its
websites contained information on both climate science and
government activities to tackle climate change.
The Met Office website is a good source of material for climate
science, said the response document, with latest science and
reports as well as infographics and videos, while the Department
of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) uses Twitter and other
forms of social media to engage on a range of issues, including
climate change.
Nevertheless, the government accepted that there was room for
improvement and said: “We are taking some specific steps to
improve the communication of climate science, particularly
through improving the presentation of climate science on
‘.gov.uk.’ Refreshed pages will be comprehensive, simple, and
It would also provide information on commonly held climate
“myths,” explaining why these were untrue, and provide
clarification on key aspects of climate science that were often
In addition, it planned to establish a science expert
communications group to consider how best to further improve
the communication of climate science.
The government rejected the committee’s conclusion of poor
leadership on this subject, saying: “We do not believe that there
is a lack of climate change leadership in the UK.”
The Climate Change Act, which required the UK to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 80% (from 1990 levels) by 2050,
was “the most ambitious piece of climate legislation in the
world,” it said.
The government strongly rejected one of the main conclusions
of the committee—that its “hands-off approach” to engaging
with the public and the media and heavy reliance on scientists
had led to a “vacuum that has allowed inaccurate arguments to
flourish with little effective challenge.”
It said in its response: “We do not agree with this conclusion.
Public concern about climate change remains high, and
communication of climate science from a wide-range of sources,
including the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change] and academics is, and remains, strong.
“We will continue to robustly tackle inaccuracies in the
broadcast and print media. And we will continue to invest in
cutting-edge climate science and expert climate scientists
through our support to the Met Office and the research councils.
However, the government cannot, and should not, seek to either
replace, or coordinate, the real experts.”
1 Communicating climate science: government response to the committee’s eighth report
of session 2013-14. www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmselect/cmsctech/
2 House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. Communicating climate science:
eighth report of session 2013–14. www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/
Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g4247
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