# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics
# and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel, and University of Kassel. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandapipes.component_models import Junction, Sink, Source, Pump, Pipe, ExtGrid, \
HeatExchanger, Valve, CirculationPumpPressure, CirculationPumpMass, PressureControlComponent, \
from pandapipes.component_models.component_toolbox import add_new_component
from pandapipes.pandapipes_net import pandapipesNet, get_basic_net_entries, add_default_components
from pandapipes.properties import call_lib
from pandapipes.properties.fluids import Fluid, _add_fluid_to_net
from pandapipes.std_types.std_types import add_basic_std_types, create_pump_std_type, \
from pandapipes.std_types.std_type_class import regression_function, PumpStdType
from pandapower.create import _get_multiple_index_with_check, _get_index_with_check, _set_entries, \
_check_node_element, _check_multiple_node_elements, _set_multiple_entries, \
_add_multiple_branch_geodata, _check_branch_element, _check_multiple_branch_elements
import pandaplan.core.pplog as logging
except ImportError:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_empty_network(name="", fluid=None, add_stdtypes=True):
This function initializes the pandapipes datastructure.
:param name: Name for the network
:type name: string, default None
:param fluid: A fluid that can be added to the net from the start. Should be either of type\
Fluid (c.f. pandapipes.properties.fluids.Fluid) or a string which refers to a standard\
fluid type used to call `create_fluid_from_lib`. A fluid is required for pipeflow\
calculations, but can also be added later.
:type fluid: Fluid or str, default None
:param add_stdtypes: Flag whether to add a dictionary of typical pump and pipe std types
:type add_stdtypes: bool, default True
:return: net - pandapipesNet with empty tables
:rtype: pandapipesNet
>>> net1 = create_empty_network("my_first_pandapipesNet", "lgas")
>>> net2 = create_empty_network()
net = pandapipesNet(get_basic_net_entries())
add_default_components(net, True)
net['name'] = name
if add_stdtypes:
if fluid is not None:
if isinstance(fluid, Fluid):
net["fluid"] = fluid
elif isinstance(fluid, str):
create_fluid_from_lib(net, fluid)
logger.warning("The fluid %s cannot be added to the net Only fluids of type Fluid or "
"strings can be used." % fluid)
return net
def create_junction(net, pn_bar, tfluid_k, height_m=0, name=None, index=None, in_service=True,
type="junction", geodata=None, **kwargs):
Adds one junction in table net["junction"]. Junctions are the nodes of the network that
all other elements connect to.
:param net: The pandapipes network in which the element is created
:type net: pandapipesNet
:param pn_bar: The nominal pressure in [bar]. Used as an initial value for pressure calculation.
:type pn_bar: float
:param tfluid_k: The fluid temperature in [K]. Used as parameter for gas calculations and as\
initial value for temperature calculations.
:type tfluid_k: float
:param height_m: Height of node above sea level in [m]
:type height_m: float, default 0
:param name: The name for this junction
:type name: string, default None
:param index: Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the index one higher than the\
highest already existing index is selected.
:type index: int, default None
:param in_service: True for in_service or False for out of service
:type in_service: boolean, default True
:param type: not used yet - Designed for type differentiation on pandas lookups (e.g. household\
connection vs. crossing)
:type type: string, default "junction"
:param geodata: Coordinates used for plotting
:type geodata: (x,y)-tuple, default None
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments will be added as further columns to the\
net["junction"] table
:return: index - The unique ID of the created element
:rtype: int
>>> create_junction(net, pn_bar=5, tfluid_k=320)
add_new_component(net, Junction)
index = _get_index_with_check(net, "junction", index)
cols = ["name", "pn_bar", "tfluid_k", "height_m", "in_service", "type"]
vals = [name, pn_bar, tfluid_k, height_m, bool(in_service), type]
_set_entries(net, "junction", index, **dict(zip(cols, vals)), **kwargs)
if geodata is not None:
if len(geodata) != 2:
raise UserWarning("geodata must be given as (x, y) tuple")
net["junction_geodata"].loc[index, ["x", "y"]] = geodata
return index
def create_sink(net, junction, mdot_kg_per_s, scaling=1., name=None, index=None, in_service=True,
type='sink', **kwargs):
Adds one sink in table net["sink"].
:param net: The net for which this sink should be created
:type net: pandapipesNet
:param junction: The index of the junction to which the sink is connected
:type junction: int
:param mdot_kg_per_s: The required mass flow
:type mdot_kg_per_s: float, default None
:param scaling: An optional scaling factor to be set customly
:type scaling: float, default 1
:param name: A name tag for this sink
:type name: str, default None
:param index: Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the index one higher than the\
highest already existing index is selected.
:type index: int, default None
:param in_service: True for in service, False for out of service
:type in_service: bool, default True
:param type: Type variable to classify the sink
:type type: str, default None
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments will be added as further columns to the\
net["sink"] table
:return: index - The unique ID of the created element
:rtype: int
>>> new_sink_id = create_sink(net, junction=2, mdot_kg_per_s=0.1)
add_new_component(net, Sink)
_check_junction_element(net, junction)
index = _get_index_with_check(net, "sink", index)
cols = ["name", "junction", "mdot_kg_per_s", "scaling", "in_service", "type"]
vals = [name, junction, mdot_kg_per_s, scaling, bool(in_service), type]
_set_entries(net, "sink", index, **dict(zip(cols, vals)), **kwargs)
return index
def create_source(net, junction, mdot_kg_per_s, scaling=1., name=None, index=None, in_service=True,
type='source', **kwargs):
Adds one source in table net["source"].
:param net: The net for which this source should be created
:type net: pandapipesNet
:param junction: The index of the junction to which the source is connected
:type junction: int
:param mdot_kg_per_s: The required mass flow
:type mdot_kg_per_s: float, default None
:param scaling: An optional scaling factor to be set customly
:type scaling: float, default 1
:param name: A name tag for this source
:type name: str, default None
:param index: Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the index one higher than the\
highest already existing index is selected.
:type index: int, default None
:param in_service: True for in service, False for out of service
:type in_service: bool, default True
:param type: Type variable to classify the source
:type type: str, default None
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments will be added as further columns to the\
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这是一个管道流量计算工具,在模拟多能源电网(尤其是热力和燃气管网)时对pandapower起到补充作用。更多信息可以在www.pandapipes.org找到。 开始使用: 安装说明 证明文件 github教程 活页夹互动教程 pandapipes是卡塞尔弗劳恩霍夫能源经济学和能源系统技术研究所(IEE)配电系统运行系和卡塞尔大学能源管理和电力系统运行研究小组的发展成果。
电力系统中pandapower介绍与应用 (530个子文件)
make.bat 5KB
references.bib 2KB
setup.cfg 70B
.coveragerc 217B
pipe_std_types.csv 9KB
Pipe.csv 9KB
lambda.csv 6KB
reynolds.csv 6KB
v_mean_m_per_s.csv 5KB
p_bar.csv 5KB
mdot_kg_per_s.csv 3KB
test_time_series_sink_profiles.csv 3KB
gas_sections_an.csv 2KB
simple_plot_par.csv 1KB
mdot_kg_per_s.csv 1KB
test_time_series_source_profiles.csv 1KB
mdot_kg_per_s.csv 1KB
pipe_par.csv 1002B
valve_res_gas.csv 846B
pipe_res_gas.csv 840B
temperature_overview.csv 717B
heat_exchanger_par.csv 667B
compressible_par.csv 644B
incompressible_par.csv 640B
temperature_par.csv 616B
ext_grid_par.csv 541B
circ_pump_pressure_par.csv 535B
circ_pump_mass_par.csv 533B
heat_exchanger_res.csv 527B
pipe_res_liquid.csv 523B
symbols.csv 515B
valve_par.csv 498B
junction_par.csv 474B
pump_par.csv 455B
valve_res_liquid.csv 445B
pipe_std_type_parameters.csv 425B
source_par.csv 405B
sink_par.csv 366B
Temperature_masche_1load_an.csv 332B
Temperature_2zu_2ab_an.csv 325B
Temperature_one_pipe_an.csv 300B
pump_std_type.csv 293B
Temperature_masche_1load_direction_an.csv 266B
constants.csv 246B
Temperature_tee_2ab_1zu_an.csv 196B
Temperature_tee_2zu_1ab_an.csv 182B
nameing2.csv 173B
nameing1.csv 173B
circ_pump_mass_res.csv 168B
circ_pump_pressure_res.csv 168B
test_valve.csv 152B
ext_grid_res.csv 135B
test_circ_pump_pressure.csv 133B
test_circ_pump_mass.csv 127B
release_control_test_sink_profiles.csv 123B
junction_res.csv 122B
pipe_geo.csv 119B
junction_geo.csv 117B
pump_res.csv 103B
normal.csv 100B
heat_exchanger_test.csv 93B
release_control_test_source_profiles.csv 92B
source_res.csv 90B
sink_res.csv 86B
simple_time_series_example_sink_profiles.csv 82B
simple_time_series_example_source_profiles.csv 80B
test_pump.csv 71B
P2.csv 58B
test_pressure_control.csv 57B
pressure_control_test_analytical.csv 56B
P3.csv 51B
P1.csv 45B
hydraulics.csv 22B
ext_grid_p.csv 11B
.gitignore 258B
pytest.ini 131B
simple_time_series_example.ipynb 77KB
height_difference_example.ipynb 28KB
multienergienetze.ipynb 22KB
coupled_nets_h2_p2g2p.ipynb 19KB
minimal_example.ipynb 16KB
ein_einfaches_netz_erstellen.ipynb 14KB
creating_a_simple_network.ipynb 12KB
h攈endifferenzen.ipynb 10KB
standard_libraries.ipynb 9KB
simple_plot.ipynb 9KB
circular_flow_in_a_district_heating_grid.ipynb 9KB
temperature_calculation.ipynb 9KB
gas_net_schutterwald_1bar.json 888KB
1-LV-rural3--0-sw.json 132KB
1-LV-semiurb5--0-sw.json 120KB
1-LV-rural2--0-sw.json 112KB
1-LV-rural3--0-no_sw.json 92KB
1-LV-urban6--0-sw.json 91KB
1-LV-semiurb5--0-no_sw.json 86KB
1-LV-rural2--0-no_sw.json 82KB
1-LV-semiurb4--0-sw.json 80KB
1-LV-urban6--0-no_sw.json 73KB
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