#include <math.h>
#include "mex.h"
#include "UGM_common.h"
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
/* Variables */
int n, s, e, e2, n1, n2, neigh, Vind, Vind2, s1, s2,
nNodes, nEdges, maxState, dims[3],
iter, maxIter,
*edgeEnds, *nStates, *V, *E, *y;
double *nodePot, *edgePot, *nodeBel, *edgeBel, *logZ,
z, energy1, energy2, entropy1, entropy2, *prodMsgs, *oldMsgs, *newMsgs, *tmp, *tmp1, *tmp2, *mu,nNbrs;
/* Input */
nodePot = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
edgePot = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
edgeEnds = (int*)mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
nStates = (int*)mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
V = (int*)mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
E = (int*)mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
maxIter = ((int*)mxGetPr(prhs[6]))[0];
mu = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
if (!mxIsClass(prhs[2],"int32")||!mxIsClass(prhs[3],"int32")||!mxIsClass(prhs[4],"int32")||!mxIsClass(prhs[5],"int32")||!mxIsClass(prhs[6],"int32"))
mexErrMsgTxt("edgeEnds, nStates, V, E, maxIter must be int32");
/* Compute Sizes */
nNodes = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0])[0];
maxState = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0])[1];
nEdges = mxGetDimensions(prhs[2])[0];
/* Output */
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nNodes,maxState,mxREAL);
dims[0] = maxState;
dims[1] = maxState;
dims[2] = nEdges;
plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(3,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL);
plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
nodeBel = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
edgeBel = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
logZ = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
prodMsgs = mxCalloc(maxState*nNodes, sizeof(double));
oldMsgs = mxCalloc(maxState*nEdges*2, sizeof(double));
newMsgs = mxCalloc(maxState*nEdges*2, sizeof(double));
tmp = mxCalloc(maxState, sizeof(double));
tmp1 = mxCalloc(maxState, sizeof(double));
tmp2 = mxCalloc(maxState, sizeof(double));
/* Initialize */
for(e = 0; e < nEdges; e++) {
n1 = edgeEnds[e]-1;
n2 = edgeEnds[e+nEdges]-1;
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n2]; s++)
newMsgs[s+maxState*e] = 1./nStates[n2];
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n1]; s++)
newMsgs[s+maxState*(e+nEdges)] = 1./nStates[n1];
for(iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++) {
for(n=0;n<nNodes;n++) {
/* Update Messages */
for(Vind = V[n]-1; Vind < V[n+1]-1; Vind++) {
e = E[Vind]-1;
n1 = edgeEnds[e]-1;
n2 = edgeEnds[e+nEdges]-1;
/* First part of message is nodePot*/
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++)
tmp[s] = nodePot[n + nNodes*s];
/* Multiply by messages from neighbors except j */
for(Vind2 = V[n]-1; Vind2 < V[n+1]-1; Vind2++) {
e2 = E[Vind2]-1;
if (e != e2) {
if (n == edgeEnds[e2+nEdges]-1) {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
tmp[s] *= pow(newMsgs[s+maxState*e2], mu[e2]);
else {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
tmp[s] *= pow(newMsgs[s+maxState*(e2+nEdges)], mu[e2]);
else {
if (n == edgeEnds[e2+nEdges]) {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
tmp[s] /= pow(newMsgs[s+maxState*e2], 1.-mu[e2]);
else {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
tmp[s] /= pow(newMsgs[s+maxState*(e2+nEdges)], 1.-mu[e2]);
/* Now multiply by edge potential to get new message */
if (n == n2) {
for(s1 = 0; s1 < nStates[n1]; s1++) {
newMsgs[s1+maxState*(e+nEdges)] = 0.0;
for(s2 = 0; s2 < nStates[n2]; s2++) {
newMsgs[s1+maxState*(e+nEdges)] += tmp[s2]*pow(edgePot[s1+maxState*(s2+maxState*e)], 1./mu[e]);
/* Normalize */
z = 0.0;
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n1]; s++)
z += newMsgs[s+maxState*(e+nEdges)];
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n1]; s++)
newMsgs[s+maxState*(e+nEdges)] /= z;
else {
for(s2 = 0; s2 < nStates[n2]; s2++) {
newMsgs[s2+maxState*e] = 0.0;
for(s1 = 0; s1 < nStates[n1]; s1++) {
newMsgs[s2+maxState*e] += tmp[s1]*pow(edgePot[s1+maxState*(s2+maxState*e)], 1./mu[e]);
/* Normalize */
z = 0.0;
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n2]; s++)
z += newMsgs[s+maxState*e];
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n2]; s++)
newMsgs[s+maxState*e] /= z;
/* Print out messages */
* printf("\n\nIter = %d\n", iter);
* for(s=0;s<maxState;s++) {
* for(e=0;e<nEdges*2;e++) {
* printf("newMsgs(%d,%d) = %f\n", s, e, newMsgs[s+maxState*e]);
* }
* }
/* oldMsgs = newMsgs */
z = 0;
for(s=0;s<maxState;s++) {
for(e=0;e<nEdges*2;e++) {
z += absDif(newMsgs[s+maxState*e], oldMsgs[s+maxState*e]);
oldMsgs[s+maxState*e] = newMsgs[s+maxState*e];
/* if sum(abs(newMsgs(:)-oldMsgs(:))) < 1e-4; break; */
if(z < 1e-4) {
/* ******************* DONE MESSAGE PASSING ********************** */
/*if(iter == maxIter)
* {
* printf("LBP reached maxIter of %d iterations\n",maxIter);
* }
* printf("Stopped after %d iterations\n",iter); */
/* compute nodeBel */
for(n = 0; n < nNodes; n++) {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++)
prodMsgs[s+maxState*n] = nodePot[n+nNodes*s];
for(Vind = V[n]-1; Vind < V[n+1]-1; Vind++) {
e = E[Vind]-1;
n1 = edgeEnds[e]-1;
n2 = edgeEnds[e+nEdges]-1;
if (n == n2) {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
prodMsgs[s+maxState*n] *= pow(newMsgs[s+maxState*e], mu[e]);
else {
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
prodMsgs[s+maxState*n] *= pow(newMsgs[s+maxState*(e+nEdges)], mu[e]);
z = 0;
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++) {
nodeBel[n + nNodes*s] = prodMsgs[s+maxState*n];
z = z + nodeBel[n+nNodes*s];
for(s = 0; s < nStates[n]; s++)
nodeBel[n + nNodes*s] /= z;
/* Compute edgeBel */
for(e = 0; e < nEdges; e++) {
n1 = edgeEnds[e]-1;
n2 = edgeEnds[e+nEdges]-1;
/* temp1 = nodePot by all messages to n1 except from