;(function () {
* @preserve FastClick: polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
* @codingstandard ftlabs-jsv2
* @copyright The Financial Times Limited [All Rights Reserved]
* @license MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
/*jslint browser:true, node:true*/
/*global define, Event, Node*/
* Instantiate fast-clicking listeners on the specified layer.
* @constructor
* @param {Element} layer The layer to listen on
* @param {Object} [options={}] The options to override the defaults
function FastClick(layer, options) {
var oldOnClick;
options = options || {};
* Whether a click is currently being tracked.
* @type boolean
this.trackingClick = false;
* Timestamp for when click tracking started.
* @type number
this.trackingClickStart = 0;
* The element being tracked for a click.
* @type EventTarget
this.targetElement = null;
* X-coordinate of touch start event.
* @type number
this.touchStartX = 0;
* Y-coordinate of touch start event.
* @type number
this.touchStartY = 0;
* ID of the last touch, retrieved from Touch.identifier.
* @type number
this.lastTouchIdentifier = 0;
* Touchmove boundary, beyond which a click will be cancelled.
* @type number
this.touchBoundary = options.touchBoundary || 10;
* The FastClick layer.
* @type Element
this.layer = layer;
* The minimum time between tap(touchstart and touchend) events
* @type number
this.tapDelay = options.tapDelay || 200;
* The maximum time for a tap
* @type number
this.tapTimeout = options.tapTimeout || 700;
if (FastClick.notNeeded(layer)) {
// Some old versions of Android don't have Function.prototype.bind
function bind(method, context) {
return function() { return method.apply(context, arguments); };
var methods = ['onMouse', 'onClick', 'onTouchStart', 'onTouchMove', 'onTouchEnd', 'onTouchCancel'];
var context = this;
for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++) {
context[methods[i]] = bind(context[methods[i]], context);
// Set up event handlers as required
if (deviceIsAndroid) {
layer.addEventListener('mouseover', this.onMouse, true);
layer.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouse, true);
layer.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouse, true);
layer.addEventListener('click', this.onClick, true);
layer.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchStart, false);
layer.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove, false);
layer.addEventListener('touchend', this.onTouchEnd, false);
layer.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.onTouchCancel, false);
// Hack is required for browsers that don't support Event#stopImmediatePropagation (e.g. Android 2)
// which is how FastClick normally stops click events bubbling to callbacks registered on the FastClick
// layer when they are cancelled.
if (!Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation) {
layer.removeEventListener = function(type, callback, capture) {
var rmv = Node.prototype.removeEventListener;
if (type === 'click') {
rmv.call(layer, type, callback.hijacked || callback, capture);
} else {
rmv.call(layer, type, callback, capture);
layer.addEventListener = function(type, callback, capture) {
var adv = Node.prototype.addEventListener;
if (type === 'click') {
adv.call(layer, type, callback.hijacked || (callback.hijacked = function(event) {
if (!event.propagationStopped) {
}), capture);
} else {
adv.call(layer, type, callback, capture);
// If a handler is already declared in the element's onclick attribute, it will be fired before
// FastClick's onClick handler. Fix this by pulling out the user-defined handler function and
// adding it as listener.
if (typeof layer.onclick === 'function') {
// Android browser on at least 3.2 requires a new reference to the function in layer.onclick
// - the old one won't work if passed to addEventListener directly.
oldOnClick = layer.onclick;
layer.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
}, false);
layer.onclick = null;
* Windows Phone 8.1 fakes user agent string to look like Android and iPhone.
* @type boolean
var deviceIsWindowsPhone = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows Phone") >= 0;
* Android requires exceptions.
* @type boolean
var deviceIsAndroid = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') > 0 && !deviceIsWindowsPhone;
* iOS requires exceptions.
* @type boolean
var deviceIsIOS = /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !deviceIsWindowsPhone;
* iOS 4 requires an exception for select elements.
* @type boolean
var deviceIsIOS4 = deviceIsIOS && (/OS 4_\d(_\d)?/).test(navigator.userAgent);
* iOS 6.0-7.* requires the target element to be manually derived
* @type boolean
var deviceIsIOSWithBadTarget = deviceIsIOS && (/OS [6-7]_\d/).test(navigator.userAgent);
* BlackBerry requires exceptions.
* @type boolean
var deviceIsBlackBerry10 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('BB10') > 0;
* Determine whether a given element requires a native click.
* @param {EventTarget|Element} target Target DOM element
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the element needs a native click
FastClick.prototype.needsClick = function(target) {
switch (target.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
// Don't send a synthetic click to disabled inputs (issue #62)
case 'button':
case 'select':
case 'textarea':
if (target.disabled) {
return true;
case 'input':
// File inputs need real clicks on iOS 6 due to a browser bug (issue #68)
if ((deviceIsIOS && target.type === 'file') || target.disabled) {
return true;
case 'label':
case 'iframe': // iOS8 homescreen apps can prevent events bubbling into frames
case 'video':
return true;
return (/\bneedsclick\b/).test(target.className);
* Determine whether a given element requires a call to focus to simulate click into element.
* @param {EventTarget|Element} target Target DOM element
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the element requires a call to focus to simulate native click.
FastClick.prototype.needsFocus = function(target) {
switch (target.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case 'textarea':
return true;
case 'select':
return !deviceIsAndroid;
case 'input':
switch (target.type) {
case 'button':
case 'checkbox':
case 'file':
case 'image':
case 'radio':
case 'submit':
return false;
// No point in attempting to focus disabled inputs
return !target.disabled && !target.readOnly;
return (/\bneedsfocus\b/).test(target.className);
* Send a click event to the specified element.
* @param {EventTarget|Element} targetElement
* @param {Event} event
FastClick.prototype.sendClick = function(targetElement, event) {
var clickEvent, touch;
// On some Android devices activeElement needs to be blurred otherwise the synthetic click will have no effect (#24)
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement !== targetElement) {
touch = event.changedTouches[0];
// Synthesise a click event, with an extra attribute so it can be tracked
clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
clickEvent.initMouseEvent(this.determineEventType(targetElement), true, true, window, 1, touch.screenX, touch.screenY, touch.clientX, touch.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
clickEvent.forwardedTouchEvent = true;
react hooks.zip
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React Hooks 是React库在2018年引入的一项重大特性,极大地改变了React组件的编写方式,使得状态管理和副作用处理变得更加简洁、高效。本压缩包"react hooks.zip"可能包含了一个React应用的源代码,其中的核心部分很可能是用React Hooks编写的。在React Hooks的帮助下,开发者无需再使用Class组件,而是通过函数组件结合Hooks来实现状态管理和生命周期方法。
1. useState:
React Hooks中的useState是用于在函数组件中添加状态变量的。它接受一个初始值作为参数,并返回一对值:当前状态和更新状态的函数。例如,我们可以声明一个名为count的状态变量并增加它的值:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
function increment() {
setCount(count + 1);
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={increment}>+</button>
2. useEffect:
useEffect是React Hooks中用于处理副作用的Hook。它可以替代Class组件的componentDidMount、componentDidUpdate和componentWillUnmount生命周期方法。使用useEffect,我们可以订阅外部数据、执行异步操作或清理副作用。例如,我们可能在组件加载时获取数据:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function User({ userId }) {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => setUser(data));
// 清理副作用(例如取消订阅)
return () => {
// 如果有订阅,这里进行取消订阅操作
}, [userId]); // 依赖项数组决定何时重新运行效果
if (user === null) return <p>Loading...</p>;
return (
<p>Email: {user.email}</p>
3. useContext:
useContext Hook允许我们在组件之间共享状态,而无需通过props逐层传递。这特别适用于全局配置或主题的管理。React的内置Context API可以帮助我们创建和使用Context:
// 创建ThemeContext
const ThemeContext = React.createContext('light');
function App() {
return (
<ThemeContext.Provider value="dark">
<Toolbar />
function Toolbar(props) {
return (
{theme => (
<button style={{ backgroundColor: theme }}>
Change Theme
4. useReducer:
对于复杂的状态管理,useReducer可以作为替代useState的选项。它类似于 Redux 的 dispatch 动作模型,允许我们定义一个reducer函数来处理状态的变化:
import React, { useReducer } from 'react';
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'increment':
return { count: state.count + 1 };
case 'decrement':
return { count: state.count - 1 };
throw new Error();
function Counter() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, { count: 0 });
return (
<p>Count: {state.count}</p>
<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'increment' })}>+</button>
<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'decrement' })}>-</button>
5. 自定义Hooks:
除了内置的Hooks,我们还可以创建自定义Hooks来封装和重用特定逻辑。例如,我们可以创建一个useLocalStorage Hook来存储和检索localStorage中的数据:
function useLocalStorage(key, initialValue) {
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState(() => {
try {
const item = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
return item ? JSON.parse(item) : initialValue;
} catch (error) {
return initialValue;
const setValue = value => {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
} catch (error) {
return [storedValue, setValue];
function MyComponent() {
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage('myKey', []);
return (
onChange={e => setValue(e.target.value)}
"react hooks.zip"中的源代码可能涉及到React Hooks的各种应用场景,包括状态管理、副作用处理、上下文共享以及自定义Hook的创建等。通过学习和理解这些知识点,开发者可以更高效地构建React应用程序。