<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog">
A dialog to edit a color value.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog.components">
Required designer variable.
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
Clean up any resources being used.
<param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog.InitializeComponent">
Required method for Designer support - do not modify
the contents of this method with the code editor.
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog"/> class.
<member name="P:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog.Color">
Gets or sets the color.
<member name="P:WW.Cad.Windows.Forms.CadColorEditorDialog.ShowColorBookTab">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the color book tab.
<member name="T:WW.Cad.Model.WireframePathDrawer">
Path drawer for wireframe context.
<member name="T:WW.Cad.Model.IPathDrawer">
Interface for classes which know how to display a path.
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Model.IPathDrawer.DrawPath(WW.Math.Geometry.IShape4D,WW.Drawing.ArgbColor,System.Int16)">
Draw a path.
The path is not considered to be from at text.
Some implementations may be slow, so consider using the other <c>DrawPath()</c> method.
<param name="path">path to draw</param>
<param name="color">color used for path</param>
<param name="lineWeight">The line weight.</param>
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Model.IPathDrawer.DrawPath(WW.Math.Geometry.IShape2D,WW.Math.Matrix4D,WW.Drawing.ArgbColor,System.Int16,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Double)">
Draw a path.
<param name="path">path to draw</param>
<param name="transform">transformation used on path</param>
<param name="color">color used for path</param>
<param name="lineWeight">The line weight.</param>
<param name="filled">fill the path?</param>
<param name="forText">is this a path created from a text?</param>
<param name="extrusion">either <c>0</c> or the extrusion in z direction before transformation</param>
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Model.IPathDrawer.DrawCharPath(WW.Math.Geometry.IShape2D,WW.Math.Matrix4D,WW.Drawing.ArgbColor,System.Int16,System.Boolean,System.Double)">
Draw a path for a character.
<param name="path">
path to draw. Is assumed to be the same shape instance for the same character of a font so
based on this it can be used as a key for e.g. a cache lookup.
<param name="transform">transformation used on path</param>
<param name="color">color used for path</param>
<param name="lineWeight">The line weight.</param>
<param name="filled">fill the path?</param>
<param name="extrusion">either <c>0</c> or the extrusion in z direction before transformation</param>
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Model.IPathDrawer.IsSeparateCharDrawingPreferred">
Is this drawer gaining from drawing separate chars rather than drawing complete strings?
Usually a complete string is draw as one path.
Splitting this into single paths for each letter is an order N algorithm (N being the number of letters),
so if the drawer works with less effiency depending on the number of paths/points involved (N log N or worse)
it should return <c>true</c> here. But be sure to test both cases with a TTF text intensive file because
sometimes the memory overhead of creating all new paths eat up the gain.
<returns><c>true</c> if this drawer gains from small filled paths, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:WW.Cad.Model.WireframePathDrawer.#ctor(WW.Cad.Model.Entities.DxfEntity,WW.Cad.Drawing.DrawContext.Wireframe,WW.Cad.Drawing.IWireframeGraphicsFactory)">
<param name="entity">entity which is drawn</param>
<param name="context">draw context</param>
<param name="graphicsFactory">The graphics factory.</param>
<member name="T:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags">
<see cref="T:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.DxfLayer">Layer</see> flags.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.None">
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.Frozen">
Layer is frozen; otherwise layer is thawed.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.FrozenInNewViewport">
Layer is frozen by default in new viewports.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.Locked">
Layer is locked.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.IsExternallyDependent">
If set, view is externally dependent on an xref.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.IsResolvedExternalRef">
If both this flag and <see cref="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.IsExternallyDependent"/> are set, the externally dependent xref
has been successfully resolved.
<member name="F:WW.Cad.Model.Tables.LayerFlags.IsReferenced">
If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the
drawing the last time the drawing was edited.
<member name="T:WW.Cad.Model.Entities.NamespaceDoc">
This name space contains all <see cref="T:WW.Cad.Model.Entities.DxfEntity">entities</see> supported by CadLib.
The entities are contained in <see cref="T:WW.Cad.Model.DxfModel"/>.
<member name="T:WW.Cad.IO.ImageExporter">
<see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image"/> export