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内容概要:介绍了RE2方法,即通过对问题进行两次阅读来增强大型语言模型(LLMs)的推理能力。与传统链思考(CoT)不同,RE2通过改进输入问题的理解提升了模型的整体表现,在多个数据集上进行了验证并展示了良好的通用性和兼容性。相较于普通CoT提示方式,实验结果显示重新读取问题的形式明显增强了模型对任务的理解关注。 适用人群:从事自然语言处理或大型语言模型研究人员。 使用场景及目标:提高各种推理性能评估中LLM的能力。如数学推理任务、文本理解和复杂多步推理等场景,通过简单有效的提示方法来优化模型的推理准确率。 其他说明:RE2不仅能独立改善模型的表现,还能与现有的多种LLM改进策略相结合使用,提供了丰富的应用可能性。
Re-Reading Improves Reasoning in Large Language Models
Xiaohan Xu
, Chongyang Tao
, Tao Shen
, Can Xu
Hongbo Xu
, Guodong Long
, Jian-guang Lou
Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, {xuxiaohan,hbxu}@iie.ac.cn
Microsoft Corporation, {chotao,caxu,jlou}@microsoft.com
AAII, School of CS, FEIT, UTS, {tao.shen,guodong.long}@uts.edu.au
To enhance the reasoning capabilities of off-
the-shelf Large Language Models (LLMs),
we introduce a simple, yet general and effec-
tive prompting method, RE2, i.e., Re-Reading
the question as input. Unlike most thought-
eliciting prompting methods, such as Chain-of-
Thought (CoT), which aim to elicit the reason-
ing process in the output, RE2 shifts the fo-
cus to the input by processing questions twice,
thereby enhancing the understanding process.
Consequently, RE2 demonstrates strong gen-
erality and compatibility with most thought-
eliciting prompting methods, including CoT.
Crucially, RE2 facilitates a "bidirectional" en-
coding in unidirectional decoder-only LLMs
because the first pass could provide global in-
formation for the second pass. We begin with
a preliminary empirical study as the founda-
tion of RE2, illustrating its potential to enable
"bidirectional" attention mechanisms. We then
evaluate RE2 on extensive reasoning bench-
marks across 14 datasets, spanning 112 exper-
iments, to validate its effectiveness and gener-
ality. Our findings indicate that, with the ex-
ception of a few scenarios on vanilla ChatGPT,
RE2 consistently enhances the reasoning per-
formance of LLMs through a simple re-reading
strategy. Further analyses reveal RE2’s adapt-
ability, showing how it can be effectively inte-
grated with different LLMs, thought-eliciting
prompting, and ensemble strategies.
1 Introduction
In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial in-
telligence, large language models (LLMs) have
emerged as a cornerstone of natural language un-
derstanding and generation (Brown et al., 2020;
Touvron et al., 2023a,a; OpenAI, 2023). As these
LLMs have grown in capability, a pivotal challenge
has come to the forefront: imbuing them with the
This work was done during internship at Microsoft.
Our code is available at
Q: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis
balls. Each can has 3 tennis balls. How many tennis balls
does he have now?
A: Let’s think step by step.
Q: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis
balls. Each can has 3 tennis balls. How many tennis balls
does he have now?
Read the question again: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2
more cans of tennis balls. Each can has 3 tennis balls. How
many tennis balls does he have now?
A: Let’s think step by step.
Figure 1: Example inputs of CoT prompting versus
CoT prompting with RE2. RE2 is a simple prompting
method that repeats the question as input. Typically,
tokens in the question, such as "tennis balls", cannot
see subsequent tokens in the original setup for LLMs
(the top figure). In contrast, LLMs with RE2 allows
"tennis balls" in the second pass to see the entire ques-
tion containing "How many ...", achieving an effect of a
"bidirectional" understanding (the bottom figure).
ability to reason effectively. The capacity to engage
in sound reasoning is a hallmark of human intelli-
gence, enabling us to infer, deduce, and solve prob-
lems. In LLMs, this skill is paramount for enhanc-
ing their practical utility. Despite their remarkable
capabilities, LLMs often struggle with nuanced rea-
soning (Blair-Stanek et al., 2023; Arkoudas, 2023),
prompting researchers to explore innovative strate-
gies to bolster their reasoning prowess (Wei et al.,
2022b; Gao et al., 2023; Besta et al., 2023).
Existing research on reasoning has predomi-
nantly concentrated on designing diverse thought-
eliciting prompting strategies to elicit reasoning
processes in the output phase, such as Chain-
of-Thought (CoT) (Wei et al., 2022b), Program-
Aided Language Model (PAL) (Gao et al., 2023),
etc. (Yao et al., 2023a; Besta et al., 2023; Wang
et al., 2023a). In contrast, scant attention has been
arXiv:2309.06275v2 [cs.CL] 29 Feb 2024
First Pass Second Pass
Second Pass → (First Pass + Second Pass)
Figure 2: Illustration of the attention distribution of
each token in the second pass attending to the entire
input in LLaMA-2 using the GSM8K dataset. A darker
cell indicates higher attention. The region within the
dashed upper triangle demonstrates that every token in
the second pass has obvious attention to its subsequent
tokens in the first pass. This suggests that re-reading
in LLMs is promising for achieving a "bidirectional"
understanding of the question.
paid to the understanding of the input phase. In fact,
comprehension is the first step before solving the
problem, which is crucially important. However,
in the era of generative AI, most LLMs adopt the
decoder-only LLMs with unidirectional attention,
like GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) and LLaMA (Tou-
vron et al., 2023b). Compared with encoder-based
language models that feature bidirectional atten-
tion (Devlin et al., 2019), the unidirectional atten-
tion limits every token’s visibility to only previ-
ous tokens when encoding a question, potentially
impairing the global understanding of the ques-
tion (Du et al., 2022) (the top figure in Figure 1).
Fortunately, many cognitive science studies have re-
vealed that humans tend to re-read questions during
learning and problem-solving to enhance the com-
prehension process (Dowhower, 1987, 1989; Ozek
and Civelek, 2006). Motivated by this, we also
conduct a preliminary empirical study for LLaMA-
2 (Touvron et al., 2023b) by repeating the ques-
tion two times using the GSM8K dataset (Cobbe
et al., 2021). Figure 2 shows that LLaMA-2 with
re-reading is promising to achieve a "bidirectional"
understanding of the question, and further improve
the reasoning performance.
Based on the observation and inspired by the hu-
man strategy of re-reading, we present a simple yet
effective and general reasoning prompting strategy,
RE2, i.e., Re-Reading the question as input (see
the illustration in Figure 1). Similar to the human
problem-solving process, where the primary task is
to comprehend the problem, we place our emphasis
on designing the prompting strategy on the input
phase. Thus, RE2 is orthogonal to and compatible
with most thought-eliciting prompting methods in
the output phase, such as CoT, PAL, etc. Moreover,
instead of processing the input in only a single
pass, the repetition of questions enables LLMs to
allocate more computational resources to input en-
coding, akin to "horizontally" increasing the depth
of neural networks. Therefore, LLMs with RE2
is promising to have a deeper understanding of
the question and improve reasoning performance.
More interestingly, LLMs with RE2 show potential
for a "bidirectional" understanding of questions in
the context of unidirectional LLMs. This is be-
cause every token in the second pass could also
attend to its subsequent tokens in the first pass (see
illustration in Figure 1 and Figure 2).
To validate the efficacy and generality of RE2,
we conducted extensive experiments spanning arith-
metic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning tasks
across 14 datasets and 112 experiments. The
results show that, with the exception of certain
scenarios on vanilla ChatGPT, our RE2 with a
simple re-reading strategy consistently enhances
the reasoning performance of LLMs. RE2 ex-
hibits versatility across various LLMs, such as
Text-Davinci-003, ChatGPT, LLaMA-2-13B, and
LLaMA-2-70B, spanning both instruction fine-
tuning (IFT) and non-IFT models. We also ex-
plore RE2 in task settings of zero-shot and few-
shot, thought-eliciting prompting methods, and the
self-consistency setting, highlighting its generality.
2 Methodology
2.1 Vanilla Chain-of-Thought for Reasoning
We begin with a unified formulation to leverage
LLMs with CoT prompting to solve reasoning tasks.
In formal, given an input
and a target
, a LLM
p with CoT prompting can be formulated as
y ∼
z∼ p(z|C
, z) · p(z|C
where C
= c
(x). (1)
In this formulation,
denotes the prompted
represents the template with CoT
prompting instructions, such as ‘let’s think step by
stands for a latent variable of rationale, and
denotes a sampled rationale in natural language.
Consequently, the LLMs can break down complex
tasks into more manageable reasoning steps, treat-
ing each step as a component of the overall solution
chain. We employ CoT as a baseline to solve rea-
soning tasks without compromising its generality.
In addition to CoT, our proposed simple RE2 can
serve as a "plug & play" module adaptable to most
other prompting methods (§2.3).
2.2 Re-Reading (RE2) Improves Reasoning
Drawing inspiration from the human strategy of
re-reading, we introduce this strategy for LLM rea-
soning, dubbed RE2, to enhance understanding in
the input phase. With RE2, the prompting process
in Eq. 1 can be readily rephrased as:
y ∼
z∼ p(z|C
, z) · p(z|C
where C
= c
(re2(x)). (2)
In this formulation,
is the re-reading opera-
tion of the input. We don’t seek complex adjust-
ments for LLMs but aim for a general implementa-
tion of re2(x) that is as simple as follows:
RE2 Prompting
Q: {Input Query}
Read the question again: {Input Query}
# Thought-eliciting prompt (e.g.,“Let’s
think step by step") #
where ‘{Input Query}‘ is a placeholder for the in-
put query,
. The left part of this prompting could
incorporate other thought-eliciting prompts. In-
tuitively, RE2 offers two advantages to enhance
the understanding process: (1) it allocates more
computational resources to the input, and (2) it
facilitates a "bidirectional" understanding of the
question, where the first pass provides global infor-
mation for the second pass.
2.3 Generality of RE2
Due to RE2’s simplicity and emphasis on the input
phase, it can be seamlessly integrated with a wide
range of LLMs and algorithms, including few-shot
settings, self-consistency, various thought-eliciting
prompting strategies, and more. We offer insights
into the integration of RE2 with other thought-
eliciting prompting strategies as an illustration.
Compared with those thought-eliciting prompt-
ing strategies that focus on the output phase, RE2
shifts the emphasis towards understanding the in-
put. Therefore, RE2 exhibits significant compati-
bility with them, acting as a “plug & play” module.
This synergy has the potential to further enhance
the reasoning abilities of LLMs. With a specific
thought-eliciting prompting,
, designed to elicit
thoughts from the LLMs, Eq. (3) is rewritten as:
y ∼
z∼ p(z|C
, z) · p(z|C
where C
= c
(τ )
(re2(x)). (3)
denotes various thought-eliciting prompt-
ings beyond CoT, such as Plan-and-Solve (Wang
et al., 2023a), and Program-Aided Prompt (Gao
et al., 2023), etc. We also conducted lots of experi-
ments to validate the generality of RE2 in §3.4.
3 Experiments
3.1 Benchmarks
We assess RE2 prompting across three key cat-
egories of reasoning benchmarks. Details of all
datasets are shown in Appendix A
Arithmetic Reasoning We consider the fol-
lowing seven arithmetic reasoning benchmarks:
the GSM8K benchmark of math word prob-
lems (Cobbe et al., 2021), the SVAMP dataset of
math word problems with varying structures (Patel
et al., 2021), the ASDiv dataset of diverse math
word problems (Miao et al., 2020), the AQuA
dataset of algebraic word problems (Ling et al.,
2017), the AddSub (Hosseini et al., 2014) of math
word problems on addition and subtraction for third
to fifth grader, MultiArith (Roy and Roth, 2015)
dataset of math problems with multiple steps, and
the SingelEQ (Roy et al., 2015) dataset of elemen-
tary math word problems with single operation.
Commonsense and Symbolic Reasoning For
commonsense reasoning, we use CSQA (Talmor
et al., 2019), StrategyQA (Geva et al., 2021), and
the ARC (Clark et al., 2018). CSQA dataset con-
sists of questions that necessitate various common-
sense knowledge. The StrategyQA dataset com-
prises questions that demand multi-step reasoning.
The ARC dataset (denoted as ARC-t) is divided
into two sets: a Challenge Set (denoted as ARC-
c), containing questions that both retrieval-based
and word co-occurrence algorithms answered in-
correctly, and an Easy Set (denoted as ARC-e). We
evaluate two symbolic reasoning tasks: date under-
standing (Suzgun et al., 2023a) and Coinflip (Wei
et al., 2022b). Date understanding is a subset of
BigBench datasets (Suzgun et al., 2023a), which
have posed challenges for previous fine-tuning ef-
forts. Coinflip is a dataset of questions on whether
LLMs Methods GSM SVAMP ASDIV AQUA MultiArith SingleEQ AddSub
Vanilla 19.48 67.60 69.00 28.74 31.33 86.22 89.87
Vanilla+RE2 24.79 ↑ 5.31 70.90 ↑ 3.30 71.20 ↑ 2.20 30.31 ↑ 1.57 42.33 ↑ 11.00 87.20 ↑ 0.98 92.15 ↑ 2.28
CoT 58.98 78.30 77.60 40.55 89.33 92.32 91.39
CoT+RE2 61.64 ↑ 2.68 81.00 ↑ 2.70 78.60 ↑ 1.00 44.49 ↑ 3.94 93.33 ↑ 4.00 93.31 ↑ 0.99 91.65 ↑ 0.26
Vanilla 77.79 81.50
Vanilla+RE2 79.45 ↑ 1.66 84.20 ↑ 2.70 88.40 ↑ 1.40 58.27 ↓ 5.12 96.67 ↓ 1.16 94.49 ↓ 0.79 91.65 ↓ 0.76
CoT 78.77 78.70 85.60 55.91 95.50 93.70 88.61
CoT+RE2 80.59 ↑ 1.82 80.00 ↑ 1.30 86.00 ↑ 0.40 59.06 ↑ 3.15 96.50 ↑ 1.00 95.28 ↑ 1.58 89.87 ↑ 1.26
Table 1: Results on arithmetic reasoning benchmarks.
denotes that Vanilla is even superior to CoT prompting.
LLMs Methods
Commonsense Symbolic
CSQA StrategyQA ARC-e ARC-c ARC-t Date Coin
Vanilla 74.20
59.74 84.81 72.01 80.58 40.92 49.80
Vanilla+RE2 76.99 ↑ 2.79 59.91 ↑ 0.17 88.22 ↑ 3.41 75.68 ↑ 3.67 84.07 ↑ 3.49 42.01 ↑ 1.09 52.40 ↑ 2.60
CoT 71.66 67.55 85.69 73.21 81.57 46.07 95.60
CoT+RE2 73.05 ↑ 1.39 66.24 ↓ 1.31 87.84 ↑ 2.15 76.02 ↑ 2.81 83.94 ↑ 2.37 52.57 ↑ 6.50 99.60 ↑ 4.00
Vanilla 76.66
62.36 94.32
Vanilla+RE2 78.38 ↑ 1.72 66.99 ↑ 4.63 93.81 ↓ 0.51 83.19 ↓ 2.22 90.30 ↓ 1.07 47.97 ↑ 0.54 57.20 ↑ 5.20
CoT 69.94 67.82 93.35 83.53 90.11 43.63 88.80
CoT+RE2 71.66 ↑ 1.72 69.34 ↑ 1.52 93.14 ↓ 0.21 84.47 ↑ 0.94 90.27 ↑ 0.16 47.15 ↑ 3.52 95.20 ↑ 6.40
Table 2: Results on commonsense and symbolic reasoning benchmarks.
denotes that Vanilla is even superior to
CoT prompting.
a coin is still heads up after it is flipped or not based
on steps given in the questions.
3.2 Language Models and Implementations
Baseline Prompting. In our implementation, we
rigorously evaluate the performance of our RE2
model on two baseline prompting methods: Vanilla
and CoT. The Vanilla approach aligns with the
standard prompting method outlined in (Wei et al.,
2022b; Kojima et al., 2022), wherein no specific
prompts are employed to elicit thoughts from
LLMs. Conversely, the CoT method guides the
model through a step-by-step thought process.
RE2 Prompting. We incorporate our RE2 strat-
egy into these baseline methods to assess its im-
pact, denoted as Vanilla+RE2 and CoT+RE2. To
avoid the impact of randomness introduced by the
demonstrations in a few-shot setting, we mainly
assess our method in a zero-shot setting, following
(Chen et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023a; Du et al.,
2023). Additionally, for different tasks, we design
answer-format instructions in prompts to regulate
the structure of the final answer, facilitating precise
answer extraction. Detailed information regard-
ing the baseline prompting, RE2 prompting, and
answer-format instructions can be found in the pa-
per’s Appendix B.
Implementations. Our decoding strategy uses
greedy decoding with a temperature setting of
0, thus leading to deterministic outputs. For
these experiments, we employ two powerful back-
bones: ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo-0613) (OpenAI,
2022) and davinci-003 (text-davinci-003)
, across
all prompting methods, including Vanilla, CoT,
Vanilla+RE2, and CoT+RE2.
3.3 Evaluation Results
Table 1 presents the results on arithmetic reasoning
datasets, and Table 2 on commonsense reasoning
and symbolic reasoning. In almost all scenarios,
LLMs with RE2 achieve consistent improvements
across both LLMs (davinci-003 and ChatGPT) and
prompting methods (Vanilla and CoT). Specifically,
davinci-003 with Vanilla+RE2 shows average im-
provements of 3.81, 2.51, and 1.85 in arithmetic,
commonsense, and symbolic tasks, respectively.
With CoT, davinci-003 generates intermediate rea-
soning steps, significantly enhancing the reasoning
performance of LLMs. By applying RE2, davinci-
003 with CoT+RE2 demonstrates further improve-
ment, with average gains of 2.22, 1.23, and 5.25
in the same categories, respectively. These results
indicate that RE2 can benefit LLMs in directly gen-
erating answers and improve the performance of
CoT leading to correct answers.
When applied to ChatGPT, RE2 exhibits consis-
1 2 3 4 5
Times of reading
1 2 3 4 5
Times of reading
ChatGPT Vanilla ChatGPT CoT davinci-003 Vanilla davinci-003 CoT
Figure 3: Evaluation results of the times of reading on
GSM benchmark.
tent improvement on most datasets, except for a
slight drop in performance on a few datasets, e.g.,
AQUA and MultiArith, when using Vanilla+RE2.
This exception could be due to ChatGPT’s expo-
sure to these datasets with CoT outputs during in-
struction fine-tuning (IFT) (Chen et al., 2023). On
such datasets, ChatGPT with Vanilla still produces
CoT-like output (see examples in Appendix E) and
even outperforms ChatGPT with CoT (as indicated
by the
results in Tables 1 and 2). Chen et al.
(2023) obtained similar experimental results and
suggested that this occurs because ChatGPT may
have been exposed to these task datasets contain-
ing CoT explanations without explicit prompting.
Therefore, additional explicit instructions, like CoT
or RE2, might disrupt this learned pattern in Chat-
GPT, possibly leading to decreased performance.
Nonetheless, on some datasets like SVAMP, AS-
DIV, CSQA, and Date, RE2 still manages to im-
prove the baseline Vanilla prompting. Moreover, in
datasets where CoT prompting normally surpasses
Vanilla prompting, such as GSM, StrategyQA, and
Coin, RE2 significantly enhances Vanilla prompt-
ing (
4.63 on StrategyQA and
5.20 on the Coin
dataset). Overall, our RE2 method still achieves
improvements in 71% of the experiments on Chat-
GPT. More examples from the experiment results
can be found in Appendix E.
3.4 Discussions
Times of Question Reading We delve deeper
into the impact of the times of question re-reading
on reasoning performance. Figure 3 illustrates how
the performance of two distinct LLMs evolves con-
cerning various times of question re-reading. An
overarching pattern emerges across all models: per-
formance improves until the number of re-reads
reaches 2 or 3, after which it begins to decline with
LLMs Methods GSM
PS 75.59
PS+RE2 76.27
PAL 75.59
PAL + RE2 79.38
PS 55.65
PS+RE2 58.68
PAL 68.61
PAL + RE2 70.20
Table 3: Evaluation results of some thought-eliciting
promptings beyond CoT with RE2.
further increases in question re-reading times. The
potential reasons for inferior performance when
reading the question multiple times are two-fold:
i) overly repeating questions may act as demon-
strations to encourage LLMs to repeat the ques-
tion rather than generate the answer, and ii) re-
peating the question significantly increase the in-
consistency of the LLMs between our inference
and pretraining/alignment (intuitively in the learn-
ing corpora, we usually repeat a question twice to
emphasize the key part, rather not more). It’s note-
worthy that reading the question two times tends
to be optimal for accommodating most scenarios
in our experiments, which is why we refer to this
practice as “re-reading” in our paper.
Compatibility with Thought-Eliciting Prompt
Strategies Compared to previous methods at-
tempting to elicit thoughts in the output from
LLMs, our RE2 emphasizes the understanding of
the input. Therefore, we are intrigued to explore
whether RE2 is effective with various thought-
eliciting prompting strategies other than CoT. To
investigate this, we apply RE2 to two other recently
introduced prompting methods, namely, Plan-and-
Solve (PS) (Wang et al., 2023a) and Program-
Aided Language models (PAL) (Gao et al., 2023).
The former model devises a plan to divide the en-
tire task into smaller subtasks, and then carries out
the subtasks according to the plan, while the latter
generates programs as the intermediate reasoning
steps. We directly apply our RE2 to these two
methods by making a simple alteration to the in-
put by repeating the question. Table 3 presents
the evaluation findings on the GSM benchmark.
Our observations reveal a consistent trend, akin to
what was observed with chain-of-thought prompt-
ing. These results suggest that the effectiveness
of our RE2 mechanism generally extends across
various prompting methodologies.
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