# TranslucentTB
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A lightweight (uses a few MB of RAM and almost no CPU) utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent. Sadly only compatible with Windows 10, as TranslucentTB uses new Windows 10 APIs.
You can see how to use the command line in the [usage file](usage.md).
You can see examples of the customizations you can make in the image below:
![taskbar images](https://i.imgur.com/QMnfswp.png)
## Add to Startup
To add TranslucentTB to startup, run the application through the command line with `TranslucentTB.exe --startup` to automatically add it to the Windows Registry and thus make it start automatically at subsequent boots.
It also possible to do so via the tray icon's context menu.
## Features
TranslucentTB supports multiple taskbar states and dynamic taskbar states.
Normal taskbar states (choose one):
- Blurred, which makes the taskbar, well, blurred.
- Transparent, which makes the taskbar transparent. This will display your whole desktop background.
- Opaque, which makes your taskbar opaque.
Dynamic taskbar states (these can be used together):
- Dynamic Window States (dynamic-ws), which will make the taskbar blurred when a window is maximised on the current monitor and transparent otherwise.
- Dynamic Start Menu (dynamic-sm), which will make your taskbar match the system theme when the Start Menu is open. Does not change the Start Menu.
TranslucentTB also supports custom tints, which make your taskbar any color you want.
You can see it in action [here](https://gfycat.com/EverlastingCreamyIlladopsis) (Thanks @Gunny123!).
## Download
You can download the program (prebuilt executables and source snapshots) [via the releases tab](https://github.com/ethanhs/TranslucentTB/releases).
If you want to get the latest bleedging edge build, you can grab it over at the [AppVeyor artifacts](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/charlesmilette/translucenttb/build/artifacts). Note that these build may not work, or include features that are partially complete. Use at your own risk.
## Security
Some antiviruses are over eager, so they might flag this program as malicious. IT IS NOT! Over 50 thousand users have downloaded this program safely. The source is open, you can compile yourself, and I welcome any and all security reviews.
Speaking of compiling...
## Building from source
You have two options here: you can checkout either of the `develop` or `master` branches. It is highly recommended that you checkout `master` as it is stable, and `develop` may contain non-working code.
Via [git](https://git-scm.com):
$ git clone -b master https://github.com/TranslucentTB/TranslucentTB.git
You can also download a zip of each branch by clicking on the `Clone or Download` button.
Now that you have the source, you will need Visual Studio 2015. [You can get the free community edition here](https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/community/).
Once you have that installed (make sure you have the C++ components, which are included by default). Then you can open TranslucentTB.sln, and press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>B</kbd> to build the solution.
The output will be in either the Release or Debug folder.
If you don't want to open Visual Studio (or install it), you can (if you haven't installed VS) install the [Visual C++ Build Tools from Microsoft](http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools).
Then open the `Visual C++ MSBuild Command Prompt` and `cd` into the root directory of this project, before running `msbuild`.
## Thanks
I definitly could not have done this without the help of several people:
@charlesmilette, @MrAksel, @olliethepikachu, and last but certainly not least @PFCKrutonium.
If you would like to contribute, everyone is welcome to! If you are considering a major feature, need guidance,
or want to talk an idea out, don't hesitate to jump on Discord or Gitter (see above), or file an issue. The main contributors are often on Discord, Gitter and Github, so we should reply fairly quickly.
Also, at this time I have no plans of expanding this beyond the taskbar.
### Similar programs
If you are looking for something that modifies more than just the taskbar, there are several programs out there.
[Taskbar Tools](https://github.com/Elestriel/TaskbarTools) is a similar program written in C#. Elestriel plans on expanding beyond the taskbar, to Explorer and Start last I heard.
You may have seen similar translucency abilities from programs such as Start is Back++ and Classic Shell. Both of these are great programs, but I don't need the start-replacement features, so I wrote this.
Also Dynamic States allow for more customisability over the taskbar.
### Known issues
On build 14986, Windows Defender's real time protection sometimes seems to cause Explorer to freeze. There are two work-arounds: temporarily disable Defender when starting it, or start it via the command line.
I do not know if this is fixed in build 15002.
Dynamic windows (dynamic-ws) on occaison has an issue with UWP Windows. To fix this problem, try ending the ApplicationFrameHost process (this will close open UWP programs!), and restart TranslucentTB. We are working on a solution to this.
The alternative to this is to uncomment the ApplicationFrameHost line in the blacklist, but this will cause dynamic-ws to fail on UWP windows.
### License
This program is free software under the GPL v3. Please see the COPYING file for more.
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收藏 47.69MB ZIP 举报
win10美化工具,适用于1909版本,自用工具整理。 win10美化工具,适用于1909版本,自用工具整理。
win10-1909桌面美化.zip (110个子文件)
7TSP Aon 蓝色.7z 3.61MB
7TSP Aon 灰色.7z 3.61MB
刷新图标缓存.bat 1KB
刷新图标缓存.bat 1KB
config.cfg 83B
01.更改.cmd 123B
02.恢复.cmd 122B
dynamic-ws-exclude.csv 679B
msdia140.dll 1.16MB
OldNewExplorer64.dll 256KB
OldNewExplorer32.dll 250KB
Aon - Blue.exe 4.4MB
Aon - Gray.exe 4.4MB
7tsp GUI v0.6(2019).exe 3.91MB
StartIsBack2.9.exe 1.29MB
Porcelain_TW10.exe 1.28MB
mach2.exe 749KB
TranslucentTB.exe 634KB
OldNewExplorerCfg.exe 601KB
UltraUXThemePatcher_3.7.1.exe 159KB
Trash Empty.ico 490KB
Trash.ico 490KB
File_02.ico 122KB
Settings.ico 122KB
Drive OS.ico 121KB
Drive.ico 121KB
Drive Net.ico 120KB
File_01.ico 120KB
File_03.ico 120KB
Network.ico 119KB
DVD drive.ico 116KB
System.ico 116KB
Tall Folder_03.ico 116KB
Tall folder 3.ico 116KB
Programs.ico 115KB
CD drive.ico 115KB
Control Panel.ico 115KB
Time.ico 115KB
User.ico 115KB
Appearance.ico 114KB
Music.ico 114KB
Pictures.ico 114KB
Archive.ico 113KB
Ease of Access.ico 113KB
Videos.ico 112KB
Hardware.ico 112KB
Games.ico 112KB
Games.ico 112KB
3D.ico 112KB
Documents.ico 112KB
3D.ico 112KB
Zip.ico 111KB
Music.ico 111KB
Music.ico 111KB
PC.ico 111KB
File.ico 111KB
Search.ico 111KB
Search.ico 111KB
Favorites.ico 111KB
Favorites.ico 111KB
USB.ico 111KB
Administrator.ico 110KB
Links.ico 110KB
Links.ico 110KB
Pictures.ico 110KB
Pictures.ico 110KB
Tall Folder_02.ico 110KB
Tall folder 2.ico 110KB
Videos.ico 110KB
Videos.ico 110KB
Shared.ico 109KB
Documents.ico 109KB
Documents.ico 109KB
Contacts.ico 109KB
Downloads.ico 109KB
Contacts.ico 109KB
Donwloads.ico 109KB
Desktop.ico 109KB
Desktop.ico 109KB
Libraries.ico 109KB
Folder.ico 109KB
Folder.ico 109KB
Home.ico 109KB
Quick Access 01.ico 108KB
Tall folder 1.ico 108KB
Tall Folder_01.ico 108KB
Quick Access 02.ico 107KB
wallhaven-wyv9qx.jpg 1.29MB
OldNewExplorer设置图.jpg 128KB
Readme.md 6KB
usage.md 3KB
默认设置图.png 87KB
readme.txt 3KB
0.使用方法.txt 433B
任务栏图标居中方法.url 146B
图标.url 138B
【必看】iPack图标包使用方法,安装前必看,否则后果自负.url 134B
【使用前看我】7tsp图标使用教程.url 134B
使用教程,用前必看.url 134B
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