consequence, the overall power distribution over the audible
frequency range often show some uniformity and linearity. (2)
With human voices, the sum of power observed across lower
frequencies is relatively higher than the sum observed across
higher frequencies [15, 29]. As a result, there are significant
differences in the cumulative power distributions between
live-human voices and those replayed through loudspeakers.
Void extracts those differences as classification features to
accurately detect replay attacks.
Our key contributions are summarized below:
Design of a fast and light voice replay attack detection
system that uses a single classification model and just 97
classification features related to signal frequencies and cu-
mulative power distribution characteristics. Unlike existing
approaches that rely on multiple deep learning models and
do not provide much insight into complex spectral features
being extracted [7, 30], we explain the characteristics of
key spectral power features, and why those features are
effective in detecting voice spoofing attacks.
Evaluation of voice replay attack detection accuracy using
two large datasets consisting of 255,173 voice samples col-
lected from 120 participants, 15 playback devices and 12
recording devices, and 18,030 ASVspoof competition voice
samples collected from 42 participants, 26 playback speak-
ers and 25 recording devices, respectively, demonstrating
0.3% and 11.6% EER. Based on the latter EER, Void would
be ranked as the second best solution in the ASVspoof 2017
competition. Compared to the best-performing solution
from that competition, Void is about 8 times faster and uses
153 times less memory in detection. Void achieves 8.7%
EER on the ASVspoof dataset when combined with an
MFCC-based model – MFCC is already available through
speech recognition services, and would not require addi-
tional computation.
Evaluation of Void’s performance against hidden com-
mand, inaudible voice command, voice synthesis, equal-
ization (EQ) manipulation attacks, and combining replay at-
tacks with live-human voices showing 99.7%, 100%, 90.2%,
86.3%, and 98.2% detection rates, respectively.
2 Threat Model
2.1 Voice replay attacks
We define live-human audio sample as a voice utterance ini-
tiated from a human user that is directly recorded through
a microphone (such that would normally be processed by a
voice assistant). In a voice replay attack, an attacker uses a
recording device (e.g., a smartphone) in a close proximity
to a victim, and first records the victim’s utterances (spoken
words) of voice commands used to interact with voice assis-
tants [3, 11, 12]. The attacker then replays the recorded sam-
ples using an in-built speaker (e.g., available on her phone) or
Figure 1: Steps for a voice replay attack.
a standalone speaker to complete the attack (see Figure 1).
Voice replay attack may be the easiest attack to perform
but it is the most difficult one to detect as the recorded voices
have similar characteristics compared to the victim’s live
voices. In fact, most of the existing voice biometric-based
authentication (human speaker verification) systems (e.g.,
[31, 32]) are vulnerable to this kind of replay attack.
2.2 Adversarial attacks
We also consider more sophisticated attacks such as “hidden
voice command” [24, 25], “inaudible voice command” [18
20], and “voice synthesis” [6, 12] attacks that have been dis-
cussed in recent literature. Further, EQ manipulation attacks
are specifically designed to game the classification features
used by Void by adjusting specific frequency bands of attack
voice signals.
3 Requirements
3.1 Latency and model size requirements
Our conversations with several speech recognition engineers
at a large IT company (that run their own voice assistant ser-
vices with millions of subscribed users) revealed that there are
strict latency and computational power usage requirements
that must be considered upon deploying any kind of machine
learning-based services. This is because additional use of
computational power and memory through continuous invo-
cation of machine learning algorithms may incur (1) unac-
ceptable costs for businesses, and (2) unacceptable latency
(delays) for processing voice commands. Upon receiving a
voice command, voice assistants are required to respond im-
mediately without any noticeable delay. Hence, processing
delays should be close to 0 second – typically, engineers do
not consider solutions that add 100 or more milliseconds of
delay as portable solutions. A single GPU may be expected to
concurrently process 100 or more voice sessions (streaming
commands), indicating that machine learning algorithms must
be lightweight, simple, and fast.
Further, as part of future solutions, businesses are consid-
ering on-device voice assistant implementations (that would
not communicate with remote servers) to improve response
latency, save server costs, and minimize privacy issues related
to sharing users’ private voice data with remote servers. For
such on-device solutions with limited computing resources
available, the model and feature complexity and size (CPU