## Energy example
### In Energy, CEF combined with LCL can make various applications
> LCL: Various system native UI components
> CEF is a multi-process mode, by default (no standalone sub-process set) it repeatedly starts the current executable to start multiple processes, including (PtBrowser/PtRenderer/PtZygote/PtGPU/PtUtility/PtBroker/PtCrashpad/PtOther).
> When writing code, we need to pay special attention to most of the cases we write the main function in the main process, that is, the PtBrowser main process, energy provides the main process to execute the callback function, we need to write the main function in the main process callback function, if the main function or init function is written anywhere
> These function functions will be executed (repeatedly) when the child process is started, which may cause unexpected errors.
> You can also distinguish the main sub-process by setting up independent sub-processes, so that you don't need to consider the problem of repeated execution errors, and the main function or init function can also be written in any position, the principle is that after the main process (PtBrowser) is successfully started, the main process application. The SetBrowserSubprocessPath("sub.exe) function sets the pathname of the child process execution file
> The child process is a separate execution file that does not need to write any major functions. Example program: sub-process
| Example Name | Example Description |
| [app-icon-gen](app-icon-gen) | Windows application icon generation, Linux and macOSX not provided |
| [audio-video](audio-video) | Music and Videos |
| [build-examples](build-examples) | build all example |
| [clipbrd](clipbrd) | clipbrd |
| [context-menu](context-menu) | Customize right-click menu |
| [control-widget](control-widget) | The state control of page control refresh, forward, backward, and stop refresh based on LCL components can be combined with various system components in Energy |
| [cookie](cookie) | Setting, obtaining, and deleting cookies |
| [cookie-manager](cookie-manager) | Cookie Management |
| [custom-drag-window](custom-drag-window) | custom-drag-window |
| [dev-tools](dev-tools) | Developer Tools |
| [dom-visitor](dom-visitor) | Document operation display |
| [download](download) | Download files |
| [drag-file](drag-file) | Drag and drop the file into the browser window |
| [execute-dev-tools-method](execute-dev-tools-method) | Execute Developer Tool Method |
| [execute-javascript](execute-javascript) | Executing JS code in the page in Go |
| [flash-for-cef-v87](flash-for-cef-v87) | Borderless Window |
| [frameless](frameless) | Borderless Window |
| [i18n](i18n) | Local multilingual adaptation |
| [internal-http-server](internal-http-server) | Internal Services |
| [ipc-on-emit](ipc-on-emit) | Event monitoring and triggering for Go and JS |
| [key-event](key-event) | Keyboard events in HTML |
| [lib-checkupdate](lib-checkupdate) | energy and liblcl update examples |
| [load-html-url](load-html-url) | Display the loaded Html string or Url address on the page |
| [msgbox](msgbox) | LCL based system prompts |
| [osr](osr) | osr |
| [popup-sub-window](popup-sub-window) | Pop up sub window |
| [print-pdf](print-pdf) | Printing pages as PDF documents |
| [process-type](process-type) | When there are multiple processes, the process type
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