package mmdeploy;
/** @description: the Java API class of PoseTracker. */
public class PoseTracker {
static {
private final long handle;
private long stateHandle;
/** @description: Single tracking result of a bbox. */
public static class Result {
/** Keypoints. */
public PointF[] keypoints;
/** Scores. */
public float[] scores;
/** Bbox */
public Rect bbox;
/** Target ID. */
public int targetID;
/** Initializes a new instance of the Result class.
* @param keypoints: keypoints.
* @param scores: scores.
* @param bbox: bbox.
* @param targetID: target ID.
public Result(PointF[] keypoints, float[] scores, Rect bbox, int targetID) {
this.keypoints = keypoints;
this.scores = scores;
this.bbox = bbox;
this.targetID = targetID;
/** @description: PoseTracker parameters. */
public static class Params {
/** Det interval. */
public int detInterval;
/** Det label. */
public int detLabel;
/** Det threshold. */
public float detThr;
/** Det min bbox size. */
public float detMinBboxSize;
/** Det nms threshold. */
public float detNmsThr;
/** Pose max number of bboxes. */
public int poseMaxNumBboxes;
/** Pose keypoint threshold. */
public float poseKptThr;
/** Pose min keypoints. */
public int poseMinKeypoints;
/** Pose bbox scale. */
public float poseBboxScale;
/** Pose min bbox size. */
public float poseMinBboxSize;
/** Pose nms threshold. */
public float poseNmsThr;
/** Keypoint sigmas */
public float[] keypointSigmas;
/** Keypoint sigmas size. */
public int keypointSigmasSize;
/** Track iou threshold. */
public float trackIouThr;
/** Track max missing. */
public int trackMaxMissing;
/** Track history size. */
public int trackHistorySize;
/** std weight position. */
public float stdWeightPosition;
/** std weight velocity. */
public float stdWeightVelocity;
/** Smooth params. */
public float[] smoothParams;
/** Initializes a new instance of the Params class.
* @param detInterval: det interval.
* @param detLabel: det label.
* @param detThr: det threshold.
* @param detMinBboxSize: det min bbox size.
* @param detNmsThr: det nms threshold.
* @param poseMaxNumBboxes: pose max number of bboxes.
* @param poseKptThr: pose keypoint threshold.
* @param poseMinKeypoints: pose min keypoints.
* @param poseBboxScale: pose bbox scale.
* @param poseMinBboxSize: pose min bbox size.
* @param poseNmsThr: pose nms threshold.
* @param keypointSigmas: keypoint sigmas.
* @param keypointSigmasSize: keypoint sigmas size.
* @param trackIouThr: track iou threshold.
* @param trackMaxMissing: track max missing.
* @param trackHistorySize: track history size.
* @param stdWeightPosition: std weight position.
* @param stdWeightVelocity: std weight velocity.
* @param smoothParams: smooth params.
public Params(int detInterval, int detLabel, float detThr, float detMinBboxSize, float detNmsThr, int poseMaxNumBboxes,
float poseKptThr, int poseMinKeypoints, float poseBboxScale, float poseMinBboxSize, float poseNmsThr, float[] keypointSigmas,
int keypointSigmasSize, float trackIouThr, int trackMaxMissing, int trackHistorySize, float stdWeightPosition, float stdWeightVelocity,
float[] smoothParams) {
this.detInterval = detInterval;
this.detLabel = detLabel;
this.detThr = detThr;
this.detMinBboxSize = detMinBboxSize;
this.detNmsThr = detNmsThr;
this.poseMaxNumBboxes = poseMaxNumBboxes;
this.poseKptThr = poseKptThr;
this.poseMinKeypoints = poseMinKeypoints;
this.poseBboxScale = poseBboxScale;
this.poseMinBboxSize = poseMinBboxSize;
this.poseNmsThr = poseNmsThr;
this.keypointSigmas = keypointSigmas.clone();
this.keypointSigmasSize = keypointSigmasSize;
this.trackIouThr = trackIouThr;
this.trackMaxMissing = trackMaxMissing;
this.trackHistorySize = trackHistorySize;
this.stdWeightPosition = stdWeightPosition;
this.stdWeightVelocity = stdWeightVelocity;
this.smoothParams = smoothParams.clone();
/** Initializes a new instance of the PoseTracker class.
* @param detect: detect model.
* @param pose: pose model.
* @param context: context.
* @exception Exception: create PoseTracker failed exception.
public PoseTracker(Model detect, Model pose, Context context) throws Exception{
handle = create(detect.handle(), pose.handle(), context.handle());
if (handle == -1) {
throw new Exception("Create PoseDetector failed!");
/** Initializes a new instance of the Params class.
* @return: default value of params.
public Params initParams() {
Params params = setDefaultParams();
return params;
/** Initializes a new instance of the State class.
* @param params: params.
* @return: the handle of State.
public long createState(Params params) {
stateHandle = createState(handle, params);
return stateHandle;
/** Get information of each frame in a batch.
* @param states: states of each frame in a batch.
* @param frames: input mats.
* @param detects: use detects result or not.
* @exception Exception: apply PoseTracker failed exception.
* @return: results of each input mat.
public Result[][] apply(long[] states, Mat[] frames, int[] detects) throws Exception{
int[] counts = new int[frames.length];
Result[] results = apply(handle, states, frames, detects, counts);
if (results == null) {
throw new Exception("Apply PoseTracker failed!");
Result[][] rets = new Result[frames.length][];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) {
Result[] row = new Result[counts[i]];
if (counts[i] >= 0) {
System.arraycopy(results, offset, row, 0, counts[i]);
offset += counts[i];
rets[i] = row;
return rets;
/** Get information of one frame.
* @param state: state of frame.
* @param frame: input mat.
* @param detect: use detect result or not.
* @exception Exception: apply PoseTracker failed exception.
* @return: result of input mat.
public Result[] apply(long state, Mat frame, int detect) throws Exception{
long[] states = new long[]{state};
Mat[] frames = new Mat[]{frame};
int[] detects = new int[]{detect};
int[] counts = new int[1];
Result[] results = apply(handle, states, frames, detects, counts);
if (results == null) {
throw new Exception("Apply PoseTracker failed!");
return results;
/** Release the instance of PoseTracker. */
public void release() {
/** Release the instance of State. */