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<h1 align="center" style="margin: 30px 0 30px; font-weight: bold;">OpenSCA-Cli</h1>
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## Introduction
OpenSCA is intended for scanning third-party dependencies and vulnerabilities.
Our website: [https://opensca.xmirror.cn](https://opensca.xmirror.cn)
Click **STAR** to encourage us.
## Detection Ability
OpenSCA is now capable of parsing configuration files in the listed programming languages and correspondent package managers. The team is now dedicated to introducing more languages and enriching the parsing of relevant configuration files gradually.
| ------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Java` | `Maven` | `pom.xml` |
| `Java` | `Gradle` | `.gradle` `.gradle.kts` |
| `JavaScript` | `Npm` | `package-lock.json` `package.json` `yarn.lock` |
| `PHP` | `Composer` | `composer.json` `composer.lock` |
| `Ruby` | `gem` | `gemfile.lock` |
| `Golang` | `gomod` | `go.mod` `go.sum` |
| `Rust` | `cargo` | `Cargo.lock` |
| `Erlang` | `Rebar` | `rebar.lock` |
| `Python` | `Pip` | `Pipfile` `Pipfile.lock` `setup.py` `requirements.txt` `requirements.in`(For the latter two, pipenv environment & internet connection are needed) |
## Download and Deployment
1. Download the appropriate executable file according to your system architecture from [releases](https://gitee.com/XmirrorSecurity/OpenSCA-cli/releases).
2. Or download the source code and compile (go 1.18 and above is needed)
git clone https://gitee.com/XmirrorSecurity/OpenSCA-cli.git opensca
cd opensca
go work init cli analyzer util
go build -o opensca-cli cli/main.go
The default option is to generate the program of the current system architecture. If you want to try it for other system architectures, you can set the following environment variables before compiling.
- Set the operating system `GOOS=${OS} \\ darwin,freebsd,liunx,windows`
- Set the architecture `GOARCH=${arch} \\ 386,amd64,arm`
## Samples
### Scan & Report in CLI/CRT (default)
Detect the components only:
opensca-cli -path ${project_path}
Connect to the cloud vulnerability database:
opensca-cli -url ${url} -token ${token} -path ${project_path}
Or use the local vulnerability database:
opensca-cli -db db.json -path ${project_path}
### Scan & Report in Files (use the `out` parameter)
Files supported by the `out` parameter are listed below:
| ------ | ------ | -------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| REPORT | `json` | `.json` | `*` |
| | `xml` | `.xml` | `*` |
| | `html` | `.html` | `v1.0.6` and above |
| SBOM | `spdx` | `.spdx` `.spdx.json` `.spdx.xml` | `v1.0.8` and above |
| | `cdx` | `.cdx.json` `.cdx.xml` | `v1.0.11`and above |
| | `swid` | `.swid.json` `.swid.xml` | `v1.0.11`and above |
#### Sample
opensca-cli -url ${url} -token ${token} -path ${project_path} -out ${filename}.${suffix}
## Parameters
**You can either configure the parameters in the configuration file or input the parameters in the command-line. When the two conflict, the input parameters will be prioritized.**
| ---------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `config` | `string` | Set the configuration file path, when the program runs, the parameter of the configuration file will be used as the startup parameters. If the configuration parameter conflicts with the command-line input parameter, the latter will be taken. | `-config config.json` |
| `path` | `string` | Set the file or directory path to be detected. | `-path ./foo` |
| `url` | `string` | Check the vulnerabilities from the cloud vulnerability database and set the address of the cloud service. It needs to be used with the `token` parameter. | `-url https://opensca.xmirror.cn`