<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<AutoVisualizer xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/vstudio/debugger/natvis/2010">
<Type Name="QPoint">
<AlternativeType Name="QPointF"/>
<DisplayString>{{ x = {xp}, y = {yp} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[x]">xp</Item>
<Item Name="[y]">yp</Item>
<Type Name="QRect">
<DisplayString>{{ x = {x1}, y = {y1}, width = {x2 - x1 + 1}, height = {y2 - y1 + 1} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[x]">x1</Item>
<Item Name="[y]">y1</Item>
<Item Name="[width]">x2 - x1 + 1</Item>
<Item Name="[height]">y2 - y1 + 1</Item>
<Type Name="QRectF">
<DisplayString>{{ x = {xp}, y = {yp}, width = {w}, height = {h} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[x]">xp</Item>
<Item Name="[y]">yp</Item>
<Item Name="[width]">w</Item>
<Item Name="[height]">h</Item>
<Type Name="QSize">
<AlternativeType Name="QSizeF"/>
<DisplayString>{{ width = {wd}, height = {ht} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[width]">wd</Item>
<Item Name="[height]">ht</Item>
<Type Name="QLine">
<AlternativeType Name="QLineF"/>
<DisplayString>{{ start point = {pt1}, end point = {pt2} }}</DisplayString>
<Synthetic Name="[start point]">
<Synthetic Name="[end point]">
<Type Name="QPolygon">
<DisplayString>{{ size = {d->size} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[referenced]">d->ref.atomic._q_value</Item>
<ValuePointer>(QPoint*)((reinterpret_cast<char*>(d)) + d->offset)</ValuePointer>
<Type Name="QPolygonF">
<DisplayString>{{ size = {d->size} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[closed]">
d->size > 0
&& ((((QPointF*)((reinterpret_cast<char*>(d)) + d->offset)[0]).xp
== (((QPointF*)((reinterpret_cast<char*>(d)) + d->offset)[d->size - 1]).xp)
&& ((((QPointF*)((reinterpret_cast<char*>(d)) + d->offset)[0]).yp
== (((QPointF*)((reinterpret_cast<char*>(d)) + d->offset)[d->size - 1]).yp)
<Item Name="[referenced]">d->ref.atomic._q_value</Item>
<ValuePointer>(QPointF*)((reinterpret_cast<char*>(d)) + d->offset)</ValuePointer>
<Type Name ="QVector2D">
<DisplayString>{{ x = {xp}, y = {yp} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[x]">xp</Item>
<Item Name="[y]">yp</Item>
<Type Name ="QVector3D">
<DisplayString>{{ x = {xp}, y = {yp}, z = {zp} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[x]">xp</Item>
<Item Name="[y]">yp</Item>
<Item Name="[z]">zp</Item>
<Type Name ="QVector4D">
<DisplayString>{{ x = {xp}, y = {yp}, z = {zp}, w = {wp} }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[x]">xp</Item>
<Item Name="[y]">yp</Item>
<Item Name="[z]">zp</Item>
<Item Name="[w]">wp</Item>
<Type Name ="QMatrix">
{{ m11 = {_m11}, m12 = {_m12}, m21 = {_m21}, m22 = {_m22}, ... }}
<Item Name="[m11]">_m11</Item>
<Item Name="[m12]">_m12</Item>
<Item Name="[m21]">_m21</Item>
<Item Name="[m22]">_m22</Item>
<Item Name="[dx]">_dx</Item>
<Item Name="[dy]">_dy</Item>
<Type Name ="QMatrix4x4">
{{ m11 = {m[0][0]}, m12 = {m[1][0]}, m13 = {m[2][0]}, m14 = {m[3][0]}, ... }}
<Item Name="[m11]">m[0][0]</Item>
<Item Name="[m12]">m[1][0]</Item>
<Item Name="[m13]">m[2][0]</Item>
<Item Name="[m14]">m[3][0]</Item>
<Item Name="[m21]">m[0][1]</Item>
<Item Name="[m22]">m[1][1]</Item>
<Item Name="[m23]">m[2][1]</Item>
<Item Name="[m24]">m[3][1]</Item>
<Item Name="[m31]">m[0][2]</Item>
<Item Name="[m32]">m[1][2]</Item>
<Item Name="[m33]">m[2][2]</Item>
<Item Name="[m34]">m[3][2]</Item>
<Item Name="[m41]">m[0][3]</Item>
<Item Name="[m42]">m[1][3]</Item>
<Item Name="[m43]">m[2][3]</Item>
<Item Name="[m44]">m[3][3]</Item>
<Type Name="QSizePolicy">
{{ horizontal = {static_cast<Policy>(bits.horPolicy)}, vertical = {static_cast<Policy>(bits.verPolicy)}, type = {ControlType(1 << bits.ctype)} }}
<Synthetic Name="[vertical policy]">
<Synthetic Name="[horizontal policy]">
<Synthetic Name="[control type]">
<DisplayString>QSizePolicy::ControlType::{ControlType(1 << bits.ctype)}</DisplayString>
<Synthetic Name="[expanding directions]">
Condition="(static_cast<Policy>(bits.verPolicy) & ExpandFlag)">
Qt::Vertical (2)