| [English](https://github.com/amisadmin/fastapi_amis_admin)
# Introduction
<h2 align="center">
<p align="center">
<em>fastapi-amis-admin is a high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework.</em><br/>
<em>Inspired by Django-admin, and has as many powerful functions as Django-admin.</em>
<p align="center">
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<a href="https://github.com/amisadmin/fastapi_amis_admin" target="_blank">source code</a>
<a href="http://demo.amis.work/admin" target="_blank">online demo</a>
<a href="http://docs.gh.amis.work" target="_blank">documentation</a>
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`fastapi-amis-admin` is a high-performance and efficient framework based on `fastapi` & `amis` with `Python 3.7+`, and
based on standard Python type hints. The original intention of the development is to improve the application ecology and
to quickly generate a visual dashboard for the web application . According to the `Apache2.0` protocol, it is free and
open source . But in order to better operate and maintain this project in the long run, I very much hope to get
everyone's sponsorship and support.
## Features
- **High performance**: Based on [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/). Enjoy all the benefits.
- **High efficiency**: Perfect code type hints. Higher code reusability.
- **Support asynchronous and synchronous hybrid writing**: `ORM` is based on`SQLModel` & `Sqlalchemy`. Freely customize
database type. Support synchronous and asynchronous mode. Strong scalability.
- **Front-end separation**: The front-end is rendered by `Amis`, the back-end interface is automatically generated
by `fastapi-amis-admin`. The interface is reusable.
- **Strong scalability**: The background page supports `Amis` pages and ordinary `html` pages. Easily customize the
interface freely.
- **Automatic api documentation**: Automatically generate Interface documentation by `FastAPI`. Easily debug and share
## Dependencies
- [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/): Finish the web part.
- [SQLModel](https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com/): Finish `ORM` model mapping. Perfectly
combine [SQLAlchemy](https://www.sqlalchemy.org/) with [Pydantic](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/), and have all
their features .
- [Amis](https://baidu.gitee.io/amis): Finish admin page presentation.
## Composition
`fastapi-amis-admin` consists of three core modules, of which, `amis`, `fastapi-sqlmodel-crud` can be used as separate
modules, `amis_admin` is developed by the former.
- `amis`: Based on the `pydantic` data model building library of `baidu amis`. To generate/parse data rapidly.
- `fastapi-sqlmodel-crud`: Based on `FastAPI` &`SQLModel`. To quickly build Create, Read, Update, Delete common API
interface .
- `admin`: Inspired by `Django-Admin`. Combine `amis` with `fastapi-sqlmodel-crud`. To quickly build Web Admin
dashboard .
## Installation
pip install fastapi_amis_admin
## Simple Example
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.settings import Settings
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.site import AdminSite
# create FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()
# create AdminSite instance
site = AdminSite(settings=Settings(database_url_async='sqlite+aiosqlite:///amisadmin.db'))
# mount AdminSite instance
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, debug=True)
## ModelAdmin Example
from fastapi import FastAPI
from sqlmodel import SQLModel
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.settings import Settings
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.site import AdminSite
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin import admin
from fastapi_amis_admin.models.fields import Field
# create FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()
# create AdminSite instance
site = AdminSite(settings=Settings(database_url_async='sqlite+aiosqlite:///amisadmin.db'))
# Create an SQLModel, see document for details: https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com/
class Category(SQLModel, table=True):
id: int = Field(default=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
name: str = Field(title='CategoryName')
description: str = Field(default='', title='Description')
# register ModelAdmin
class CategoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
page_schema = 'Category'
# set model
model = Category
# mount AdminSite instance
# create initial database table
async def startup():
await site.db.async_run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all, is_session=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, debug=True)
## FormAdmin Example
from typing import Any
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from starlette.requests import Request
from fastapi_amis_admin.amis.components import Form
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin import admin
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.settings import Settings
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.site import AdminSite
from fastapi_amis_admin.crud.schema import BaseApiOut
from fastapi_amis_admin.models.fields import Field
# create FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()
# create AdminSite instance
site = AdminSite(settings=Settings(database_url_async='sqlite+aiosqlite:///amisadmin.db'))
# register FormAdmin
class UserLoginFormAdmin(admin.FormAdmin):
page_schema = 'UserLoginForm'
# set form information, optional
form = Form(title='This is a test login form', submitText='login')
# create form schema
class schema(BaseModel):
username: str = Field(..., title='username', min_length=3, max_length=30)
password: str = Field(..., title='password')
# handle form submission data
async def handle(self, request: Request, data: BaseModel, **kwargs) -> BaseApiOut[Any]:
if data.username == 'amisadmin' and data.password == 'amisadmin':
return BaseApiOut(msg='Login successfully!', data={'token': 'xxxxxx'})
return BaseApiOut(status=-1, msg='Incorrect username or password!')
# mount AdminSite instance
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, debug=True)
## Working with Command
# Install command line extension
pip install fastapi_amis_admin[cli]
# View help
faa --help
# Initialize a `FastAPI-Amis-Admin` project
faa new project_name --init
# Initialize a `FastAPI-Amis-Admin` application
faa new app_name
# Fast running project
faa run
## Preview
- Open `` in your browser:
- Open `` in your browser:
## Project
- [`Amis-Admin-Theme-Editor`](https://github.com/swelcker/amis-admin-theme-editor):Theme-Editor for the fastapi-amis-admin.
Allows to add custom css styles and to apply theme --vars change on the fly.
- [`FastAPI-User-Auth`](https://github.com/amisadmin/fastapi_user_auth): A simple and powerful `FastAPI` user `RB
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
fastapi-amis-admin是一个拥有高性能,高效率,易拓展的fastapi管理后台框架。启发自Django-Admin,并且拥有不逊色于Django-Admin的强大功能。是一个基于fastapi+amis开发的高性能并且高效率 web-admin 框架,使用 Python 3.7+ 并基于标准的 Python 类型提示. fastapi-amis-admin开发的初衷是为了完善fastapi应用生态,为fastapi web应用程序快速生成一个可视化管理后台。 性能极高:基于FastAPI, 可享受FastAPI的全部优势. 效率更快:完善的编码类型提示, 代码可重用性更高. 支持异步和同步混合编写: ORM基于SQLModel+Sqlalchemy, 可自由定制数据库类型, 支持同步及异步模式, 可拓展性强. 前后端分离: 前端由Amis渲染, 后端接口由fastapi-amis-admin自动生成, 接口可重复利用. 可拓展性强: 后台页面支持Amis页面及普通html页面,开发者可以很方便的自由定制界面. 自动生成API文档: 由FastAPI自动生成接口文
启发自Django-Admi (162个子文件)
.gitignore 2KB
app.html 7KB
page.html 1KB
sidecar-1.5.0.js 19KB
sidecar-1.5.0.js 19KB
chat.js 83B
chat.js 83B
pdm.lock 149KB
ModelAdmin.md 9KB
index.md 9KB
README.zh.md 8KB
index.md 8KB
ModelAdmin.md 8KB
ModelAdmin.md 8KB
ModelAdmin.md 7KB
user-auth.md 7KB
user-auth.md 6KB
PageAdmin.md 5KB
ModelAction.md 5KB
ModelAction.md 5KB
permission.md 5KB
PageAdmin.md 5KB
permission.md 5KB
Inheritance.md 4KB
Settings.md 4KB
Inheritance.md 4KB
BaseCrud.md 4KB
BaseCrud.md 3KB
Settings.md 3KB
AdminApp.md 3KB
BaseAdmin.md 3KB
BaseAdmin.md 3KB
AdminApp.md 3KB
AdminApp.md 3KB
SQLModelCrud.md 3KB
FormAdmin.md 2KB
SQLModelCrud.md 2KB
AdminApp.md 2KB
about.md 2KB
FormAdmin.md 2KB
scheduler.md 2KB
about.md 2KB
debug.md 2KB
database.md 2KB
scheduler.md 2KB
database.md 2KB
structure.md 2KB
structure.md 2KB
quickstart.md 2KB
debug.md 2KB
quickstart.md 2KB
Settings.md 2KB
types.md 2KB
FormAdmin.md 2KB
types.md 2KB
FormAdmin.md 2KB
Settings.md 1KB
ModelAction.md 1KB
ModelAction.md 1KB
alembic.md 1KB
PageSchemaAdmin.md 1KB
i18n.md 1KB
PageAdmin.md 1KB
alembic.md 1KB
PageSchemaAdmin.md 1KB
i18n.md 1KB
PageAdmin.md 1KB
AdminGroup.md 1KB
AdminSite.md 1KB
TemplateAdmin.md 1KB
TemplateAdmin.md 1004B
AdminGroup.md 960B
AdminSite.md 932B
TemplateAdmin.md 732B
about.md 683B
TemplateAdmin.md 670B
about.md 610B
cli.md 580B
cli.md 548B
RouterMixin.md 465B
RouterMixin.md 441B
RouterAdmin.md 353B
RouterAdmin.md 316B
SQLModel.md 94B
SQLModel.md 76B
_more.md 21B
_more.md 21B
_more.md 20B
_more.md 20B
todo.md 0B
messages.mo 2KB
messages.mo 2KB
ModelAdmin.png 79KB
ModelAdmin.png 79KB
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