# Vue Scroll Picker
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iOS Style Scroll Picker Component for Vue 3. Support All Gestures of Mouse(also
MouseWheel) and Touch.
If you are using vue 2, please refer to the
[v0.x branch](https://github.com/wan2land/vue-scroll-picker/tree/0.x-vue2).
[See Example](http://vue-scroll-picker.dist.be) ([sources](./example))
## Installation
npm i vue-scroll-picker
## Usage
**Global Registration**
[Vue3 Global Registration Guide](https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/component-registration.html#global-registration)
import { createApp } from "vue";
import VueScrollPicker from "vue-scroll-picker";
import "vue-scroll-picker/lib/style.css";
const app = createApp(); /* */
app.use(VueScrollPicker); // export default is plugin
**Local Registration**
[Vue3 Local Registration Guide](https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/component-registration.html#local-registration)
<VueScrollPicker :options="options" />
import { VueScrollPicker } from 'vue-scroll-picker'
export default {
components: {
VueScrollPicker, // export VueScrollPicker is component
<style src="vue-scroll-picker/lib/style.css"></style>
## Options
### Props
| Name | Type | Default | Example |
| ----------------- | :------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| modelValue | `any` | `null` | |
| placeholder | `string` | `null` | |
| empty | `string` | `'No Items'` | |
| options | `string[]`<br /> `{ name: string, value: any }[]` | `[]` | `["10KG", "20KG", "30KG"]`<br /> `[{value: 10, name: "10KG"}, {value: 20, name: "20KG"}]` |
| dragSensitivity | `number` | `1.7` | |
| touchSensitivity | `number` | `1.7` | |
| scrollSensitivity | `number` | `1` | |
### Events
| Name | Type |
| ----------------- | :---- |
| update:modelValue | `any` |
### Slots
| Name | Prop | Default |
| ----------- | :----------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| default | `{ option: { name: string, value: any } }` | `{{ option.name }}` |
| placeholder | `{ text: string }` | `{{ placeholder }}` |
| empty | `{ text: string }` | `No Items` |